CVSD Update

December 2023
Winter Break December 25, 2023 - January 1, 2024. School resumes on January 2.
Superintendent's Message
Dear CVSD Families and Caregivers,
As we approach the Winter Break and reflect upon the first part of the academic year, I am grateful for the continuous support and collaboration from all of the families and caregivers of the Champlain Valley School District’s students.
The joy and hope our students, teachers, and staff bring to our campuses is even more evident at this time of year. This joy and hope highlight the vast future potential created by the learning that takes place in our schools. This holiday season reminds us that our children and families benefit from better outcomes when we come together as a learning and caring community. We are thankful for family involvement and are happy to celebrate that at this time of year.
The winter break is a time for rest, rejuvenation, and spending quality time with loved ones. I encourage our students to take this time to relax and pursue activities they enjoy, whether reading, exploring the outdoors, or engaging in creative projects. Hopefully, we will get a lot more snow shortly, so if you had planned on enjoying skiing or snowboarding over the break, you would get the opportunity to do so.
Looking ahead to the new year, we are excited to continue our journey of growth and belonging. Our strategic plan is complete, and we will release a booklet with the actions and timelines by the end of January. We will host our rescheduled virtual Strategic Plan Town Hall meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, December 20 at 6:30 p.m., to discuss next steps and the current and future work on growth and belonging. Next, we are scheduled to present the Panorama survey data you submitted in October at our January 23rd Board Meeting. Also, by the end of January, we will have the final budget ready to present to our voters for Town Meeting Day. Please follow the budget development process and join or view our board meetings and other budget-focused events. You can find all of the necessary information on the budget page of our website.
On behalf of the entire Champlain Valley School District, I wish you and your families a joyful, peaceful, and safe winter break. May this time off bring you happiness and relaxation and I hope that the new year is filled with opportunities and continued success.
December Virtual Town Hall - Rescheduled!
Due to a scheduling conflict, the Virtual Town Hall originally scheduled for December 13 was moved to December 20. We hope you'll join in! Superintendent Sanchez will share updates about the strategic plan and the budget development process and engage in conversations with those attending. Find the Zoom information on the calendar on the left side of the district's homepage.
Curriculum and Assessment
K-4 Report Cards
K-4 report cards will now be sent home by email using Jumprope, the same reporting tool that is used in grades 5-12. The standards that are being reported on remain the same as the standards in last year’s report card with minor language changes to provide consistency in formatting. We are excited about this shift in reporting as it allows us to have all of our classroom learning data in one place from kindergarten through graduation.
Williston Walk to School Day
HCS kindergarten engineers
Spirit Week at SCS
CCS 3rd graders learning about states of matter - they made ice cream!
CVU's unified bowling season is coming to a close
The lean-to at ABS's Tree Island is complete!
2024-2025 Pre-K Lottery is Now Open!
The CVSD Early Education Program is now accepting applications for a random prekindergarten lottery drawing for the 2024-25 school year! All applications must be received by February 5, 2024. Learn more on the Early Ed website.
Upcoming Events and Resources
Budget Video Series
Please view this series of videos related to the budget development process. We'll add more to the series when they become available.
- Budget Video Series Introduction with Board Chair, Angela Arsenault
- Learn about Education Quality Standards from Director of Learning and Innovation, Sarah Crum
- CVSD Director of Student Support Services, Anna Couperthwait, shares information about how special education is financed and budgeted.
- Our Operations and Maintenance department has more facets than you might think. COO Gary Marckres provides an overview
DEI Town Halls - New Format!
Join the CVSD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team as we celebrate diversity and connect with the diverse cultures of our community. At these in-person events we will learn the history of the various communities in Vermont. There will be shared cultural experiences, including art, food, and conversations about educational experiences. At each gathering various groups, community members and stakeholders will present about their lives, work, and contributions to our state.
January 19th, 6-8pm - Shelburne Community School
Nepali Community in Vermont
March 15th, 6-8pm - Williston Central School
Somali Community in Vermont
Hour of Code
We have heard from many families that they'd like to extend Hour of Code Week, also known as Computer Science Education Week, at home. Check out this site for ideas and resources.
Decision-Making About Snow Days
Have you wondered how decisions about school closings and delays are made? This document outlines the many elements that are considered.
Reminder: Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024
Considering the traffic and safety concerns associated with the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse in Vermont, the Champlain Valley Superintendents Association, in consultation with local authorities and representatives from NASA, are moving forward with an early dismissal for students on that day. This proactive measure would prioritize the safety of our students, ensuring that they are not caught in the potential traffic congestion and safety hazards that could arise due to the eclipse's significant public interest.
The path of the eclipse moves directly across Burlington and Saint Albans. Although it is hard to imagine, it is anticipated that more than 250,000 people will travel to this area alone to view the eclipse. This does not account for those of us already living here. It is anticipated that eclipse goers will begin to line up along major traffic corridors and side roads beginning mid-day. The eclipse is scheduled to end in totality at 3:30 and partially at 4:30 creating traffic congestion that could potentially last until 6:30 p.m.
Students will be dismissed early to provide ample time for them to arrive home safely. There will be no after-school or evening events. We will provide more information as we get closer to that date.
Updates from CVSD Partners
Youth Vaping: What’s CVSD Doing About It?
You’ve likely heard more about youth vaping these days. And rightly so, the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey reported 16% of Vermont high school students used an EVP (electron vaping device) in the past 30 days. Vaping is not a social norm or youth trend. It’s an increasingly serious health issue for our kids.
That’s why CVSD and Connecting Youth continue to proactively address vaping as a health issue. Our prevention strategies are restorative, not punitive. We aim to educate, empower and support. Not point blame. And we know prevention is most effective when it connects people across multiple social and economic settings.
From community education to readily accessible quit resources, learn more here about our prevention efforts to help youth make the healthiest choices. If you have questions, ideas or just want to learn more, reach out to your school’s SAPs. We're in this together!
The food writer and journalist of Seven Days, Melissa Pasanen, wrote a fantastic piece on ACCESS CVU's cooking classes in a recent issue! This is a lovely and lengthy article spotlighting the long running success of ACCESS cooking classes and the draw of global cuisine in Vermont. It has already garnered much attention within the general community, and we look forward to building on this momentum next semester!
Did you miss a snow day communication?
PowerSchool Annual Updates
Please provide the most current contact information for us in Powerschool. That way you won't miss a snow day communication or an emergency notification. The Annual Update Forms MUST be completed each year. Forms may be completed on-line or using the PowerSchool Mobile App.
Returning students and anyone who registered their student for this school year before August 1 must fill out the forms.
Access these directions to use the PowerSchool Mobile App
Please contact your school if you need assistance in any way.
Free and Reduced Meal Information - Please Read!
We request that all families fill out the Free and Reduced Meal application each year as well. Students need healthy meals to learn. The Champlain Valley School District offers healthy meals every school day. In School Year 2023-2024, all students will receive free breakfast and lunch at school. Even though there is no charge for breakfast and lunch, we ask that you to fill out this application for free and reduced-price school meals.
This document provides many of the reasons why it is important to fill out the forms even though meals are free to students this year. Please go to the Free and Reduced Meals page on our website to learn more and to access the online and printable forms.
If you did not receive your eligibility letter for Free & Reduced meals and you would like a copy of it, please contact Stephanie Hurlburt at SHurlburt@cvsdvt.org or 802.985.1925.
The state has made COVID tests available to municipalities, libraries, and food shelves to be distributed for free to the public.
As always, if you are sick, please stay at home. When you feel better, you can return to school. Refer to the Health Services page of our website for the answers to frequently asked questions.
Sign Up to Receive SMS/Text Messages!
Please enroll to receive text messages from the district and/or our schools. If you haven't done this yet or if you are new to CVSD, follow the easy steps on this flyer. We don't overuse this method of communication, but it is helpful for reminders and quick announcements. Don't miss out!
If you've already opted in, there's no need to do it again.
Let's Talk!
Let’s Talk! makes it easy for you to engage with school and district leaders on the topics that matter most. Your inquiry is automatically routed to the person or team best suited to respond, ensuring you receive timely and accurate responses every time.
Send us a text from a mobile device! Use these numbers to reach out via text: (Note: these numbers do not accept phone calls)
District inquiries: 802-278-9468
Allen Brook School: 802-278-0526
CVU: 802-278-9510
Charlotte Central School: 802-278-6935
Hinesburg Community School: 802-278-0453
Shelburne Community School: 802-278-9659
Williston Central School: 802-278-6671
Please use this platform to share your questions, feedback, suggestions, and compliments.
Look for the Let's Talk tab or page on our district's website.
CVSD Is Hiring!
We are hiring for a variety of positions for the 2023-2024 school year. Join our team!