October Tiger News
October 1, 2024

October 1, 2024
Dear IRS Families,
I hope you all have had a chance to get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. The fall colors are coming into focus and painting the landscape around us.
Events coming our way in the month of October :
October 14 Columbus Day Holiday - No School
October 23 Early Dismissal Day
October 25, 26 and 27 Fall Drama Production of “The Bremen Town Musicians”
October 31 First Quarter Ends
As we see the leaves change color we can anticipate the winter season to come. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the beautiful colors of fall and wish happiness and joy for all of you.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Towle
Snack Time!
Thanks to the hard work of Friends of Mascoma our school is provided with some snacks for our students. Food insecurity is not only a district-wide issue, but state wide as well.
While we keep some snacks in the office we go through them very quickly, these middle school students are growing kiddos! If you are able to donate snacks to your student's homeroom they'd love it, quick easy and low sugar snacks are best! We also have set up a wish list through Amazon.
Car Rider Information
We've noticed an increase in students staying after school, waiting for rides. We understand this can be challenging. Please remember that our dismissal time is when we expect students to be picked up. Unfortunately, we don't have enough staff to supervise students who stay later.
If you can't pick your student up at dismissal time, we encourage you to make an arrangement with them. Let's work together to ensure our students are safe and cared for.
Picture Retake Day - October 22
Not happy with your child's picture? Hair not quite right? Smile not big enough? Don't feel as handsome as Jack? Lucky for you, picture retake day is October 22!
The photo below is from the Annual NELMS Conference held in Springfield, Mass. Indian River School was recognized as a new spotlight school which was awarded to us in December of 2023.
From left to right:
Jeff Rodman, Executive Director NELMS
Keli Green, 8th Grade Math Teacher
Kevin Towle, Principal
Beth Hutchins, 5th Grade Teacher
Laura Donica, 7th & 8th Grade Guidance Counselor
Ryan Limero, Associate Principal
(In the back) - Jason Webster, NELMS Spotlight School Coordinator
Student of the Month
September In Review
Mr. Towle welcomed the families who joined us at open house. It was bittersweet for him as this was his last Open House as a principal.
Ms. Nichols enjoys lunch outside with some of our 5th graders, enjoying the last bit of summer weather we have!
Our new mascot helped celebrate the MVRHS Homecoming !
Our staff for the 2024/2025 school year!