Tuesday Update
January 7, 2025

We hope you are staying warm during these unexpected days off. During the month of January, there are 3 opportunities for you and your family to get involved and/or provide feedback to us about our work at Oak Brook.
- Tuesday, January 14 @ 6:30 pm - PTO Meeting.
- Join us in the Oak Brook library for our PTO meeting and mid-year update regarding our work focused on character education and social-emotional learning. We will share with you where we are in regards to our yearly plan and take feedback on how we can continue to improve our work for your kids, your family and our community.
- Friday, January 31st - Winter Family Paint Night (RSVPs due by January 15) - see information below including the link to RSVP.
- Parent/Staff Book Study - Join us for our 4th annual parent/staff book study. We are bringing back the Power of Good News. Join us as we learn to retrain our brains to look for the positive instead of the negative. More information may be found below.
Katie & Chris
Parent/Staff Book Study
The media’s bias toward stories of conflict, violence, and division is bad for your health. Hal Urban's the Power of Good News shows how to find the positive and uplifting all around us. However, we can find countless signs of progress and acts of kindness all around the world if we know where to look. There are also positive aspects in our own lives—family, friends, beauty, generosity, and progress—that we take for granted. Join us to talk about how to retrain our brain to find the good news in our community and world.
- January 28 / February 4 / February 18/ March 4 6:30-7:30 via Zoom
- RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/UvettAnW2LznwHvz9
Family Paint Night
On Friday, January 31st, at 6:30pm, Oak Brook PTO will be hosting our fourth Virtual Paint Night! With the help of Dr. McNealy and a few other teachers, we will have a live-streaming event that includes story time and a winter painting demo. Painting supplies will be provided to anyone who completes the form by January 15th. Please indicate how many family members will be participating in the event to help us get an accurate count on materials and prepare the kits.
All Oak Brook students' supplies will be free, and supply kits for any additional family members (parents, siblings, friends, etc.) will be $5/person. Additional contributions toward the event are appreciated. Payment may be sent to school in an envelope marked "PTO Paint Night + child's name & teacher" OR via PayPal to oakbrookelempto@gmail.com by January 23rd.
More information and the RSVP form may be found below: Remember if the link doesn't open, return to the top of this email and click "View in Browser."
School Resources
Parkway Nutrition Services
Includes Menus, Free/Reduced Lunch Application and other items
Contact Us
Mrs. Terbrock - kterbrock@parkwayschools.net
Dr. Shirley - cshirley@parkwayschools.net