Jule F. Sumner High School
Your Principal's Newsletter

Jule F. Sumner High School
A Letter from Mrs. Wasylkiw, Principal
Week February 2nd - February 8th
Hello Sumner Families,
Thank you to our families who joined us last week for our 3rd family engagement night of the year - Destination Graduation. We appreciate you joining our faculty for credit reviews, graduation benchmark information, PTSA updates, and other resources to support you and your junior and senior students.
This week as we begin our celebration of Black History Month, we have the opportunity to come together to support our students learning about our history and the profound impact Black individuals have had on our society, to expand our knowledge of the culture of the Black American, and to continue to build an inclusive environment where we celebrate our diversity. Please see information in the newsletter below.
High School report cards are available on ParentVue and StudentVue this Wednesday, February 5th. Teachers will be supporting students in reviewing their final Quarter 2 grades and setting course goals. At the end of the week, we will have a data chat celebration during each lunch where students can have conversations with faculty and admin for a chance to win prizes. Since student data chats are occurring in each course this week, it might be a great time to ask your student to share what areas of growth they have identified and the steps where they feel they may need support. Let's continue to thrive Stingrays!
It is School Counselor appreciation week. I want to take a moment to say thank you to our School Counselors and acknowledge the hard work they put in every day to support our students. Please take a moment to share with them the positive impact they are having on you and on our school community!
If you know of an incoming student for the 25-26 school year, specifically a rising freshman student, please help us share with them our Rising Stingray Orientation this Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 PM in Sumner's Auditorium (see flyer below in the newsletter).
Finally, we want to thank our students, faculty, and our community resources for ensuring that we work together in creating and ensuring we have a safe space for all. As school safety is our top priority, we appreciate your partnership and everyone’s attention to “see something, say something.” Together, we ensure everyone feels safe and valued and that we keep our school a safe space for all.
Christine Wasylkiw
Navigate this Newsletter by scrolling through the newsletter or click the topic in the table of contents to jump to the info you need!
Latest News in the Stingray Nation
This year’s theme, “A Salute to Labor Pioneers,” honors African American leaders who have championed workers’ rights, economic equality, and the dignity of labor. Throughout February, schools across Hillsborough County will commemorate Black History Month in diverse and creative ways. Pictured: Dr. Carter G. Woodson, founder of Black History Month, started as a teacher and principal, laying the groundwork for recognizing Black history and contributions.
Tutoring/Bootcamps & Important Testing Dates for Students
Juniors & Seniors Math
Juniors & Seniors ELA/Reading
Testing Info
Saturday Geometry Bootcamp
Spring 2025 Testing
AICE & AP 2025 Testing
SAT/ACT Testing Info
Which Test is Right For You?
AICE Spring Testing Dates
College and Career Corner
Information for our Juniors and Seniors
Juniors & Seniors! Make sure you visit the College and Career Corner on the Sumner HS website for all the information you need for Bright Futures Scholarships, volunteer hours, and many other resources available to you!
The time is now to submit applications for scholarships!
College & Career Corner / CCC Mrs. Burgado & Announcements (hillsboroughschools.org)
Current Scholarships
Bright Futures Reports
FL Bright Futures Info
HBCU College Fair 2025
FASFA - Money for College
FASFA - Money for College Spanish
SEM 2 Bell Schedule
Attendance Matters Everyday!
School hours start at 8:30 am!
NEW dismissal time of 3:50 begins January 17th.
No more early release Mondays for Spring 2025.
Parents, please ensure your child is at school ON TIME BEFORE 8:30 am each day. We need you to commit to getting your student to school ON TIME! If you have a student driver, please discuss with them your expectation to be at school prior to the 8:30 bell.
Students may arrive on campus as early as 8:00 am. Free breakfast is served in the Stingray Cafe each day, 8:00 am - 8:30 am. First bell is at 8:30 am. Students have 10 minutes to arrive on time to 1st period. Tardy bell for 1st period is at 8:40 am, all students should be in their classrooms ready to learn!
Absences shall be reported to the school attendance office by the parent/legal guardian on the day the absence occurred. The number to be called to report an absence on the day of the absences is 813-378-8626 ext.4000.
Please refer to the Attendance Policy and information found in the HCPS Student Code of Conduct.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures at Sumner HS
Parents, we need your help!
Parents are reminded that per Hillsborough County district offices Sumner High School is required to have the parent/student arrival and dismissal on the WEST side of our campus (towards 301), sharing this space with our student parking.
Parents of student drivers, please remind your students that they are NOT permitted to park in the Faculty or Visitor lots (EAST side of the building) at any time.
Entrance gate off County Rd 672 is at the Baseball field gate and each direction of traffic should zipper into the parking lot, taking turns to keep the flow of traffic moving. Traffic will enter and then make a U-Turn to complete a loop around the entire Student Parking lot. Drop off location is a single lane along the sidewalk.
*Pro Tip! Morning car line moves quickly and efficiently between 7:50 am and 8:15. Students are permitted to be dropped off and are allowed to enter campus as early as 8:00am. School starts at 8:30 am, first period classes begin at 8:40 am.
All parents must also pick up their student using this same route in the afternoon on the west side of our campus.
Parents are NOT permitted to pick up students in our visitor lot (reserved for our parents of students with disabilities) or in front of the school which is a NO PARKING/PICKUP zone.
Parents are NOT permitted to park along streets in neighborhoods across from the school or along County Road 672.
School Counseling Office
Rays Resource Reef - Student Support at Lunches
At all lunches our Stingrays can access a member of our School Counseling or Student Support Services staff to ask questions and get answers.
Students may ask ANY member of our team questions, not just their specific counselor.
The two-week at a glance schedule will be posted in the Newsletter, on our school website and in the cafeteria in our NEW! Rays Resource Reef.
Student Services & Supports
Program Advisor
Sumner Food Pantry
Sumner Food Pantry Spanish
Report Cards
Report cards for the 2024-2025 academic school year will be available online on for families via Synergy ParentVUE, contingent upon the activation of your parent account. Quarter 2 Report cards will be viewable on February 5th
Students are also able to access their report card through Synergy StudentVUE.
If you need your unique activation code, please stop in the office to request yours.
Sumner HS PTSA
Today’s PTSA is a network of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators and business partners with community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools.
Click the link to join today! https://tinyurl.com/sumnerraysptsa
PTSA Memberships
- Individual $10
- Student $10
- Family $25
Do you your own business or know of a business that would like to support Sumner HS? Business sponsorships are a great way to support our school.
Business Sponsorships
- Emerald Sponsor - $250
- Sapphire Sponsor - $500
- Gold Sponsor - $750 - Get your business on the digital marquee!
Click the link to learn more! BUSINESS SPONSORS — SUMNER HS PTSA
Seniors - Class of 2025
Here is the official Senior Year Handbook for the Class of 2025. You have questions? Here are the answers. Check out all the info here Class of 2025 Seniors / Senior Year Handbook Class of 2025 (hillsboroughschools.org)
Please review the Senior TownHall 2025 presentation. You are responsible for the material and information. Senior Assembly Town Hall 2025.pptx