LMS Family Update
November 7, 2024
Greetings Lockerman Families,
This week we are kicking off Quarter 2! Please encourage your children to start strong and stay on top of their assignments. As we enter a season of gratitude, I'd like to say how thankful I am for the partners we have in each of our families. Please reach out if we can be of any assistance. In the meantime, please see below for important information and updates.
Jeannine Necessary
LMS Principal
11/7 6pm Music Department Veterans Day Program (NCHS Auditorium)
11/21 6pm Youth Substance Abuse Information Session for Parents (LMS Media Center)
11/27-11/29 School Closed for Thanksgiving Break
12/5 Picture Re-takes/Make-Up Day
12/10 Q2 Interims
12/17 6pm Winter Concert (NCHS Auditorium)
12/20 Half Day for Students
12/23-1/3 Schools Closed for Winter Break
Attendance Matters
A note from Mrs. Necessary about attendance letters...
Many families recently received letters about attendance. Those letters are generated based on missing 10% of the school days so far. The letters were written at the district level and designed to make general statements about attendance. The recipient list can not be edited according to whether or not notes have been sent in to excuse absences. I understand that each student's situation is unique. I am a mother of 4 school-aged children and one of them missed a week of school already this year because he ran a fever for 4 days. I understand life happens. If you have been in communication with us and have sent in notes for absences, please just view the attendance letter as a tracker and reminder of where your child's attendance stands. Since my 9 year old has already missed a week of school, I'm trying to be mindful of when I schedule appointments, etc. If you're not sure about whether or not your child should stay home from school, some helpful tips are below. Our School Based Wellness Center is available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as well. If you need to, send your child to school and call to set up a wellness appointment. A nurse practitioner can evaluate your child if he/she is enrolled in the wellness program. Enrollment forms are linked below and can be sent in to the main office any time. Wellness center appointments can be made by calling 410-479-3075.
If your child has been absent, and you have not sent in notes and been in communication with us, please reach out to myself, the school counselor, and/or email absence notes to our attendance secretary, Mrs. Nesselroad, at nesselroad.jennifer@ccpsstaff.org
Social Emotional Well-Being
Did you know? Bullying and conflict are different. We can help your child with both. Learning how to navigate conflict is a normal part of a child's social development. Teach and reinforce kindness in all situations. Report bullying, and empower bystanders and victims.
Click the button below to report bullying
Parent Resources
Click the orange buttons below to access PTA information.
From the Wellness Center
Click the buttons below to access CCPS resources/information
Download the CCPS App
Communication Procedures
We value our home-school partnerships and want to be available to you, but during the student school day, administrator and counselor availability may be limited as we work with students and in classrooms. When calling during the school day, please let the secretary know if it is urgent. Otherwise, please know we may not be able to call you back until after dismissal. If you want to meet in person, please call to schedule an appointment. We understand that sometimes urgent matters arise that can not be planned for, and we will always do our best to accommodate you.
Emailing School & District Staff
Spam filters are designed to identify emails that attackers or marketers use to send unwanted or dangerous content. They also throw out malware, malicious, and virus-infested emails and protect user security. Unfortunately, spam filtering is an inexact science that at times blocks legitimate messages.
Should you send an email to a staff member and not receive a reply within a reasonable amount of time (no more than 48 hours), please call the office.
Contact Information
Andrea Hill, Assistant Principal
Rondell Sorrell, Assistant Principal
James Freeman, 6th Grade Counselor
David Gibbons, 7th Grade Counselor
Shannon Thompson, 8th Grade Counselor
Website: https://www.lockermanms.org/
Location: 410 Lockerman Street, Denton, MD, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LockermanPRIDE