E&C Newsletter
August 2024
Each parish in our diocese is responsible for sharing YEARLY Safe Environment lessons to every age group in grade school. This is a yearly requirement of YOUR CURRICULUM. Please be sure to follow our diocesan requirements. More information can always be found at:
September 10 at 10:00AM. Click below to join.
At this meeting we will review all requirements of your department with regards to following policies, keeping records, etc.
The National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis, IN
Some photos from our small but mighty group of pilgrims!
Pilgrims progressing to the Stadium with the Eucharist!
Stadium shot inside Lucas Oil
A beautiful sculpture on display in the streets of Indy
DOR Pilgrims
Eucharistic Procession
St. Christopher's Parish Point Person Georgeanne Hogan
A Transformative Experience at the National Eucharistic Congress
"It was an amazing experience; I thank God I answered the call." -Georgeanne Hogan
In July, five faithful from our Diocese joined more than 50,000 Catholic pilgrims at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. The atmosphere was charged with devotion and a shared sense of purpose as pilgrims engaged in vibrant revival sessions, shared liturgies and adoration, and inspiring talks. The Congress included an extraordinary Eucharistic procession through the streets like none seen in this country in decades.
For our local attendees, Joanne and Leonard Dankey (Holy Spirit-St. Joseph Parish, Penfield), Colleen Knauff (The Church of the Assumption, Fairport), and Georgeanne and Mike Hogan (St. Christopher Parish, N. Chili), the Congress was a profound spiritual experience. The shared devotion and unity experienced were truly life-changing, leaving them with a renewed sense of connection to the Eucharist.
As they return to our community, their experiences and insights will undoubtedly enrich our collective spiritual journey.
A package of all conference talks is available now as a preorder. This will give you all the digital content from the Congress! Keynote presentations can also be viewed on YouTube through the EWTN channel.
Please join us for an August professional development that will provide a wide menu of offerings! Within the day, you will learn about a variety of subjects that with STRENGTHEN the core of your ministry skills. ALL PARISH MINISTERS ARE WELCOME! Here is a snapshot of the workshops:
Facilitating Inclusive Environments and Experiences for Neurodiverse Parishioners: Dr. Bryan Harrison, a parishioner of St. John of Rochester and Psychologist will simple steps we can take to provide a more hospitable atmosphere to all parishioners. He will also offer time for Q & A. We will share resources to help you make small changes that have a big impact on welcoming all!
Harnessing AI Tools: Mark Capellazzi will share a workshop on harnessing AI Skills in Ministry; these are his takeaways from a recent workshop at a national conference. When used appropriately, AI can help us decrease the amount of time we devote to promotional materials, parent letters and more!
Propagation of the Faith and Catechesis: Fr. Paul Gitau and Linda Fantauzzo, Catechetical volunteer at St. Jerome's, will share an overview of how faith formation programs can connect to the Missionary Childhood Association and bring hope to children who are living in poverty through prayer and donation. This is a GREAT opportunity for us all to help our children grow in their understanding of the world! We'll help you decipher how this will naturally fit into your current curriculum!
Better Retreat Planning: Don Smith will share skills that will help you plan engaging retreats for youth and adults. Learn how to provide opportunities to deepen in faith, not an extended catechetical session. Don will also share tips for creativity and engagement!
What is the Catechetical Institute and How Will It Work for Me and My Programming? Leslie Barkin will discuss our new partnership with the Catechetical Institute and lead you through a learning experience using parts of two of their workshops on the Kerygma. How can you best share this amazing new tool with your volunteers? Come and learn!
Thank you to the many parishes who have already gotten on board with the Catechetical Institute! To date, 91 of our churches, schools and organizations have committed to this wonderful opportunity for MINISTERIAL DEVELOPMENT! It is not too late for yours to get on board!
The focus of the Institute is to provide skills that make us more knowledgeable about our faith and ALSO provide the hands-on tools that we can apply to our day-to-day lives as ministers. While FORMED and other learning venues help us to deepen in faith, there are few options that give us ministry skills in short, approachable workshops. Here is a snapshot of the workshops on ministry skills that apply to professionals and volunteers in ministry:
Catechesis for Persons with Disabilities
Building the Mentoring Relationship: Empathic Listening
A Step Beyond: Engaging Young People Through Events
Adult Catechetical Methodologies and Learning Styles
Giving Counsel and Pastoral Care
Facilitating Conversion in a Catholic School
Forming Souls through Small Groups
Supporting Couples through Marriage Ministry
Strengthening your OCIA/RCIA Process
Effectively Reaching Parents
Applying Pastoral Accompaniment Realistically in Parish Leadership Roles
Met in Suffering-Grace and Gentleness Given: The Ministry Work of Catholic Chaplains
Pastoral Accompaniment: Giving Comfort, Hope, and Healing for Grieving Catholics Whose Loved One Died by Suicide
So many of you have created your individual account; thank you! That keeps our process moving. We can't go to the next step until we have at least one leader signed on at every subscribing institution, so please do so! Having at least one leader at every parish will allow us to use the email system of CI to communicate updates.
Our office is submitting the learning tracks for the Institute to load onto our home page. Once that happens, a publicity packet will be shared with each parish to help you promote Franciscan at Home in your community. Until then, ministry leaders are free to roam the system and take whatever workshops interest you. All workshops are available to us and you are not required to follow a certain track. We will soon be inviting you to consider providing at least one mentor per parish, who will be present to guide learners within your church, if a learner wishes to have discussion about the material. This is a great benefit of the Catechetical Institute; it allows us to accompany others on their faith journey! Mentors will be asked to participate in 2 brief workshops on the system.
For now, please refrain from publicizing the Catechetical Institute beyond parish leadership until our home page is complete so that we can avoid confusion to new learners. We want to have everything in place. THANK YOU!
As You Plan Your Year
We developed this calendar based off the USCCB's liturgical calendar and the Jubilee celebrations along with some other civil celebrations/holidays that often get our attention.
We live in a world divided. How can you be part of unifying and bringing more peace to our world? We hope you will consider attending the Diocesan Social Ministry Conference July 24! Click on the flyer PDF below to learn more!
Training & Resources Changes!
As we conclude our relationship with Catholic Faith Technologies (https://dor.training/) and become a diocesan partner of Franciscan University's Catechetical Institute (https://franciscanathome.com/), there will be changes to our training and resources. Beginning July 1, the courses and trainings pictured below will be available on https://oec.dor.org/training-and-resources/. Online Precana will also be available on the site!
Introduction to Young Adult Ministry
Called to Accompany (Youth Ministry)
21st Century Lesson Planning
Orientation to Ministry
Teen Volunteer CASE Training
The Role of a Godparent
A Free Resource from Pflaum
We are delighted to share a special gift with you from Pflaum Publishing! Attached, you will find a FREE Gospel Weekly Lesson for the summer, focusing on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated on August 15th, 2024.
This engaging and educational lesson is designed for 2nd and 3rd-grade students. We encourage you to share it with all your parish and school families, providing them with a valuable resource to enrich their understanding and celebration of this significant event in the Catholic Church.
If you would like lessons tailored for other grade levels, please feel free to email us. We are more than happy to send additional free lessons to share with your families.
We hope you and your families find this lesson meaningful and enriching.
Dave Barocsi
The USCCB staff hosted a 3-part summer webinar series on the Annual Global Celebration of Young People on Christ the King Sunday in November and the new U.S. Bishops' New Framework for Ministry with Young People: "Listen, Teach, Send". If you missed the webinars, you can access the recordings below.
- Part 1: Planning for Christ the King Global Celebration of Young People | Recording here
- Part 2: The Bishops' New Framework for Ministry with Young People: "Listen, Teach, Send" | Recording here
- Part 3: Implementing "Listen, Teach, Send" in Your Community | Recording here
This is a great follow up to NCYC/Steubenville and a great way to prepare for NCYC/Steubenville! More information will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, check out general information by clicking the button below.
Renew Youth Minister Retreat
October 14-16, 2024
Damascus Mission
Centerburg, Ohio
Franciscan Center for Evangelization and Renewal at Franciscan University of Steubenville is hosting its second annual youth ministry/DRE/Diocesan Director retreat at Damascus. It is an opportunity for youth ministers to “come away and rest.” The retreat includes sharing the Steubenville Conferences-style charisms, a few talks about growing our relationship with our Lord, spending time in praise and worship, doing some wall climbing and socializing, and sharing a grace-filled night of Eucharistic Adoration. There are no talks about how to be a youth minister. It is just time for those who serve the Young Church to receive, be filled, and grow closer to the heart of Jesus. THE COST OF THE RETREAT IS ONLY $50! For more information and to register, click the button below.
NFCYM Region 2 Community
NFCYM is recognized as the largest youth ministry organization in the United States and is the foundation for synodal dialogue about the needs and concerns of those who minister to youth. NFCYM networks with Catholic youth ministry leaders from across the country and gives them a platform for collaboration and mutual support. NFCYM Region 2 Community is a platform provided by NFCYM for those involved in youth ministry within New York State to collaborate with one another and engage in the work of NFCYM. For more information, email Mark here or check out the community's Facebook group below.
A new ministry for those in their 30s and 40s has formed! Click image for info!
Please advertise this great opportunity to 30+ adults in your parish!
Find Additional Opportunities for Young Adults
Connect with us!
Local Scouts Earn Religious Emblems
As you may know, the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis has hosted an annual diocesan Catholic Scouting recognition ceremony in the past. More recently, the Office has shifted from recognizing scouts at a diocesan ceremony to awarding the emblem at the end of a weekend Mass at the scout’s parish. Families have really appreciated the personal attention and it is a wonderful way to educate the greater parish community about Catholic Scouting. Below are the names of scouts who have earned emblems and been recognized over the last several months. Congratulations!
- John Schenker, Justin Colabufo, Caleb Esposito, Zachary Thiers, Antonette Volpe, Margaret Chamberlain, Marshall Harrison, Noah Quinto, Logan Schroeder, Anthony Morelle Jr., and Julietta Crowe
If there is interest in having a religious emblem presented at the end of a weekend Mass at the scout’s parish, please contact Mark here.
Ad Altare Dei Class Forming in Fall 2024
An Ad Altare Dei course is being organized to start in fall 2024! This is for all youth in BSA (including troops, venturing and sea scouts). Ideally, this is for youth ages 13-14, but any youth ages 11-17 who have completed 6th grade can work on this Religious Emblem. If youth are interested in attending or you are an adult who would like to help, please contact Colleen Trevisani here or at 585-672-5568.
OCIA Update
Ordering the Ordo
The bishop recently sent the memo below via Diocesan Updates regarding purchasing the Ritual Books. All publishers provide the same ritual book, so there are only minor ascetic changes such as cover design. The rituals may be used as soon as the First Sunday of Advent (12/1/24) and must be used as of Ash Wednesday (3/5/25). I recommend ordering soon so that you have time to familiarize yourself with any changes.
Note that there are updated requirements for recordkeeping in the updated Norms!
- Norm 14 reads: “§1. The register of those who have entered the catechumenate is to be kept in the parish archive.“
- Norm 15 reads: “§1. The register of those received into full communion of the Catholic Church is to be kept in the parish archive.”
Both go on in subsequent sections to note other information that should be kept as a part of those records. If your parish does not currently have those record books, you can find them at various Catholic publishers or where your parish purchases their other sacramental registries. One example of each are: https://shop.catholicsupply.com/store/p/28957-Register-Of-Catechumens.aspx and https://shop.catholicsupply.com/store/p/28966-Reception-Into-Full-Communion.aspx.
Planning the Year
A planning calendar with important dates is available below.
Save the Date - Day of Penance & Mercy
The Diocesan Day of Penance and Mercy will be Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
This comes three weeks before Easter, and is a great opportunity for parishes. Consider how you might make a welcoming and prayerful environment for parishioners that day.
Save the Date - Cathedral Confirmation Coordinator Meeting
There will be a mandatory meeting for Confirmation Coordinators who celebrate at the Cathedral on Tuesday, January 7 at 10am at Sacred Heart Cathedral. We will review the celebrations and expectations for the upcoming celebrations.
A warm welcome to Wendy Stansbury, a new Catechetical Leader at St. Louis Church in Pittsford, and to Jennifer Shipkowski, a new Catechetical Leader at Parish of the Holy Family in Gates! Welcome to Gina Capellazzi, as well, who is taking on an official Youth Ministry role at Parish of the Holy Family! The community of families you will serve are blessed by the gifts of you three women!
We wish all the best to Gina Jennison, who is leaving ministry at St. Marianne Cope after 22 years! Gina, you have given your heart to this ministry and we are grateful to you!
Best wishes to Susan Ward who has joined the Brighton parishes as a Catechetical Leader. Susan, we wish you well in this new role for you!
About us
Contact for information on all newsletters, evangelization, training, consultation
Mark Capellazzi, Project Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry x1375
Contact for youth ministry/young adult or Catholic scouting consultation/website questions, Certification process
Don Smith, Coordinator of Sacramental Catechesis and Family Life x1243
Contact for Sacramental information and Fully Engaged
Website: oec.dor.org
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3228