Band Buzz: August 21, 2022
Falcon Band and Color Guard
From the Directors:
CutTime Registration:
As many of you are aware, a system called CutTime is taking the place of Charms for our band database. Parents will soon be sent an email inviting them to register for CutTime. Parents can update their information (all we need is current email and phone number), and access beginning of the year documents like course syllabus and the band handbook. Once the financials have been uploaded to CutTime parents will be able to see financial information for the band program such as spring trip payments. Please take a few minutes to register and make sure your information is up to date. Students did this process during class last week, and should be able to help you if you have any questions.
IMPORTANT! Order Game Meals for Saturday 8/27!
Game meals for Saturday, August 27 were not included with the original Game Meals order. If you would like to order pizza for that game only, please click on this link. Orders and payment is due Wednesday, August 24th. If you'd rather, you can also send dinner with your student on Saturday.
The last day to order Game Meals for the remaining football games is Friday, August 26th at this link:
Our First Game is Saturday! Volunteers Needed!
Be on the lookout for information about volunteering soon! Jennifer Gordon will be sending out a separate volunteer sign-up for each game and competition as we move through the season.
Please consider volunteering! We can't do it without all of our parent volunteers! Bonus! If you volunteer to help chaperone and move equipment for the halftime shows, you'll have free admission to the games! Not sure what to volunteer for? Consider being a bus chaperone this weekend - you'll get a free ride across town to the first game and you'll have free admission to the stadium!
**Please send your student with a dinner or order pizza for your student's dinner at the link above! We don't want hungry students on Saturday night!
When: Sat, August 27, 6pm – 9pm
Where: Edward Mercer Stadium, 16403 Lexington Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479, USA
1:30 Rehearsal
3:00 Load/Eat
3:45 Depart
5:00 Arrive/Unload
6:00 Kickoff Approx.
10:30 Return to CLHS
Order Game Tickets!
If you've never attended a high school football game before, you're in for a treat! Many of the band and color guard parents sit near the band in the stands, especially if we are helping in various capacities. Please come and join us!
Games that are not in CCISD (like the one this weekend) will have tickets sold through the school district where we are visiting. This is often GoFans as well, but not always. I just checked the site for Dulles and there are not any tickets on sale yet for Saturday's game. Hopefully, that changes soon.
If you're planning to attend on Saturday and you're not volunteering as a bus chaperone or helping to move equipment at half-time, you'll need a ticket for the game. Be sure to check back for tickets between now and Saturday! Or sign up to volunteer and go for free!
Mandatory Mattress Fundraiser Zoom Meeting - Tuesday, 8/23 at 7pm
To Parents of Clear Lake HS Band Students:
What: Parent Meeting
When: Aug 23, 2022 07:00 PM
Where: Zoom
Topic: Clear Lake HS Band Mattress Fundraiser Parent/Student Meeting
Time: Aug 23, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 0442 6855
Passcode: 867688
This is a MANDATORY meeting for all Band Parents:
We have many talented students moving through our Band Program along with several new students who are excited about getting involved in our Band Program. We feel that it is crucial to communicate with you, the parents, about the future plans for our program.
We realize that you all are very busy but this information cannot be overlooked. If you have a student who is participating in our Band Program this school year, we need you to attend this meeting. The meeting will only take about 30 minutes. We have a HUGE fundraiser coming up that we want to share with all of you during the meeting.
As part of our upcoming fundraiser, the company that we are working with is donating $250 for 50 Parents in attendance plus $5 per additional parent. Our goal is to have 100 parents in attendance to earn $500.00 directly to the band. Use this information to get as many people to attend as possible. This is an easy opportunity to support our Band Program just by sharing a few minutes of your time.
Again, the meeting is on Aug 23, 2022 07:00 PM over Zoom.
We look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting.
Mr. Pearce
Clear Lake High School Band Director
Spirit Wear Update!
If you did not receive your order OR if there is a problem, please contact Melissa McKinnie directly. Text is best, 713-865-6637. or
She will be out of town until August 26th and will handle all issues when she returns.
Still need a chaperone shirt? Contact Melissa! She has some extras in stock.
Check Out the Band Buzz Blog and Photo Gallery!
We also have a photo gallery of our band and color guard. Check it out here!
Have pictures you want to contribute to the gallery? Submit your pictures by following the link below:
Parents who like to contribute photos, should follow the following steps:
- Set up a Google account, if you don't already have one
- You don't need a "" account, you can set up a google account with an already existing email account like or
- Next, email with the email address associated with your google account
- We will then provide access to our photo album where you can upload unlimited photos
- If you encounter issues, please email
Kanch Weerasinghe
FBBC Webmaster
Tickets are already on sale for the Homecoming football game on Friday, October 7th
There are already big plans in the works for Homecoming weekend, including at the football game. If you are planning to attend the Homecoming football game at Challenger Columbia Stadium that night and you are NOT volunteering to help move band equipment or chaperone on the bus, you may need to order tickets sooner rather than later as there is a risk they may be sold out closer to the date. (Volunteers who ride the bus and move equipment are included with the band's entry that night.)
You can get more information about Homecoming tickets and special Homecoming events on the Anniversary website:
Need to order spirit wear, game meals, or join the Falcon Band Booster Club?
If you would like to order spirit wear, game meals, or join the Falcon Band Booster, then click on the link below.
Buzz Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the Band Buzz, please contact the appropriate committee or board member. They can send fully edited information to the following e-mail address: . The deadline for submissions is midnight each Wednesday night.
Thank you,
Rebecca Garland
(2nd VP Communications)