SWGHS Sunday Parent Updates
Dates to Remember
1/20- MLK Day Holiday- No School
1/23- New Principal Meet and Greet- 6:00pm, Auditorium
1/15-1/24- Final Exam Schedules (See Below)
1/24- End of Quarter/Semester
1/27- Teacher Workday
Calendar Highlights
Dr. Bracy's Community Meet and Greet
Dr. Bracy will be hosting a Meet & Greet on Thursday, Jan 23rd at 6 o'clock in the SWHS Auditorium to share his enthusiasm and vision for SWHS as we plan to make the Ranch a great place to be students, staff, and families. He will also take this as an opportunity to meet you and begin a strong partnership.
Exam Days
Please make sure students bring their charged Chromebook to all exam sessions.
Leaving After Exams
Please use the following links to access forms for student early release after exams:
Early Dismissal Form January 21
Exam Exemptions
Based on our posted SWGHS Student and Family Handbook:
"Students may exempt a teacher made final exam if they have an 80 or above in the course. They may NOT exempt a final exam in a class that has an EOC, GCSFE, or CTE Final Exam" (pg. 11).
This policy is being reviewed for second semester to include attendance criteria.
We Need You!
Please take a minute to join our SWGHS PSTSA. Your contribution will fund teacher appreciation events, projects and materials to support students, and additional school improvement initiatives. For just $8.00, you can make a difference. CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
Celebrate Our Ranchers
Winter Sports Athletes
Make sure you have a Dragon Fly account with uploaded physical, health forms, and your NCHSAA Gfeller/Waller Concussion Form. All forms must be signed by your parents. Go to www.dragonflymax.com to set up your account.
Tickets- $8 cash or pre-sold online at www.gofan.co
Debit/Credit Card/Apple/Google at the gate
Parking for Events
Spectator Parking is in the Barrow Rd. lot behind the school for all HOME events. This is the student lot behind the school.
Athletics Schedule for 1/13 to 1/17
Second Nine Weeks Freshman Incentive Trip
Freshmen- be on the lookout for details about our next incentive trip! We have something exciting in the works. To qualify for the incentive you must have the following:
* No discipline referrals
* No more than 2 tardies
* No unexcused absences
* No grades lower than a B
Is your student in need of additional academic support? Contact Mrs. Curvelo-Valez (curveln@gcsnc.com ) for more information about our SWGHS Learning Hub:
Days: Every Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Location: Southwest Guilford High School, D Building
*Transportation will be provided if needed.*
Cap and Gown Orders
Seniors and Parents: If you missed the in person order dates to order your cap and gown, you can still order it at the website highschool.herffjones.com. You will need to place the order by Dec 15 to avoid price increases. A cap and gown is REQUIRED to participate in the June 12 Graduation ceremony.
25+ Private College/Universities in NC are participating in a new Direct Admission program for students who have a weighted GPA of 2.8 or higher. The application is intended to take less than 5 minutes to complete, there is NO application fee, and students are conditionally accepted just by submitting the form! Click here for more information: https://ncicu.org/direct-admission/Links to an external site.
- Students and parents must first set up FSA IDsLinks to an external site. to apply. You can do this NOW at studentaid.govLinks to an external site..
(Allow 2-3 days between FSA creation and FAFSA access) - The FAFSA opened December 2024 for the 2025-2026 tuition cycle. There have been changes to make the process less complex and easier to navigate.
- Everyone must click the permission box to allow their financial info to be transferred - including those who do not file taxes. This information will not be made visible on any portion of the FAFSA - it will only be housed within the FAFSA system and seen by the institution(s) to which the student is applying. This will cut down significantly on the amount of information that has to be entered manually.
- FSA ID Links to an external site
- Financial Aid FAQ-Links to an external site.
Documents to Have On-Hand:
Refresh your students’ memory with the main things they need to complete the FAFSA. (For a full list of items needed, here’s an easy, printable checklist.Links to an external site.)
· StudentAid.govLinks to an external site. username and password
· Photo or copy of Social Security Card or Green Card (if applicable)
· Federal Tax Forms
Shift_ED Scholarships
Shift_Ed Scholarships for Guilford County Residents
Registration is open from October 1 through June 1 for Guilford County Schools’ (GCS) seniors and graduates. Shift_ed Scholarships provide last-dollar tuition assistance to qualifying GCS graduates.
Southwest Guilford High School Graduation
Thursday, Jun 12, 2025, 04:00 PM
Greensboro Coliseum Complex, West Gate City Boulevard, Greensboro, NC, USA
Counseling Info and Assignments
Ryan Schnaith-Ivan – 9th Grade (*Counseling Department Chair)
Brenadette Bruce – 10th-12th Grades A-D
Denesha Horton – 10th-12th Grades E-L
Syreeta Williamson – 10th-12th Grades M-R
Nakesha Varner – 10th-12th Grades S-Z