Hawk Headlines: November, 2024
Helping our Hawks SOAR to new heights!
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -John F. Kennedy.
Here are two "Gratitude" goals we are working on this month:
-To be grateful for the many things in our lives that bring joy and comfort.
-To express deep appreciation for the small steps we achieve each day.
Dates You Need to Know
11/01 = Non-Student Day (Staff Development)
11/05 = Election Day!
11/05 = AMS Parents' Club Meeting, 3:15-4:15pm
11/06 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
11/06 = Dinner with a Scientist, 4:00-7:30pm, Frogtown Fairgrounds
11/07 = Sport-O-Rama sign-ups, 8:00-8:45am, AMS Gym
11/07 = Theater Arts Play Performance (Public), 6:00-7:15pm, AMS Gym; Spaghetti Dinner @ 5:00!
11/08 = End of Trimester One! Last Day for Missing Assignments
11/08 = Minimum Day Dismissal @ 1:00pm
11/11 = Veterans' Day = No School!
11/13 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
11/13 = VUSD Town Hall Community Event (Arts; Prop. 28), 5:00-6:15pm, AMS Library
11/15 = Fire/Evacuation Drill, 8:45-8:55am
11/15 = 7th/8th VB Open Gym, 3:00-5:00pm
11/20 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
11/20 = VUSD Board Meeting, 5:30-8:00pm, AMS Library
11/22 = T1 Report Cards Printed/Mailed Home
11/22 = 7th/8th VB Open Gym, 3:00-5:00pm
11/27 = Minimum Day Dismissal @ 1:00pm
11/28-11/29 = Thanksgiving Holiday!
12/03 = T2 Electives Begin!
12/03 = Sport-O-Rama Practice, 3:00-4:30pm, AMS Gym
12/04 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
12/04 = Sport-O-Rama Practice, 3:00-4:30pm, AMS Gym
12/05 = Sport-O-Rama, 5:00-6:00pm (Dinner), 6:00-8:00pm (Event)
12/06 = T1 Honor Roll Assembly, 2:25-3:00pm, AMS Gym
12/11 = Fire/Evacuation Drill, 10:15-10:25am
12/11 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
12/18 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
12/18 = VUSD Board Meeting, 5:30-8:00pm, AMS Library
12/20 = Minimum Day Dismissal @ 1:00pm
12/23-01/03 = Winter Break!!
01/15 = AMS Ski Trip #1; Weather Permitting!
01/15 = VUSD Board Meeting, 5:30-8:00pm, AMS Library
01/16 = 8th Grade Hamilton Field Trip (Sacramento)
01/17 = T2 Progress Reports Printed/Mailed; Athletics Grade Checks!
01/17 = Minimum Day Dismissal @ 1:00pm
01/20 = Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday!
01/22 = Battle of the Books Event
01/22 = Chess Club, 3:00-4:15pm, AMS Library
01/29 = AMS Ski Trip #2; Weather Permitting!
02/06 = AMS Ski Trip #3; Weather Permitting!
02/26 = AMS Ski Trip #4; Weather Permitting!
03/19 = AMS Ski Trip Make-up Day (if needed)
Athletics Calendar
11/04 = Practice, 3:30-4:30 @ Frogtown, End of Season Party at Mike's Pizza afterward
11/05 = Practice, 3:00-4:00
*11/08 = XC League Finals, 1:30 Arrival w/2:30 Start @ Frogtown
*Girls' Basketball
*AMA Tournament: October 28 - November 02 @ Mark Twain Gym; See individual coaches for tournament schedules. Good luck to our amazing Lady Hawks!!!
*Boys' Basketball
Season Begins "Officially" on 11/12/24
Group practices for all boys intending to play BB:
Tuesday, 11/5 @ 5:00-7:00pm
Wednesday, 11/6 @ 5:00-7:00pm
*There are tentative plans to hold more open gym events to further BB skills in all students able to attend.
Tryouts/Official practices will start on Tuesday, November 12.
As a general rule of thumb, the majority of practice times will be as follows but are subject to change at the discretion of the coaches:
6th Grade: 3:00-4:30pm (Coaches - Ed Martin/Jay Bouke)
7th Grade: 4:30-6:00pm (Coaches - Jesse Kreisberg/Don Bowlin)
8th Grade: 6:00-7:30pm (Coaches - Todd Fowler/Don Bowlin)
*In the event we have more than 10 students trying out for BB at any grade level, there may be cuts made to keep the team size manageable, play competitive, and to allow for play time in games.
2.0 GPA with no Fs is required to play per the academic requirements laid out in the AMS Sports Handbook and in-place across our league. Grade checks will be based upon the T1 progress report mailed out on 9/27 and the upcoming T1 report cards to be mailed home on 11/22/24.
Official games should begin in the last week of December before Winter Break, with the end of the season AMA tournament running in early February. Game schedules will be released as soon as we have them. We look forward to another successful Boys' BB season across all grade levels in our very competitive league. AMS has a tradition of champions... the trophy case doesn't lie!
The End of T1 is Here!
I can't believe trimester one (T1) is already coming to a close next Friday, 11/8! Report Cards are planned to be mailed home on 11/22. You will see a few things on our report cards: Letter grades from 6 academic classes, citizenship marks, work habit marks, and unique/personalized comments from our teachers regarding your student's overall performance in each class. You will also note your student's grade point average (GPA) at the bottom of the report card... this is especially important for the 8th grade students who must attain a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.75 across the three trimesters to remain eligible for all end-of-the-year activities, including the graduation ceremony. The graduation requirements are attached below.
It is our belief that no parent/guardian/family should be shocked or surprised by the T1 grades coming home. Through our efforts during Back to School Night, Parent/Teacher Conferences, T1 Progress Reports mailed home on 9/27, always-available access to the Aeries Parent Portal, and teachers/admin ready and willing to communicate when needed, everyone should have a solid grasp of their student's performance in the 24-25 school year thus far. However, we always hear of scenarios in which students have been less than honest about their academics in trusting homes. Here are five things you can do to be sure your student is "keeping it 100":
- Ask your student to open his/her/their ChromeBook and ask them to show you their current grades in the Aeries gradebook, accessing Aeries through "Clever". Don't let them tell you they don't know how... they do!
- To check on your student's academic progress any time, please join the Aeries Parent Portal at https://vallecitosd.asp.aeries.net/. You can do this from a computer on the world wide web or on a mobile device through the Aeries app. You will need to create an account and may need specific information/codes from the school office. Here you can see grades and, more importantly, missing assignments highlighted in RED... There is a direct and undeniable correlation between missing work and low grades!
- Please go through your student's backpack. Is your student a "stuffer" who crumples up papers and simply stuffs them in their backpack? Lots of missing assignments can be found at the bottom of a disorganized backpack! You are the parent/guardian.. take charge and let your student know you care by helping them stay organized.
- Please don't let your student tell you they have "No Homework"... they do! While it is possible that a student could be efficient and complete all homework at school before dismissal, they should be able to show you their daily planner and pull out the completed work to prove it.
- Please reach out to teachers and/or the school office for assistance when needed. The more the home and school are communicating, the better chance we have to see the academic success we are all looking for!
Keep this in mind... We are only 1/3 of the way through the 24-25 school year. If T1 has been rough, please don't worry as it is never too late to turn things around. We are a team and should be working together hand-in-hand to assure academic and behavioral success. It "takes a village", right?
Thanks for reading and your continued support of our Hawks!
Scott Nicotero,
AMS Principal
AMS Routines and Procedures... They're Important!
1. Drop-off your "Wolf Route" bus rider at Feeney Park in the morning to ride the bus from Michelson El... No earlier than 7:40am!
2. Drop-off your student(s) in the main parking lot on campus and always avoid the bus chute.
3. Never drop-off students before 8:00am as there is no supervision until that time... it's a safety issue.
4. Send your student to school with a note signed by a parent/guardian, for verification by the school office, when a change of bus stop or route is needed.
5. Send your student to school with a re-fillable water bottle... We have (2) filling stations.
6. Check the Aeries Parent Portal daily for updates on grades and/or missing work (ask the office for assistance if needed).
7. Call the school office if your student will be absent to avoid unexcused absences.
8. Please be sure your student knows how she/he is getting home.
9. At dismissal time, CAREFULLY drive into the main parking lot and never into the bus chute.
10. If you have questions about any routines and procedures, just ask!
Daily Attendance Goal = 95%
Lunch Menu
2024-2025 VUSD Calendar
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