Scarborough Middle School
Family Newsletter for 06-22-23
IMPORTANT DATES for the Start of the 2024-25 School Year
Student Schedules grades 6-8
- Schedules will be mailed out in mid-August for the incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade students
Incoming 6 Grade Sneak Peek at Scarborough Middle School
Thursday, August 22
10am to 12pm
First Day of School - Grade 6
Wednesday, August 28
First Day of School - Grade 7 & 8, Day 2 for Grade 6
- Thursday, August 29
No School
- Friday, August 30
No School
- Monday, September 2
Fall Pictures at SMS
Tuesday, September 9 and Wednesday, September 10
During school day - more details will be shared closer to the dates
Early Release - Wednesday, September 11
Dismissal at 12:55pm
Fall Open Houses at SMS
Wednesday, September 11 and Thursday, September 12
In the evening - more details will be shared closer to the event
7th Grade Vision Checks
- Thursday, September 26
No School
Friday, October 11- STAFF ONLY DAY
Monday, October 14- Indigenous People Day
Early Release - Wednesday, October 16
Dismissal at 12:55pm
SMS Flu Clinic
Thursday, October 24 in am
6th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 2 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
7th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 16 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
8th Grade Celebration and Dance
- Friday, June 6
Final Quarter 4 Grades
Your child’s final Q4 grades will be viewable in PowerSchool on Monday, June 17. In addition, report cards will be emailed on the same day. Schedules will be mailed out in mid-August for the incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Below are instructions on how to access PowerSchool.
How to use PowerSchool:
PowerSchool login page:
Where to view grades:
Once in your child’s portal, click on Grades and Attendance, see grades in Q4 column under Course Information
Grading and Reporting Guide:
A Note from our SMS School Nurses
Looking ahead to fall here are a few helpful links and dates:
1. Planning to play a sport in the fall, has your child gotten immunizations for this summer? - Please make sure a copy of your physical and/or immunization record is sent to or faxed to 730-4834
2. Does your student need to take medication at school this fall, or plan to carry their epi pen/inhaler in their back pack? Click here for the link to the parent permission form.
3. You can begin dropping medications off in the Middle School clinic on August 26th at 8am
4. 7th grade vision screening will take place on 9/26/2024
Enjoy some time outside this summer, don't forget to apply sunscreen often and drink plenty of water!
Scarborough Middle School Sneak Peek
Scarborough Nutrition Department: Summer Meals
Summer Tennis
Scarborough Middle School
Location: 21 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-4800
Twitter: @scarbmeschools