Academic Year: 2023-2024

Message from Mr. McCall
Dear Junior High Students and Families,
May is filled with events and activities as we finish up the school year. State testing is well underway and end of the year activities and field trips are right around the corner. Reminder there will be early dismissals on May 24th (11:10am) and May 31st (10:10am). We look forward to ending the year on a positive note.
Just a friendly reminder of the school dress code. As the weather gets nicer we typically see a gradual change in wardrobes for our students. Please keep the school dress code in mind. Students should not be wearing clothing that is too short, too shear or too revealing. We thank everyone for their cooperation!
Dale McCall
HAJHS Principal
April Students of the Month!
Each month, we celebrate outstanding students for their efforts both in and out of the classroom. Teachers and staff nominate students that exemplify what it means to be a Golden Tiger (Citizenship, Adaptability, Analytical Thinking, Integrity, Perseverance, Communication) and one student is selected from each grade level by HAJHS Administration.
Congratulations to the April Students of the Month!
7th Grader
Clark Monahan
8th Grader
Adele Theys
9th Grader
Breckin Boland
May Lunch Menu
FREE Breakfast for ALL Students
Breakfast will be FREE for all students.
It is still important to those who may qualify for free/reduced priced meals, to apply or update their meal application for the 2023-24 school year.
You can add money to your child’s account through the School Café App that is available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play or by visiting School Café at https://www.schoolcafe.com/HOLLIDAYSBURGAREASD.
7th Grade Field Trip: Thursday, May 23rd
Students going on the Pittsburgh Pirates field trip will take regular transportation to school. Students must be in school by 8:30am. We will not wait for any student once the buses are ready to depart. Students will need to be picked up from the school when we return -- approximately 6:30/7 pm. Students will be instructed to call for a ride when we are about 20 minutes away.
If your student plans to purchase food/snacks/souvenirs inside of the stadium, please remember that PNC Park is cashless. Credit, debit cards, as well as Apple/Google Pay will be accepted. Reverse ATMs are available to convert cash to a prepaid Mastercard (that can be used anywhere). Reverse ATMs are located in sections 119 & 319. We recommend sending students with a prepaid Visa gift card. Please remember to pack your student a lunch if they do not intend to purchase food or did not request a school lunch when they turned in their permission slip. Students may bring snacks or drinks for the bus ride as we will not be stopping for dinner on the way home. Glass, gum, and non-resealable drinks and food containers are prohibited on the bus. Students are expected to clean up after themselves and neither the bus company nor the school are responsible for items left on the bus.
Students should be prepared for the weather. Bring layers and pack rain gear, if necessary. Please bring and apply sunscreen. Large backpacks and umbrellas are not permitted in the ballpark. Small, soft-sided bags that measure no more than 16” x 16” x 8” are permitted. Students will be able to leave items on the bus while we are at the game.
Questions can be directed to alysha.kachur@hasdtigers.com We look forward to a wonderful day!
8th Grade Field Trip: Tuesday, May 28th
Students going on the Hershey Park field trip need to be transported to school by 6:45am. Buses pull out at 7am and we will not wait for any students once the buses are ready to depart. Students will need to be picked up from the school when we return – approximately 9/9:30pm. The school will not be open when students arrive or return to school.
Food/snacks/souvenirs can be purchased in the park and Chocolate World; however, Hershey Park is cashless. For guests who may not have credit or debit cards, they can convert cash to prepaid debit cards at the Cash-to-Card kiosks stationed around the park. (Strolling vendors still accept cash.) We recommend sending students with a prepaid Visa gift card. Students may bring snacks or drinks for the bus ride as we will not be stopping for dinner on the way home. Glass, gum, and non-resealable drinks and food containers are prohibited on the bus (no coffees of Celsius cans!). Students are expected to clean up after themselves and neither the bus company nor the school are responsible for items left on the bus. Students may leave items on the bus while we are at the park.
Students should be prepared for the weather and bring appropriate clothes if they chose to visit the water park (students must be dry when they get back on the buses). Bring layers, wear sneakers, and pack rain gear, if necessary. All bags brought into Hershey Park are subject to search.
Students will be on their own to tour the park, the zoo, and chocolate world until 6 pm. Students are responsible for their entrance ticket to get you into the park. HASD/ chaperones are not responsible for lost tickets once it is handed to you. Students will have to purchase a new ticket with their own money. Students must report back to the buses by 6:15pm. All school rules must be followed throughout the day and all chaperones have total authority over the students.
Questions can be directed to alysha.kachur@hasdtigers.com We look forward to a wonderful day!
9th Grade - Blue & White Dance
The Blue and White Dance has been scheduled for Friday, May 3rd, in the Senior High Gymnasium and gym lobby. The dance will begin at 7:30pm and end at 10:00pm. The dance is ONLY for 9th graders of HAJHS. Student drop off and pick up will be at the Senior High Gymnasium doors near the baseball field. Student IDs are required for admittance.
All students must be picked up and off school premises 15 minutes after the close of the school dance. No student will be permitted to leave the dance prior to 9:45pm unless accompanied by his/her parent or guardian.
Parent/Guardian visitation is from 7:00pm – 7:20pm outside the Senior High Gymnasium. We ask that parents/guardians leave promptly at 7:20pm.
Because this is a party and not a prom, tuxedos and prom gowns are not recommended. Rather, it is recommended that dresses and/or dress pants and dress shirts be worn. School attire guidelines and policies are to be followed.
Please note: Students will not be permitted to attend if their Fair Share has not been paid. Fair Share is $25 and can be paid at the door.
We look forward to seeing our 9th graders at the dance!🐾
Junior High Fair Share/End of the Year Information
** Permission forms and remaining fair share balance for 7th and 8th grade field trips WAS DUE March 22nd**
A “Fair Share” program is offered to families who did not participate in fundraising for their students’ share for the year-end class trips/activities.
Fair Share amounts:
7th Grade - $40.00
8th Grade - $55.00
9th Grade - $25.00
All checks for Fair Share balance should be made out to HAJHS.
If you have any questions about fair share and balances, please email Amanda Hammel
The following are the scheduled year-end activities:
7th Grade ***** Pittsburgh Pirates Game. Thursday, May 23rd
8th Grade ***** Hershey Park. Tuesday, May 28th
9th Grade ***** Blue and White Dance. Friday, May 3rd
Details about the 7th and 8th grade field trips were attached to the permission slips sent home in March. A reminder about these details will be in the May newsletter.
Inside the Classroom
Digital Posters
Information Technology students crafted digital posters in Canva to share essential tips and guidelines on Digital Citizenship. Common Sense Education's curriculum includes topics like Phishing, Clickbait, Targeted Advertising, Digital Media Balance, and Copyright.
Student's posters are by Paityn Harris, Keegan Henry, Camilla Yost, and Killian Hendricks.
*Hover picture and click expand to view poster*
Tiger TV 25th Anniversary
On Wednesday, April 10th, Junior High Tiger TV celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary at an after-school open house from 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Tiger TV students greeted visitors, provided tours of the control room and studio, and demonstrated equipment. In addition, throughout the 2023-2024 school year, Tiger TV has invited former staff members to share how their Tiger TV experience impacted them as students and later as adults.
Murtagh's ELA Class
Murtagh's class took learning outside to practice ELA skills before the PSSAs.
Club Information
Aevidum meetings are held from 3:00pm to 3:45pm in Room 218 on the following dates:
May 6th, 13th, and 20th.
The Junior High Aevidum Club and NJHS are running a Hygiene Donation Drive on April 20th from 9:00AM-11:00AM, for the HAJHS Tiger Treasure Store. The Tiger Treasure Store is a free store in school for students to take what they need or want from clothing, to shoes to hygiene products. We are specifically hoping to have donations of products such as deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, face wash, body wash, toothpaste, tooth brushes, floss, hair brushes, hair ties, clips, bobby pins, sanitary products, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the Hollidaysburg junior high school (auditorium side).
The Spring Band and Orchestra Concert is Tuesday, May 9th. 7th Grade report time is 5:30 PM for a 6:00 PM Concert. 8th and 9th Grade report time is 6:30 PM for a 7:00 PM concert.
Tickets are $3 for adults and $2 for school-aged children.
The Spring Jazz Band Concert is Thursday, May 9th, at 6:00 PM. 9th Grade students should wear all black, and 7th and 8th Grade students should wear their Hollidaysburg Band T-shirt and jeans or dark colored pants. Please reach out to Ms. Herb if you have questions.
Band schedules for May:
Jazz Band: Thursday May 2, and Wednesday May 8, from 3-4 PM.
Parade Practices for 7th and 8th grade are Thursday, May 16 from 3-4 PM, and Wednesday, May 22, from 3-4 PM (please note the date change from the original schedule)
Drumline will rehearse after these practices from 4:00 - 4:30 PMThe Memorial Day Parade is Monday, May 27. Report time is10:30 AM at the Junior High; we will perform in the Duncansville Parade ONLY at 12 noon. Students should wear their Hollidaysburg Band T-Shirts, light-colored shorts, and sneakers.
Two MathCounts students, Zach Blescia and Maynard Snowberger, qualified for the MathCounts state competition, a great achievement. They competed at the state competition in Harrisburg on March 22 and 23. In the engineering activity on bridge building, their team finished second. They also did a great job in the MathCounts competition on Saturday. Congratulations and awesome work, Zach and Maynard.
The state competition ended our Mathcounts season. We will start early next school year. We encourage all students interested in math to join the team.
National Junior Honor Society
Students who maintain a 94% GPA through the first 3 marking periods of their 8th grade year will be invited to apply for membership in the HAJHS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. In addition to their GPA, students will be evaluated by the faculty council on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Requirements for admission include, but are not limited to, 1) being active in 2 (two) school related activities in either 7th or 8th grade, 2) having participated in at least 1 (one) community service event in either 7th or 8th grade, 3) be enrolled in a minimum of 3 (three) college bound level classes, and 4) have had no more than 3 (three) detentions or 1 (one) suspension. If you believe your child may be eligible to apply, please review these requirements early with them.
NJHS will be having a meeting on May 3 during 3rd period. The NJHS Induction will be held on Monday, May 20 at 6:00 pm.
Reading Club and Reading Competition
May 2024 -
Wednesday, May 8 -
Reading Club - 2:50 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Yearbooks will be distributed the morning of May 31st to those who have preordered. Students will receive pick-up slips in homeroom earlier in the week, informing them of their order(s). Students must bring these pick-up slips with them to the LGI when called on the 31st to exchange for their order(s).
We will have a very limited number of extras for purchase. These will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis on May 31st. We will not hold a copy for you. When we run out, we cannot acquire more. This may sound harsh, but the pre-order window is open and live from August to January. We only acquire a limited number of extras beyond that, as we are on the hook to pay for any books not sold by the end of the year. Keeping this number low enables us to keep the cost of the book as low as possible.
Please reach out to Nicole Stouffer (nicole.stouffer@hasdtigers.com) or Abby Miller (abigail.miller@hasdtigers.com) with any questions or concerns.
Parent Information
After School Tutoring
After school tutoring is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm in Room 214. Students will need to be picked up, as District transportation will not be provided at the conclusion of tutoring.
Students do not need to sign up ahead of time, they can just show up on Tuesday and/or Thursday. Teachers from all subject areas will be available. We are excited to be able to offer this again this school year.
Tiger Treasure Store
The Tiger Treasure Store has new or gently used clothing for free as well as toiletries, hygiene products, and more! The store will operate during all lunch periods on Wednesdays. The store will be opening soon.
We are looking for volunteers to run the store from 11:00-1:15. To volunteer you will need to reach out to either:
If you have any donations please drop these off at the main office during regular school hours. We are currently in need of hygiene products such as deodorant and shampoo.
Thank you!
Jackie Settimio and Dawn Cunningham
Important Dates
May 1, 2 - Science PSSAs (8th Grade)
May 1 - Hurd/Singer classes field trip to Blair County Courthouse
May 7 -JH Orchestra and Band Spring concert
6:00 PM - 7th grade groups perform
7:00 PM - 8th and 9th grade groups perform
May 13, 14 - Algebra I Keystones
May 15, 16 - Biology Keystones
May 17 - Kennywood Trip for Music Department students - Report to schoo0l at the normal time, buses will return around 9:30pm.
May 20 - NJHS Induction
May 21 - JH Awards Ceremony, 6pm in JH Auditorium
May 22 - JH H-Pin Ceremony during school day
May 23 - 7th Grade field trip to Pittsburgh Pirates
May 24 - Early Dismissal @ 11:10am, NO lunch served
May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
May 28 - 8th Grade Hershey field trip
May 31 - Last Day for Students (Early Dismissal @ 10:10am, NO lunch served)
From the Attendance Office
Early Dismissals:
- Students needing an early dismissal need to bring a written excuse indicating the time of the early dismissal and the reason for the request or complete the online form.
- When arriving at school, students will report to the lobby outside the Main Office for an early dismissal pass.
- Students are responsible to report to the main office at the time of their dismissal, we do not interrupt class to call students.
- Please note the time on the written excuse is the time the student is dismissed from class, please allow enough time for them to meet you in the lobby.
- All students must be signed out by the person picking them up using the LobbyGuard system in the foyer.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly during the school year at the HAJHS on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. All parents and guardians are members and are invited to come to the meetings. Attending meetings is a good way to meet other parents and learn about what is happening at the Junior High School. PAC organizes many activities at the Junior High.
If you are interested in volunteering, please see the Junior High main office or access the volunteer signup form at hasdtigers.com - Junior High Page - Parents Tab - Parent Advisory Committee.
Tiger Pack Program
If you would like to participate in the Tiger Pack Program by receiving a bag of food weekly for your child(ren), please have your student(s) return the form that was mailed home. Forms are also available in the Main Office and attached below. A new signup form must be submitted every year. If you would like to donate to Tiger Pack or have any other questions, please contact Chris Burkey at christine.burkey@hasdtigers.com for additional information.
If you are interested in receiving food through the summer via Tiger Pack, please email christine.burkey@hasdtigers.com. Please indicate Tiger Pack in the subject line and include the student name and contact information in the body of the email. Thank you for your patience as we work out the details of the summer program.
Additional Information
The Last Paw
Hollidaysburg Area Junior High School
Website: https://www.hasdtigers.com/hajhs/home
Location: 1000 Hewit Street, Hollidaysburg, PA, USA
Phone: (814) 695-4426
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollidaysburgAreaSD/
Twitter: @Tigerwires