The Buzz
Summer Term - 29th June 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
Wonderfully creative and a little bit messy is how I'd describe our ever popular Arts Week. The children across the school have really enjoyed and been thoroughly involved in the huge amount of art that has gone on this week and I know will be keen to share their work with you. The exhibition to celebrate this work will be open to parents and carers tomorrow after school. If you are coming to view the exhibition please collect your child as usual and make your way around to the office entrance.
Please see below for the list of timings for parents to come and view our art exhibition.
Reception - 3.15pm - 3.30pm
Nursery - 3.30pm - 3.45pm
Year 1 - 3.45pm - 4pm
Year 2 - 4pm - 4.15pm
We will also be creating an online viewing gallery which will be available from 9am on the 10th July 2023.
We are also looking forward to the HPP moving up morning on Monday 3rd July when children from reception to year 5 meet their new class teacher for the coming academic year. The children will return to their current teacher by 12pm. Following that parents will receive a letter which provides information about the staff who are leaving and introduces new staff members to the team as well as the outline for classes for EYFS and Key Stage 1. Change can be tricky to manage so please talk to your child about the change and of course emphasise the positive.
It was fantastic to see so many of you at the HISNA summer fair on Saturday, it was warm and dry and that helped bring the crowds in who really enjoyed the event. I'd like to thank everyone who supported it by running a stall or giving up their time to help out and to the staff who came along to help out too. Of course, special thanks must go to Louise and Mark, our co chairs and their committee who have worked tirelessly to bring it all together. I'm sure it raised a huge amount for the school.
Finally, I have been asked to remind parents that car engines should be switched off when they are waiting to drop or collect the children. Residents in Linden Road have reported car engines idling especially on warm days when the air con is running. This is contrary to the highway code and has a negative effect on the air quality in the area. Please switch off your engine. I have passed this information to our parking enforcement officer who will keep a look out for this.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
HPP Moving up Morning
On Monday 3rd July we will be having Moving Up Morning. Each child will be coming home with a social story providing information about the transition. Please talk through this with your child over the summer holidays - this should enable them to feel a more prepared for the September start.
Autumn Term 2023 External Clubs
Due to popular demand and so that you can discuss with your children prior to the timetable release, we have created a grid with brief details of the clubs which will be running each day from Autumn term. The full timetable with booking details will be sent out via Parenthub at 7pm on Friday 30th June. Please do not try to book any clubs before this time.
Job Vacancy
We are looking for an experienced, flexible person with a caring nature who enjoys working with children of all abilities. The candidate will need to be able to work across the partnership and is comfortable working in both KS1 & KS2.
Applicants must hold a Higher Level Teaching Assistant standards qualification or equivalent and a current first aid certificate would be an advantage. Experience of working in an educational environment is essential.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
1B had the best attendance last week with 99%
2D had no lates last week
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of PRIDE
RDC Tygre
RF Rory
RC Hugo
RK Primrose
1B Finlay
1C Clara
1H Amelie
1K Jai
2A Scarlett
2D Frankie
2J Saifan
2T Willow
Artists at work! This week the Nursery has been a hive of creativity as the children immersed themselves in our Arts Week activities.
We have explored the word identity and what this means. During our discussions we thought about our families, our likes and dislikes, talents and what makes us uniquely us. We began by sharing a book called 'Faces' by Zoe Miller and David Goodman and talking about the different materials used in the book to create faces. The children loved how different each of the faces were and spotting familiar objects which had been used to create art.
Following on from this we invited the children to create their own self-portrait with a choice of media. Some children choose to use loose parts whilst others opted for paint or pens. Alongside our self-portraits we also created a silhouette picture and learnt a new technique, marbling. This involved dropping coloured inks into a tray of water, swirling the inks around and then laying the silhouette on top. The children loved seeing the colours and patterns transfer onto the paper. Lastly, we used fine liner pens to draw some of the people who are special to us.
We hope you enjoyed looking at our artwork and seeing how wonderfully creative our youngest learners are at Hampton Infants.
Another fantastic week in Reception! We have all been getting very arty during this year's Arts Week. We have been unlocking our creativity and celebrating differences by creating artworks that explore and celebrate the endless possibilities our imaginations can bring and the creativity that can be inspired from the unique experiences we have.
We have also been thinking about how we see ourselves and looking at our families, our favourite things and hobbies and we have been sharing this through our art works. We have been inspired by Andy Warhol and have created very colourful self portraits of ourselves in his pop art style. We have also been using our imaginations to build our houses in Lego as well as in the construction area outside.
We have been using lots of different art media to explore and express our creativity. We have used clay and paint to make a handprint impression and have noticed that all our fingerprints are different and have been celebrating these differences just like we recognise and celebrate all the wonderful, interesting and unique imaginations we have. We can not wait to show you all our creations in our Art Exhibition on Friday...see you there!
Year 1
It’s ‘Arts Week’ this week and we have been inspired by the theme of ‘Access for All’. This has involved looking at artists with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and disabilities through illness. We have learnt that through these inspirational people, dreams and ambitions can be reached whatever the challenges are in life.
We started the week by looking at the artist Stephen Wiltshire. We became inspired by his intricate city drawings that he had incredibly memorised. After learning about his talent, we went on to create drawings of different skyscrapers around the world using sketch pencils and then fine liner pens. Frida Kahlo was also another artist that inspired the children specifically her self-portraits with flower headpieces and backgrounds. We drew and then used paint sticks to create a vibrant range of beautiful flowers. Finally, we read the book ‘The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be’ by Joanna Gaines, which celebrates creativity and acceptance. It influenced us to create our own hot-air balloons that represent all of our important differences using marbling ink.
In English, we completed our retelling the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ before moving on to our new text, ‘Rapunzel’. We began by looking at the front cover and making predictions about what the story might be about. We discussed how the front cover made us feel, how the character might be feeling, what they might be thinking, and what they might be looking at. We then wrote our predictions in our books, making sure we used full sentences and correct punctuation.
This week we have been learning about ‘time’ in maths. We began by using the vocabulary before, after, first, next and finally to describe, sort and order events, before relating this to the days of the week and months of the year. We then moved on to develop our understanding of hours, minutes and seconds, using our knowledge to make decisions about which unit of time would be most appropriate to measure a given activity and to compare durations using ‘quicker’ and ‘slower’.
Year 2
English: This week we have taken our focus text 'Meerkat Mail' and created our own stories about where Sunny would go on holiday and what he would get up to. From the tropical rainforest to the snowy North Pole, the children have thoroughly enjoyed bringing their landscape to life.
Maths: We have spent time this week revisiting our multiplication and division skills. We thought carefully about what we can draw to represent making groups and how skip counting can be a quick method to solve larger calculations.
Arts Week: The children have been excited to participate in a range of art projects centred to 'Art is All Around'. We have thought about art in our community and how everyone can be an artist by using their creativity and imagination. We have used a range of media including spray art, oil pastels, chalk and collage to bring our art to life.
Lazer Lions
Lazer Lions continue to run circus skills workshops. All the children that have taken part have tried new skills such as balancing on stilts, walking on blocks, twirling plates, hoola hooping and much more!
Information for Parents
Cruse has a strong, experienced group of volunteers, all having moved across to providing telephone and Zoom support, to new and existing clients. They can offer regular support to people within weeks of having registered with Cruse Richmond and are able to support families and children through bereavement. All volunteers undergo an extensive training programme and are experienced in providing emotional support to the bereaved - whenever and however that bereavement occurred.
Leave a voicemail on 07495 777401 or email referrals@cruserichmonduponthames.org.uk. They will respond within 24 hours (not including weekends) to offer initial support and explain how to get regular telephone or Zoom support sessions with one of their volunteers.
Family First free magazine subscription
Helping families stay bored-free this summer
Clarks Shoe Fitting
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815