Linden Middle School
6th Grade Newsletter
Dear LMS Incoming 6th Grade Families,
Congratulations 5th graders! From everyone here at LMS we are excited to see your smiling faces in the fall. We understand that you all have uncertainties coming to a new building. Rest assured that we strive to ease the transition the best we can and I have no doubt that the students will find their groove in short order. Incoming 6th graders usually struggle with the transitions of classes, time management, locker combs, and their schedules at the beginning of the year. These are all things that will get better with time and the staff at LMS are constantly working with our students to find balance and understanding of these learning routines. Coming in with a positive work ethic and a great attitude is all we ask.
We recently sent out communication about the 6th grade informational link on the Linden Middle School website. If you missed the email, the link is below (the red, Linden Middle School, located below Important Dates). We will update this throughout the next few months as we get more information. Please check back from time to time to see if there are any updates.
Take the time to enjoy some family time and all of the great things Michigan has to offer in the summer.
Kraig Enders
LMS Principal
Important Dates
6th Grade SOAR Orientation
Thursday, August 8, 8:30-11:00 AM
This is a student-only event run by our 8th-grade leadership group. Students will have the opportunity to tour the building again, learn how to log into their StudentVue accounts, practice opening their lockers, and engage in fun team-building activities. More information will be shared as we get closer.
Can't make it to the SOAR Orientation? No worries! We will also hold an Open House for families prior to the start of school. The Open House date is TBD.
Counselors' Corner
The summer months are a time for relaxation and fun. Summer also means less structure, routine, and built-in supports for students. We have provided a list of counseling resources for families seeking counseling support over the summer months and beyond.
LCS Community & Mental Health Resources
- Jennifer Gambrel (A-K counselor)
- Tiffany Roehrig (L-Z counselor)
Thank you!
Assistant Principals' Corner
Hello LMS Incoming 6th Grade Parents,
My name is Lance Belill and I am the Assistant Principal at LMS.
I am very excited to get to know your child and help them develop into an outstanding individual in the next three years. The middle school years are very important in the development of our youth and we take that job very seriously. We are here to work alongside them as they continue their journey towards adulthood. There are a few rules that I want you to be aware of as your student enters middle school.
- No Cell Phones - This rule will be strictly enforced as we move into the 2024/2025 school year. Social media for 11-14 year old children has proven to be detrimental to the development of our children. We will not allow cell phones in our classrooms during the school day. If students are caught with cell phones their parents will have to pick it up from the office on the first offense all the way up to an out of school suspension for persistent disobedience.
- Field Trip Guidelines - Our students must prove that we can trust them behaviorally during the school year for us to allow them to go on field trips. We have implemented policies that make our students work towards attending field trips. If a student receives 2 major referrals throughout the school year, they will not be allowed to go on any field trip. If they receive 5 in total (both minor/major), then it will be up to the discretion of the administration if they are allowed to attend.
- Words Hurt - As our students grow and become more mature, sometimes they slip up and say things that hurt others feelings. Please know that situations like this, whether the words deal with racism, are sexaul in manner, or just flat out disrespectful and mean, they will be dealt with accordingly. We really stress to our students to think before they speak and/or post words that affect others in different ways.
The expectations at Linden Middle School are very high, both academically and behaviorally, and we are looking forward to your child meeting them. If your student is telling you about an issue at school and it is being ignored, it is because we do not know about it. As soon as an issue is brought to our attention, it is addressed immediately. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever need any support. I hope you and your family have a great summer!
Lance Belill
Assistant Principal
Linden Middle School
Middle School Band
It's not too late! We still have room to join our 6th grade Band class. This is an awesome opportunity for students to try something new. You can sign up using the paper forms that were sent home OR through this link: http://tinyurl.com/zavs9en4
We will accept sign-ups through the end of the school year. Questions may be directed to our band director, Derek Rabenold (drabenold@lindenschools.org).
Please note, Band is a full-year class
Linden Middle School
Email: kenders@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Phone: 810-591-0712
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/