Paw Print Press 2.0
January 15, 2025
Welcome Back, Wolf Pack!
Happy New Year! Despite the blustery beginning, we have been thrilled to welcome all of our students back after Winter Break! The past two weeks, our dedicated teachers focused on reestablishing routines and reviewing classroom expectations to ensure a smooth and successful start to the new term.
Students have been enjoying skating during recess as weather has permitted, and we want to extend a huge thank you to our amazing volunteers who’ve been helping our younger pack members tie their skates. Your support is truly appreciated!
A special shout-out to our PTA for generously funding the rink maintenance, allowing both our school community and the larger neighborhood to enjoy outdoor skating. Your contributions make all the difference!
Please stay tuned for upcoming events and updates in our next edition of Paw Print Press, which will be released on February 1st.
Rogers Park Spelling Bee - January 16th 12:30 - 2:20 p.m.
Please join us for the Rogers Park 2025 Spelling Bee. It will be held on Thursday, January 16th in the MPR from 12:30-2:20 pm. Families are welcome to attend in order to support their student. 3-5th grade teachers are welcome to attend for part or all of the Bee.
ASD Schools Closed January 20th
Join Us for Family Skate Night - January 17th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Rogers Park Elementary School Science Fair - Calling all Scientists!
Week of March 17, 2025 (exact details to be determined)
Open to all students (K-5, neighborhood and HG)
Free and optional to participate, teams welcome
Start thinking about project ideas now! (see below for helpful science websites with great ideas)
Please register your project below to help with fair planning.
All projects are also welcome to register for the Alaska State Science and Engineering Fair, April 4th - 6th. Students do not have to win the school fair to enter the state fair.
After-School Club for Science Fair Project Prep will start in late January/early February with limited capacity. More details and registration info coming in January.
Seeking volunteers for the After-School Club and School Fair!
Rogers Park PTA website to register a project for the school fair, submit questions and/or sign up to volunteer
Science Buddies project ideas
STEAM Powered Family project ideas
Alaska State Science Fair Judging rubric to help guide your project. Note that the school science fair judging rubric will be adapted from the state rubric.
Hosted by Rogers Park PTA Science Fair/STEM Night Committee.
Greetings From the Music Room
Coming up soon is the East Area Choir Festival. Come and watch this spectacular event that includes singers of all ages from Elementary to High School! Choir students from the Rogers Park 4th and 5th grade choir will be representing our school and would love your support.
Here are the details:
Date: Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
Time: The concert begins at 6:00 pm with an estimated finish of 7:00 pm
Location: East High School in the Gym
We hope to see you there!
ACCESS Testing
ACCESS Testing is right around the corner. Any student who has been identified as an English Language Learner (ELL) will be participating in ACCESS Testing in the month of February. It's a test that's given to ELL students from kindergarten to grade 12, to assess their progress in learning English. Students will be pulled for a short amount of time to be tested in the domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Fister at: fister_kimberlie@asdk12.org.
HG News
Thank you to the families who joined us for the HG WolfPAC (parent advisory committee) last Thursday. WolfPAC is dedicated to Working Together to Facilitate Engagement through Partnership and Clarity. Our mission is to Empower Educators and Families to Meet our Students’ Needs.
During our last meeting, subcommittees convened to address various needs including social groups, political advocacy, and communications.
Our next meeting is scheduled for February 6th at 5pm in the STEAM room. For questions or more information, please contact us at hgwolfpac@gmail.com or best_susan@asdk12.org.
HG WolfPAC Parent Advisory Committee
Families - get involved! Join the Rogers Park WolfPAC!
Our WolfPAC will be meeting on the following days for the remainder of the year:
- February 6
- March 6
- April 3
- May 1
We will meet in the STEAM Lab from 5-6:30 p.m. for each meeting. Please consider joining us!
Check out our brochure for more information about the mission and vision of the HG WolfPAC.
A Note From Ms. Devereaux - Rogers Park's Health/SEL Teacher
Spread the Love: A Special Valentine's Day Activity!
This Valentine's Day, Rogers Park will bring joy and connection to every student through a unique Social Emotional Learning activity! Each student will secretly design a Valentine's heart for another student in their grade. The hearts will be placed on the hallway wall near the student's classroom during the first week in February.
On Valentine's Day, every student can remove the heart with their name and read the special message made just for them.
This heartwarming initiative ensures every student feels included, accepted, and appreciated, continuing to cultivate a community of kindness and support.
We're excited to celebrate friendship and make this Valentine's Day extra special! ❤️
Ski 4 Kids Event - February 15
The annual Ski 4 Kids event will be held February 15th at Kincaid Park from 2pm-5pm. This event is a festive winter day full of fun events for children 14 and under! It includes ski races, obstacle courses, biathlon, fat tire biking and more! Schools can also apply for a grant for ski equipment. For more information about Ski 4 Kids, please visit the event page at http://www.anchoragenordicski.com/events/ski-4-kids/
Please contact Joanne Osborne, Teaching & Learning, Health and Physical Education Curriculum Coordinator, with any questions.
Girls on the Run is Coming to Rogers Park in March
Girls on the Run is a 10-week program for girls in grades 3-6 that combines physical activity with valuable life skills. The program meets twice a week and uses fun, movement-based lessons to help girls:
- Build confidence and develop essential life skills
- Set and achieve goals, with the celebration of a 5K event at the end of the season
- Make a positive impact on their community
- Practice empathy, inclusion, and acceptance
Now, more than ever, girls need a program that helps them build strong relationships, express their emotions, and feel supported. Girls on the Run provides the tools they need to stand up for themselves and others while becoming confident leaders in their communities.
More information about Rogers Park Girls on the Run Team will be coming soon!
PTA Update
Happy New Year from PTA! We have a busy start of the year planned. Our January membership meeting will be held in the school library and via Zoom this Thursday, January 16th from 6-7:30pm. We hope to see you there and plan to discuss updates from our board members, Science Fair committee, HG WolfPAC committee and more! We have a Family Skate Night planned for this Friday (6-8 pm), but it will be contingent on weather and the rink conditions, so please stay tuned for updates. We will also work to keep our amazing recess ice skating volunteers informed regarding necessary cancellations. We've had a rough start to our skating season, but we're optimistic that we still have some time for fun on the ice!
Speaking of ice, we have an upcoming family fundraising event - Glow on Ice - scheduled for January 31st. This fundraiser's primary purpose will be continued support of our recess ice-skating program, including rink maintenance and equipment refreshes. Event attendance will be free (as will complimentary hot cocoa thanks to a generous donation from Kaladi Brothers) with opportunities to donate, purchase swag and concessions via a ticket system (each ticket $1) and specially designed "Wolf Pack" t-shirts that are now available for preorder. Please check out our Square website for more information, as well as the fliers with QR codes below. https://rogersparkpta-346888.square.site/shop/glow-on-ice-ice-rink-fundraiser/F7E7GJHD7UZRGQ73YGY3DRNH
Thinking forward - our February membership meeting will be Thursday, February 13th and please join us to provide input and stay informed on upcoming family community-building events and school enrichment activities, including the long-awaited return of the PTA-sponsored Science Fair!
Thank you for your continued support of all of our Rogers Park Elementary staff and students through PTA.
Upcoming Dates
Jan 16 *12:30pm - 2:20pm* Spelling Bee in MPR
Jan 16 *6:00pm - 7:30pm* PTA Meeting (Library/Zoom)
Jan 17 *6:00pm - 8:00pm* PTA Family Skate Night
(Rink/bus loop entryway)
Jan 20(M) *no school* MLK Jr. Day
Jan 22-26 Great Kindness Week
Jan 23 *6:00pm - 7:30pm* East Area Choir Festival
Jan 31 *5:30pm-7:30pm* PTA Glow on Ice Dance/Skate Night
(Rink/bus loop entryway)
Rogers Park Mission: Preparing Passionate, Productive, Learners for Life
Rogers Park Vision: Empower the HOWL
(Help each other, Own our actions, Work together, Listen & Learn)
Rogers Park Elementary
1400 East Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99508