Worthington Kilbourne Weekly News
Week of February 3, 2025
Dear Kilbourne Family,
The theme for Black History Month is African Americans and Labor. We plan to honor the contributions of black workers to the growth and prosperity of the United States. From the skilled craftsmanship of enslaved African Americans to the leadership of figures like Frederick Douglass in the abolitionist movement, black labor has been central to the development and growth of the United States.
People like Asa Philip Randolph were instrumental in establishing organized labor for the rights, pay, and protection of predominantly black workers. Randolph and others organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters that were officially recognized as a labor union in 1937.
Today, African Americans continue to contribute to the U.S. economy through business ownership, labor force, and spending power. Black-owned businesses produce $183 Billion in annual receipts. African Americans in the U.S. make up about 13% of the labor force. And of those working, the percentages of career areas are:
35% - Management, Professional
21% - Service Industry
20% - Sales
18% - Transportation, Production
5% - Construction, Natural Resources
*Information taken from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Follow our social media platforms to learn more about African Americans and Labor.
Aric Thomas, Principal
athomas@wscloud.org / 614-450-6400 / X: @AricThomas1 / IG: @wkhswolves
Upcoming Events for your Calendar
Thursday, February 6: Parent/Teacher Conferences, 5-8:40 p.m.
Saturday, February 8: Winter Formal, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 11: Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 13: Black History Month Show, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, February 14: NO SCHOOL, Staff Professional Day
Monday, February 17: NO SCHOOL, Presidents' Day
Friday, March 7: END of 3rd quarter grading period
Tuesday, March 11: Academic Honors, 7:00 p.m. Auditorium
Friday, March 21: Worthington Job Fair, Worthington Education Center
Monday, March 31: START of 4th QUARTER
Tuesday/Wednesday, April 1 & 2: Cap & Gown pickup during all lunch periods in the Commons
Friday, April 11: Last day for seniors going on Senior Project
Thursday, April 24: Mandatory graduation form and commencement guidelines via email
Parent Teacher Conferences / February 6 and February 11
WKHS Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, February 6 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:40 p.m. AND Tuesday, February 11 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All conferences can now be scheduled online. Please click here to schedule conference times.
Prior to February 6th you are encouraged to log on to Infinite Campus to review your child’s grades and class schedule. Please click here for guidelines on how to access Infinite Campus.
Winter Formal / Saturday, February 8, 7:30-10 p.m.
Student Council has been working hard on this year’s Winter Formal dance, occurring on Saturday, February 8th from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This year’s theme for the dance is “Queen of Hearts.” We look forward to seeing our WKHS students there! Students should dress to impress! Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased by clicking HERE.
If students would like to bring a non-WKHS guest, they must fill out a guest form, signed by parents of both the WK student and the guest, as well as an administrator of the guest's school. Forms can be picked up in Student Services or printed via the HomeTown ticketing link. Completed forms must be turned in no later than 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 6th to Mrs. DeSantis in the Administrative Office.
This year, to involve our students, we are inviting them to contribute to the event decor by creating customized hearts; students will simply create their own hearts to be used as decor, and write their favorite part of our Kilbourne community.
Black History Month Show at WKHS / Thursday, February 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Worthington Kilbourne's Black Student Association is collaborating for the first time with the Thomas Worthington Diversity Club for a Black History Month Show for the community! The show will be taking place Thursday, February 13th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Worthington Kilbourne Auditorium. Community members, parents and anyone interested in celebrating Black History are encouraged to attend. Admission is free. We can't wait to see you!
WKHS Theatre proudly presents Anastasia the musical! Based on the Fox Family Animation classic, the story follows two con men who are hoping to hire an actress to impersonate the long-lost Anastasia Romanov to gain her last living relative's reward for finding her. Little do they know, they actually have found the true Anastasia. Along the way, Anastasia has to relearn who she is and combat the very real threat on her life from those who rose against the Romanovs.
Tickets are available for Friday, February 21st at 7:30 p.m. or Saturday, February 22nd at both 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at THIS LINK
All juniors to take state-funded Digital SAT / March 11, 2025
Worthington Schools will register all juniors for the state-funded Digital SAT. This will be administered during the school day on March 11, 2025. Students have the opportunity to prepare for the assessment at any time using the resources listed in the informational flyer linked here. If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor.
Worthington Connects
Worthington Connects is a community-driven organization dedicated to year-round support of local families in need. We partner closely with schools to identify families who could benefit from assistance and rely on generous donations from the community to make our efforts possible. Every contribution helps us provide meaningful support to those in need.
If you would like to make a direct donation to Worthington Connects, please click here. Families seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to their school counselors, who work with us to connect resources to those who need them most. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our Worthington community!
Kindergarten Registration has begun
Kindergarten Registration has begun. Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, Worthington Schools will offer free, all-day kindergarten. All students who will turn 5 years old by September 30, 2025 are eligible for enrollment.
You can learn more about the kindergarten program on this webpage. If you know a family that has a child entering school next year, please share this information with them!
Infinite Campus access for parents
For step-by-step instructions on how parents can access Infinite Campus to check grades, attendance and behavior messages, please CLICK HERE.
Emails to parents from Infinite Campus
Effective immediately, the email address from which you receive email communications from Infinite Campus will change.
Emails will be delivered from: wrthschl@worthingtonoh.mg.infinitecampus.org. We recommend parents review the Parent Guide: Email Safe Sender information.
Parent access to Schoology
Schoology is used by Worthington Schools students in grades 6-12. It is an application that provides access to lesson content, assignments, and grades for each of their courses. Students log in to Schoology through HelloID using their district-assigned username and password. Parents may create a parent Schoology account, which can be connected to their child’s account. Parents log in to Schoology through the Schoology website and create an account with their personal email, then use the child-specific Schoology Access Code(s) to connect to their child(ren). CLICK HERE for steps to creating a parent Schoology account.
Work Permits
Work permits are now conveniently processed at WKHS to make it easier for families to access and complete the necessary paperwork. Please see Ms. Power in Student Services to pick up a permit application and to submit your paperwork once it is filled out. The student must come in person with proof of age, in order to sign the final permit.
The 2024-25 WOLF BOOK is on sale now!
The 2024-25 yearbook is on sale now! Buy now for $70 before the price increases! Use THIS LINK to make your purchase and have a keepsake for generations to come. Prices will increase throughout the school year.
If you have any questions about purchasing the WOLF BOOK, please feel free to reach out to our yearbook advisor, Mr. Balogh, bbalogh@wscloud.org.
Senior photos due by March 21
Seniors, be sure to submit your senior photo to the WOLF BOOK by March 21! Be sure to follow the guidelines below for submitting your senior photo prior to submission.
Worthington Kilbourne has a new website address
If you try to use the old link to the WKHS website, you'll see an error message. This is the new website address for Worthington Kilbourne: wkhs.worthington.k12.oh.us
How to obtain a Student ID
School pictures and pictures for student IDs were taken by HR Imaging during Schedule Pick-Up days, and on Makeup and Retake Days. If you did not have your picture taken by HR Imaging, stop by the Counseling Center and ask them to take your picture. IDs are used to check into the office when arriving after the school day begins. Student IDs also are required to enter all home athletic events for free.
Download your digital ID now
We are now providing digital IDs for students! The image can be saved to a mobile device for use throughout the school year. Students should scan this QR code to retrieve their ID image. They will need to use their last name and their student ID number to access their Digital ID (your ID number is available through Infinite Campus.) Images can be sent via email or text.
These IDs are needed when students enter the building during the school day if they arrive after the start time (8:40 a.m.). A student uses their ID to check in at the attendance office. They also need their school ID to attend extracurricular activities such as school dances and to enter any home athletic events.
WKHS Student Code of Conduct and Co-Curricular Program
The 2024-25 WKHS Student Code of Conduct and Co-Curricular Program handbook is available for viewing on our school website. Please CLICK HERE to access the comprehensive handbook that covers all Worthington City Schools high school programs, policies and guidelines for students and parents, updated for 2024-2025.
Attention 12th Grade Parents!
Ohio Law (ORC 3313.671) requires all 12th grade students receive two (2) doses of the Meningococcal vaccine. The second dose must be received after the student's 16th birthday. Please provide an updated immunization record showing that this state requirement has been met. See the following clinic information to receive a vaccine. Reach out to Nurse Julie if you have any questions. jgarner@wscloud.org
Columbus Public Health Immunization Clinic Information
Franklin County Public Health Immunization Clinic Information
Students may not order food to be delivered
Students may not order food from delivery services such as DoorDash. This is against District policy and expressly prohibited in the WKHS Student Handbook, on page 21. Please remind your student that they are not allowed to order food to be delivered to the school, and may not leave the building to meet delivery drivers outside. We appreciate your support of our security measures.
Interested in playing Baseball?
The WKHS Baseball team is currently in the midst of offseason training. If you are planning to try out for Baseball and are NOT on the mass email list or the GroupMe, please email Coach Lanter at KeganL12@gmail.com
Athletic Eligibility Reminders
Have a student athlete? Please read the athletic eligibility guidelines for BOTH OHSAA and Worthington Schools listed below. These apply for all Athletics and Marching Band along with the performance and competition activities noted on our list of Clubs and Activities.
Students must be working towards earning 2.5 credits in the preceding grading period in order to be eligible for participation.
- At the conclusion of the quarter and semester, students must be passing 2.5 credits with a 60% or higher.
- PE courses (Strength Training, Yoga, Wellness for Life, and Flex and Tone) do not count towards athletic eligibility.
- College Credit Plus, online courses, and DACC enrollment are all great opportunities but they come with responsibility. Make sure your student still meets the minimum credit requirement.
- If you are enrolled in an online Treca course, you must demonstrate that you are 50% completed with the course, and passing by the end of the 1st or 3rd quarters. You must then complete the course by the end of the 2nd and 4th quarters, which is the end of the fall and spring semester.
Please see your School Counselor, Principals, or Athletic Directors with questions.
Community Center Nights at WKHS
Students must have their WK Student ID with them (digital image on phone, or WK ID card). See Coach Meeks in room 239 for more details. Come out, have fun, and get fit!
Participation in sports during 2024-25 school year
WKHS Softball Stadium Seat Fundraiser
Student attendance at athletic events in 2024-25
Game expectations for students
Game Expectations for Worthington Kilbourne High School Events:
Worthington Students in grades 6 - 12 will be admitted FREE to regular season events with a school ID (tip: take a picture of your ID with your phone so you always have it!)
Footballs, soccer balls, etc. are not permitted to be brought into the game
Students will be expected to sit in the stands during the game. No gathering in other areas of the stadium. Please sit in the student section
No face paint or full face masks permitted to be worn
No food or drink is permitted to be brought into the stadium
Do not bring bags into the stadium of any type
Re-entry is not permitted without purchasing ticket
Cheer for our team. Cheers directed towards our opponent, their fans, officials, etc. are not acceptable
Please clean up your area at the student tailgate. Nobody likes a mess or paint on their cars! Let an administrator know if you need more trash cans/bags
A reminder that games are all ‘school events’ and all rules regarding appropriate behavior apply even though it is after school hours