Concord Chronicle
Church Family Newsletter | March 2, 2024
Major's Minute
Well, it is good to be home. Some may have followed Gwyn and I on our vacation while in England and Wales these past two weeks. We had the chance to spend quality time with Gwyn's side of the family. The last time Gwyn went home was 2 years ago. I went to England 5 years ago. And the last time we were there together was 9 years ago with our children! So it was long overdue. Those precious times were spent catching up with his brother and my sister-in-love, their two children and their significant others, two aunts, a few distant cousins, childhood friends, and his home church family.
We had time to chat to, we got caught up on life's happenings - marriages, promotions to Glory, ailments, estrangements, challenges, joys, work statuses, new jobs, new roles, children news, work schedules, special trips, babies, grandchildren, and transitions into retirement. It was an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. (Meanwhile, I challenged myself to read an entire book while away. And I actually finished it! It was entitled Moloka'i - a true-to-life chronicle of a people who embraced life in the face of death for those sentenced to a quarantined leprosy settlement called Kalaupapa. The story was just as gripping!)
We visited places that were new to us, but also retraced the steps of some of their childhood family vacations and special places for them growing up - the old football (soccer) field, parks, neighborhood shops, and shopping malls. We tried new and favorite eateries ordering the English classics - chicken and mushroom pies, fish and chips (and mushy peas and curry sauce!), saveloys, steak and kidney pie (not for me, thank you), Yorkshire puddings, cream teas, Scotch eggs (not of Scottish origin), apple and rhubarb crumble with custard, biscuits, chocolates, tea, lattes, and so much more. I'm not sure all the walking we did countered all the food we consumed.
During this trip, Gwyn gave me my Valentine's gift - a mini Lego set. Plus, I purchased a circular puzzle which includes a collage of London's landmarks. As I assembled them upon my return, I was grateful that each came with a guide, the Lego set outlined each step to complete the build. The puzzle, however, was more of a challenge. Nonetheless, having a picture to reference helped to fit the pieces together.
Nearly 30 years ago was when Gwyn brought me to England to meet his family for the first time. We got engaged during that trip. When I look back over our lives, I see the bigger picture. At times, life went easily step-by-step, progressing without struggle. But other times, it had been chaotic, manic at times, a struggle, and much more difficult to make sense of what was going on, what was supposed to happen next, or unsure of how things were to connect. But relying on God's Word, the wisdom and counsel of others, and learning by trial and error have been the only way through those times.
"Jesus replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7 NIV
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV
"For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13 NIV
These verses bring me encouragement in these days. I hope that they will encourage you too.
AnnMarguerite Jones
“A man, a plan, a canal, Panama” is probably the longest palindrome I know. Try it — it reads the same backwards as forwards!
That fact popped into my head because I was remembering a trip across Gatun Lake in Panama. You might not have been aware that Gatun Lake did not exist before 1914 when President Theodore Roosevelt pressed a switch that blew up the Culebra Dyke which allowed the newly constructed Panama Canal to flood up to its current height.
I have included a map of the lake above to illustrate that getting from the entrance to the exit of the Panama Canal (Gatun to Gamboa) is no simple matter.
If you have been privileged to visit or transit the canal, you will know that apart from the relatively straight passages that contain the locks (Colon and Panama City), the majority of the passage is spent on the lake. It’s a very confusing place. To get from the Atlantic to the Pacific you have to travel from Northwest to Southeast which seems totally backward!
The lake itself was formed by flooding the existing landscape and this left “islands” poking above the waterline, but it also left reefs and shoals lurking below the waterline — a definite hazard to boats and ships of all shapes and sizes!
To get through this maze of hazards, ships’ captains rely on experienced pilots and some ingenious navigation aids. You will realize that opening in 1914, this was before radio navigation or satellites or GPS, so the engineers of that time came up with a simple, reliable, low-maintenance, foolproof solution for all the twists and turns that is still the primary means of navigation today.
I was privileged to be an observer on the bridge of a cruise ship that made such a passage and had the procedure explained to me as we progressed. Every part of the maneuver was accomplished with the utmost calm and assurance that we were perfectly safe and our destination would be reached in time.
The transit is divided into a number of segments where the helmsman will “aim” for a “beacon” — visible in daylight and lit by night — somewhere on the shore. The ship will progress toward that beacon until the next beacon ( and there will only ever be one “next” beacon) comes into view. At that point the ship will turn and aim for the next beacon. This procedure keeps the ship in safe waters and avoids collisions between vessels going in opposite directions. Pure genius!
This is the same system I was taught when learning to fly an airplane. It is very easy to get disoriented and “turned around” when you don’t have the discipline of a road to make you go where you need to. So after sloppily flying all over the sky, my instructor taught me the foolproof method of getting from A to B: pick a feature (a “beacon”) in the distance which lies in the direction you want to go and keep that beacon fixed in your sightline. No turning until you get to your destination or waypoint and another “beacon” is set. Works every time.
Sometimes our journey in life feels like crossing Lake Gatun! There are hazards everywhere, and not just the ones we can see. Lurking beneath the surface are hidden reefs and shoals threatening to rip the bottom out of our life and world.
It would be nice to think we came up with these methods recently and by sheer genius, but of course, the Holy Spirit writing in the Scriptures has us beaten by thousands of years!
Look at these quotations:
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you.” Proverbs 4:25 NLT
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3 NLT
“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 NLT
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 12:2 NLT
The Hymn writers get in on the secret too:
“My hope is fixed on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.” — Edward Mote
“O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.” — Helen H. Lemmel
Whether flying, crossing Lake Gatun, or navigating life, the message is clear: to reach your destination safely you have to shut out distractions and concentrate on reliable beacons to guide you. These beacons will be found in God’s Word and in the person of Jesus Christ, who promised he would always be with us, even to the end of the world!
Of course, for some of my readers none of this may be news to you. If that is the case may I point out that you most certainly have a neighbor who has no clue and would benefit immensely if you shared this secret with them.
Bon voyage!
Blessings on you and yours,
Jim Black
P.S. If you’d like to read previous ruminations of mine they can be found at
Celebration of Life - Joseph Haughin
CAMEO's GALentine's Party
- 9:00 AM - Youth Praise Team Practice - Chapel
- 10:00 AM - Corps Cadets - Classroom 2
- 10:00 AM - Young Adult Bible Study - Classroom 3
- 10:00 AM - Adult Bible Study - Library
- 10:30 AM - Prayer Time - Prayer Room
- 11:00 AM - Worship Service - Chapel
- 12:15 PM - Potluck Fellowship - Please bring a dish to share. The corps is preparing chicken and rice.
- 12:30 PM - Beginning Band Practice - Chapel
- 1:00 PM - Youth Chorus Practice - Chapel
NOTE: We are focusing on ENCORE materials now, so it is imperative that the youth attend practices.
- 4:30 PM - Craft Class - Library
- 6:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Fireside Room
- 6:00 PM - "One At A Time" Bible Study - Library
- 7:00 PM - Songsters Rehearsal - Chapel
- 8:00 PM - Senior Band Rehearsal - Chapel
- 10:00 AM - CAMEO Meeting: Uproot Old Habits - Fireside Room
- 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Majors Jones will be at Roundtable Meetings in Tri-Cities
- 6:30 PM - YouthForce - Fireside Room
SATURDAY - Divisional Music Rehearsals - Kroc Center
- 9:30 AM - Del Oro Chorus
- 11:00 AM - Del Oro Brass
- 12:30 PM - Lunch for Participants
- 1:15 PM - Divisional Youth Chorus
- 2:30 PM - Divisional Youth Electives
- 3:30 PM - Go home
NEXT SUNDAY - Daylight Savings Time Begins (Don't forget to move your clocks forward an hour!)
This Lent, let us reflect on God’s outrageous love and his generosity to us - and respond.
For forty days, we invite you to engage in 40 acts of kindness, each act inspired by Scripture.
Let us reach out to our communities with kindness and through our display of love, care and generosity, may we make the goodness of our God known.
One small, significant act at a time.
Pick up your journal on Sunday in the Chapel Foyer.
March 16 - Concord's Women's Day Retreat, Concord
March 16 - Divisional Young Adult/FOF Fellowship, DYS' House
April 5-7 - Divisional Youth/Corps Cadet Retreat, Camp Del Oro
May 4 - Divisional Men's Rally, Kroc Center
May 18 - Divisional Women's Rally, Kroc Center
Please see Major Ann Jones if you have any questions.
Concord's Women's Day Retreat
This is our third annual Women's Day Retreat. Our first year we talked about who we are in Christ - being "Fashioned by His Grace". Last year, we focused on or "stories" - acknowledging what God is doing in our lives and letting that be known. This year's theme is all about action! We don't want to just "talk" about who God is and who we are, but putting out faith into action.
SIGN UP with Major Willdonna soon! Registration is due March 11th.
"Refuge" Young Adult/FOF Fellowship
The Del Oro Youth Department would like to invite all Young Adults and FOFers (Future Officer Fellowship members - those interested in becoming a Salvation Army Officer or working towards that goal) to the “REFUGE” Young Adults Gathering. This will be a time for young adults and those interested in FOF to come and fellowship together. Come get to know your peers, play games, share stories and enjoy some delicious pozole!
Let us know by March 14th if you will be stopping by, that way we have plenty of food to share!
What: “REFUGE” Young Adults Gathering
When: Saturday, March 16th at 4:00 pm
Who: Young Adults and FOFers (18+ years old)
The DYS House
5412 Banderas Way
Sacramento, CA 95835
What: "GUTS" Divisional Youth Rally/Corps Cadet Retreat
When: April 5-7, 2024
Who: Ages 13-17 years old (18 years old if still in high school or members of the Divisional Youth Music sections. Older participants will be asked to assist with programming and chaperoning duties throughout the weekend too.)
Cost: $75 covers program materials, food, and lodging
Where: Camp Del Oro
We are excited to share some information about the upcoming Divisional Youth Retreat (DYR), “GUTS”, April 5-7, 2024 at Camp Del Oro. Our theme scripture for the weekend is 2 Timothy 1:7. Throughout the weekend, we will focus on how the Holy Spirit gives us power, love, and self-discipline, and how God speaks to us and through us. DYR is a wonderful opportunity for our delegates to build friendships, participate in fun activities and hear and experience the word of God together.
We will also take time to highlight Corps Cadets, completing ACTs together and recognizing the accomplishments of our Corps Cadet participants throughout this last year.
Divisional Youth Music sections will be participating this weekend. Bring all items required for your group.
Registration is due March 25th. (Cabins will be assigned in the order in which completed registration forms are received. So, let's get it turned in early!)
What: "THE EPIC BATTLE" Divisional Men's Rally
When: Saturday, May 4th - ONE DAY ONLY
Cost: $40 covers materials, food, and rental costs
Where: Suisun Kroc Center
Inspired by the powerful message of 2 Chronicles 20:15, which reminds us that the battle belongs to God and that He will grant us victory. This scripture serves as a profound reminder of our dependence on God's strength and guidance in all of life's challenges.
Here's what you can look forward to at our Men's Rally:
- Fellowship: Strengthen your bonds with fellow brothers in Christ as we unite and support one another on our spiritual journeys. This event is strategically made so that your congregation can fellowship with their corps members, as well as people from other corps. Let’s fellowship and encourage one another.
- Fun: Prepare for an exhilarating adventure in the battle arena that combines the best of RC car racing and strategic battles on a specially designed track! Your corps will be challenged to customize their very own RC car with different pieces to make the ultimate Machine. Get ready for thrills, spills, and plenty of friendly competition! (RC Car and Supplies will be provided at the event)
- Food: Indulge in delicious food and refreshments as we gather to share the joy of fellowship and camaraderie.
- Worship: Lift your voices in praise and worship as we honor our Almighty God, who grants us victory in every battle we face. Our theme song will be “The Battle Belongs To You” By Phil Wickham.
- Scripture: there will be two breakout sessions where we will receive Scriptural teaching from some of our well-seasoned officers. Let’s go deeper into the word of God and find out what it truly means to let God fight our battles!
This rally offers something for everyone so invite all the men in your congregation!
Sign-ups begin now and will end on April 15th.
What: "FLOURISH" Divisional Women's Rally
When: Saturday, May 18th - ONE DAY ONLY
Cost: $50 covers t-shirt, lunch, and program materials (extra fee for crafts)
Where: Suisun Kroc Center
We are excited to announce Flourish as the theme for our 2024 Divisional Women’s Rally! The theme comes from Psalm 92:13, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.” Our Women’s Department is planning a unforgettable day filled with workshops, live auction, grab bags, live music, words of encouragement and much more!
We are also doing our infamous grab bag and silent auction fundraisers. There is also a live auction portion and an opportunity to purchase the centerpieces at the end of the day.
Registration is due April 22nd.
International Prayer Focus
This initiative of turning our thoughts and prayers towards the same part of the world at some point in the same week is a beautiful way to unite us as a global Army family and I thank you for the commitment you each give to this.
Major Sara Tam (Mei-Shun) - Regional Commander
Major A-Tuan (Grace) Weng - Regional Secretary for Women's Ministries
Prayer requests:
- Succession plan of our Region – pray for more young people responding to the call for officership.
- Sustainability of our mission – pray for God’s wisdom to manage our resources especially in finance and properties.
- Ministry to the homeless – pray for guidance and insight to strengthen the present ministry and new initiatives to meet the various needs of this community.
- New corps building for Neihu Corps – pray for a suitable property which could accommodate the growth of the ministries in Neihu District.
Testify Congress Art Contest
TradeWest is excited to announce that we’ll be collecting art submissions for the Testify Congress Art Contest. This is open to all Salvationist around the Territory. 1 winner from each category will have their art featured on an item that we’ll sell at the TradeWest store during the Congress weekend, June 14-16, 2024, at the Pasadena Convention Center and receive a $50.00 Amazon gift card!
All submissions must be emailed to along with your name, age, and Corps/Division by April 7, 2024. We look forward to seeing you at the TradeWest Store in June!
Details of competition in flyer below.
The Salvation Army Concord Corps
Location: 3950 Clayton Road, Concord, CA, USA
Phone: (925) 676-6180