Peirce Pride
Weekly update for Peirce Middle School
Dear Peirce families,
Last week, the Peirce 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band as well as the jazz band, kicked off the winter concert season with a memorable performance Thursday evening for all in attendance. Our talented musicians played a full catalog of songs ranging from Quincy Jones's Soul Bossa Nova to Stephen Greenberg's Funky Town. Attached below are a few clips for the concert. Next up-The Peirce Orchestra on Thursday, January 16.
Also, later this month, Peirce Middle School will hold a virtual course selection night for rising 7th and 8th grade parents (current 6th and 7th graders) on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 pm. The link will be shared with families during the week leading up to the presentation. This presentation will cover the recommendation process, how to select electives and make any necessary changes before the course selection window closes.
Lastly, Henderson High School will hold their course selection open house for rising high school students and families (current 8th graders included) in the high school auditorium on Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 pm. More information will follow over the upcoming weeks.
Please see the additional news and notes from Peirce Middle School.
News and Notes from Peirce Middle School
6th Grade Wrestling Club to kick off on Thursday, January 23
The 6th grade wrestling program serves as an introduction for those new to the sport and allows wrestlers with experience to get more time on the mat to sharpen their skills. Dates for all practices are listed below. In addition, all interested 6th graders are invited to attend the “Hammer/Nail” Dual on Thursday, January 23rd to watch the varsity team in action against rival Stetson. Pick-up time for this event is 4:45 PM.
If you have not already completed the Google Form to sign-up by clicking here. The Google Form to sign-up for intramural wrestling has been posted on Schoology. Please see Mr. Wildermuth or Mr. Dumas with any questions.
Winter running club to launch on Wednesday, January 22
Peirce Winter Running Club 2025 (Jan. 22nd to Feb. 26th). Open to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
First come, first served-- limited spots. The attached form must be turned in to Room A200 (copies of this will be available starting Monday, January 13 outside of A 200.
Practices will be outside on Mondays and Wednesdays (weather permitting) from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Please make sure to have a proper pair of running shoes!
We will compete in three, unattached meets. This is a great chance for athletes to get in shape and build fitness before spring seasons. If you have any questions, please send me a Schoology message or email (jnolen@wcasd.net).
- Mr. Nolen
Save the Date: Rising 7th and 8th Grade Virtual Course Selection Night-Tuesday January 28
Peirce Middle School will hold a virtual course selection night for rising 7th and 8th grade parents (current 6th and 7th graders) on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 pm. The link will be shared with families during the week leading up to the presentation. This presentation will cover the recommendation process, how to select electives and make any necessary changes before the course selection window closes.
Save the Date: Henderson High School to Host Course Selection
Henderson High School will hold their course selection open house for rising high school students and families (current 8th graders included) in the high school auditorium on Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 pm.
Online order for the 2024-2025 Peirce Yearbook is now open
The online order for the 2024-2025 Peirce Middle School yearbook is open now through Friday, April 4. Please see the attached flyer with the link and ordering details. The cost of the book is $20.
Attendance 101
Questions about attendance? Please see the attached document below that outlines our attendance policies and procedures. Questions may be directed to Ms. Hill (Shill@wcasd.net).
Community Information and opportunities
WC Henderson Girls Basketball to hold MLK Shoot and Serve on Monday, January 20
The Henderson Girls Basketball team is hosting their annual Shoot and Serve community service fundraiser. This event will take place on Monday, January 20th. The event will be held at Henderson High School from 11-1 and the fee for each participant is $40. All proceeds benefit the HGB program, so please share and support our girls! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions at trivera06@comcast.net.
Click HERE for link!
West Chester High School Basketball Teams offering skills clinics
The West Chester varsity boy's basketball coaches are teaming up again to offer a three separate clinic dates this winter. During these three sessions, the coaching staff will put the kids through the same drills as our varsity teams do. Children will be grouped by age, gender, and skill. We will primarily focus on skill development during the sessions. You can sign up for one, or all three! Please see the attached flyer for all sign up information.
Friday, November 29 – Black Friday, at WC East
Thursday, December 26th –at WC Henderson
Monday, February 17th – Presidents’ Day, at WC Henderson
YMCA to Offer Free Memberships to 7th Grade Students
The YMCA of Greater Brandywine is offering a free membership to any student in 7th grade. Please access the link here for additional information.
Calendar Look Ahead
Monday, January 13: Day 6
Tuesday, January 14: Day 1
Wednesday, January 15: Day 2
Thursday, January 16: Day 3
Friday, January 17: Day 4
Important School Contacts
Peirce Contacts for 2024-20245
Main Office, 484-266-2500
Dr. Joseph DiAntonio, Principal (6th Grade) 484-266-2501 jdiantonio@wcasd.net
Mr. Christian Agudelo, Interim assistant Principal (7th grade) 484-266-2503 cagudelo@wcasd.net
Dr. Judy Maxwell, Assistant Principal (8th grade) 484-266-2502 jkmaxwell@wcasd.net
Counselors and Specialists
Mrs. Lauren Gibb, Counselor, 6th Grade) 484-266-2511 lgibb@wcasd.net
Mrs. Beata Starr, Counselor (7th grade) 484-266-2512 bstarr@wcasd.net
Mrs. Stephanie Roesener, Counselor (8th grade) 484-266-2513 sroesener@wcasd.net
Ms. Akieda Behlin, Intervention Specialist 484-266-2520 abehlin@wcasd.net
Mrs. Anais Dixon, Nurse 484-266-2506 adixon1@wcasd.net
Mrs. Natalie Corcimiglia, Caseworker 484-266 2526 ncorcimiglia@wcasd.net
Mr. Chris Beatty, Athletic Director 484-266-2525 cbeatty@wcasd.net
If you have any questions or cannot access the information for any reason, please call the Peirce Main Office at 484-266-2500.
Dr. Joseph DiAntonio, Principal
Email: jdiantonio@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/Domain/707
Location: 1314 Burke Road, West Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 484-266-2501
Twitter: @PeircePride