From the Boardroom
Wayne County Board of Education Meeting Recap [11-4-24]
Board member honored for service
Prior to the start of the meeting, a reception was held to honor Wayne County Board of Education District 3 representative, Patricia Burden, for her dedicated service to Wayne County Public Schools, the Wayne County Board of Education, and the citizens of District 3. Friends, past staff members, district staff and leadership, and the members of the Wayne County Board of Education honored her with cards, plaques, and flowers to recognize her dedicated service to District 3 over the past decade. Ms. Burden began serving December 5, 2014. She is not seeking re-election and her current term will expire November 30, 2024. During closing comments, Board members also thanked Ms. Burden for her more than 50 years of service to public education as a teacher, principal, and Board of Education member.
United Way of Wayne County holds special WCPS campaign drawing
Board proclaims Apprenticeship Week
The Wayne County Board of Education proclaimed November 17-23 as “Apprenticeship Week.” Prior to the proclamation being read, Kristie Sauls, Wayne Community College Director of Apprenticeships, highlighted the college’s apprenticeship program and its ability to address local workforce needs. She recognized eight current youth apprenticeships, which included a number of fields including teaching.
Board proclaims Family Engagement Month
The Wayne County Board of Education proclaimed November as “Family Engagement Month.” Andrea Freile, Family Engagement & Communications Coordinator, along with members of the Title I Parent Advisory Council stood in support of the proclamation while it was read.
Board learns about new WCC Instructional Assistant courses
Dr. Yvette Smith Mason, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Professional Development, informed the Board that the district is working with Wayne Community College (WCC) to update its job descriptions for Instructional Assistants, Exceptional Children Instructional Assistants, and Behavioral Specialists. As part of the updates, WCC will work with the school district to offer pathways to these positions for staff. Dr. Patricia Pfeiffer, WCC President, and Renita Dawson, Vice President-Workforce Continuing Education & Community Engagement shared information about two new hybrid courses, which are designed to lead to a national career readiness certificate and give participants the necessary skill sets to enter the Instructional Assistant positions.
Board receives committee updates and approves recommendations
Each Board of Education committee gave an update along with any recommendations that came out of the associated committee meeting:
Policy Committee - A PLS Report, nine policies, and an administrative regulation were presented for information.:
Policy 1710/4020/7230 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law
Policy 1720/4030/7235 Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
Policy 1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment - Prohibited Conduct and Grievance Procedure
Policy 4023/7233 Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees
Curriculum and Instruction Committee Update - The Board approved the following items:
Facilities Committee Report - The Board approved the following items:
Finance Committee - The Board approved the following items:
Donation Report - The Board accepted $8,851.32 in monetary donations and $13,465.00 in non-monetary donations, bringing year to date donation totals to $14,351.32 in monetary donations and $24,470.00 in non-monetary donations.
Board hears and/or approves MOUs & Agreements
Public Comment
One individual signed up to address the Board during its Public Comment period.
Shauna Baker - Bus driver vacancy concerns
Board approves Consent Agenda
Prior to the Board Comment period, the Board approved its Consent Agenda, which included minutes, Student Reassignments, and a General Personnel Report.
Board Meeting Resources
DISTRICT 1: Mr. Don Christopher West -
DISTRICT 2: Mr. H. Len Henderson -
DISTRICT 3: Ms. Patricia A. Burden -
DISTRICT 4: Mr. Willie Joyner, II -
DISTRICT 5: Mr. Craig Foucht (Chair) -
DISTRICT 6: Mr. Wade Leatham -
AT LARGE: Mr. J. Tommy Sanders III (Vice-Chair) -
Located in Goldsboro/Wayne County, North Carolina