Wildcat Buzz

January 3, 2025
Top Buzz
1. Monday 1/6 - Lion King Jr - Family Info Night, 6:30pm, Middle School
2. 01/09 - Celebrate the Arts + Community Night 5-8pm @CVU
3. Allen Brook School Shirts & Sweatshirts - order due 1/10
Mark Your Calendar
Important Upcoming Dates to Note
01/06 - WCS Drama Program, Family Information Night, 6:30pm @WCS Auditorium
01/09 - Williston Families as Partners Monthly Meeting, 8:30am @WCS Community Room
01/09 - Celebrate the Arts + Community Night, 5-8pm @CVU
01/14 - Intergen Book Groups
01/16 - Walk or Roll to School Day
01/20 - No School / Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
02/04 - WCS Grade 4 Chorus Concert, 6:30pm @WCS Auditorium
A Message from the Williston Schools Leadership Team
by Greg Marino, Williston Lead Principal
Plunging Into A New Year
It was great to welcome students back yesterday as we also ushered in the new calendar year. I so appreciate the job that Williston Faculty and staff do planning these days to allow for space and time for students to reacclimate and reconnect. We have learned that trying to hit the ground running after a long break usually doesn’t work out great for kids or adults. It’s a good reminder that sometimes we need to go slow to go fast. Personally speaking, I know it will take me a few days to get back into the swing of things.
This cold and blustery weather sets the stage nicely for an important event that happens each year at the beginning of February, the VT Special Olympics Penguin Plunge event. For 30 years now the Vermont Special Olympics has coordinated this amazing fundraising event in which individuals and teams pledge to jump into the frigid waters of Lake Champlain to raise money for this amazing organization. If you are not familiar with the work of the Vermont Special Olympics and this event I encourage you to check out this link. I am proud to say that the Williston Schools and CVSD has a long tradition of enthusiastic participation in this event and has raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Special Olympics of Vermont.
Our Williston Wildcat Plunge team took a break in 2024, but we aim to make a triumphant return in 2025. If you haven’t yet participated in the plunge and have always wondered what it might feel like to jump into a hole carved out of a frozen lake, then I strongly suggest you consider joining us this year. Who knows, maybe we can beat our record and earn $17,000 this year as a team! It’s important to mention here that these efforts come back to benefit our school in the form of funds to support our Unified Sports teams. The team is looking for intrepid students, parents / caregivers, faculty and staff to join in the fun and excitement for this great cause. You can use this link to join the “Williston Wet Wildcats” team and create a fundraising page or make a donation. You can also contact me or Lynn Camara at lcamara@cvsdvt.org with any questions.
On behalf of the leadership team, I wish you a very happy and healthy new year. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with a question or concern on any topic.
Lunch Menu
Special Announcements & Notices
Celebrate the Arts + Community Night
Families, caregivers, students, faculty and community from across CVSD are invited to join the 13th-annual Celebrate the Arts. After a six-year break, this annual tradition returns with a vibrant gallery of student learning, innovation and inspiration featuring student work from the district's six schools. New this year: Transportation will be available, with buses from Charlotte, Williston and Shelburne's schools; local restaurants will be providing food; and organizations that offer community and family resources will be in attendance to share more information. Learn more at cvsdvt.org/celebrate-the-arts
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 05:00 PM
Cvu High School, Hinesburg, VT, USA
Always Include the Front Office...
All end of day or attendance changes must be communicated to the Front Office of your student's school. It is important that all drop-offs and pick-ups check in with the front office so students are accounted for at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.
*Allen Brook School: absattendance@cvsdvt.org
* updated email address - automatically includes the front office, nurse and team assistant all in one email!
Williston Central School: wcsattendance@cvsdvt.org
Be sure you see all there is to see...
Williston Rec, DAML, Community Events, Buzz at ABS, WCS Wildcat What's Up, Bus Information, WFAP & Four Winds, and more! Don't see it all? click VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE at the end of your email
The Buzz at ABS
The WCS Wildcat What's Up
SPARK Enrichment, Session 3
We are excited to offer your child an opportunity to participate in Spark Enrichment, an after-school applied learning program for students in grades 5-8. Sessions will run for 5 weeks from 2:50 p.m - 4:20 p.m. with our 3rd session starting January 16th and ending February 13th. These small group classes will be facilitated by school faculty and staff. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that can be found on the link below. Accommodations for any food allergies will be made. Caregivers will receive an email (using the email given on the form) informing them of the assigned workshop on Monday or Tuesday of the week that workshops begin. In order to take full advantage of this learning opportunity, students will need to make a commitment to attend all five Thursdays. If your child decides to not take part in this session after having registered please contact Julie Rogers so that others may fill the spot. The after-school activity bus will provide transportation home for students in need of a ride home.
The dates of the session are: January 16, 23, 30, February 6, and 13. When registering, students will be able to rank their choices for better placement! Students will be placed on a first come first serve basis as well as ensuring that students do not repeat workshops unless there are open spots. Please use this registration form and a list of workshop descriptions. Contact Julie Rogers (jrogers@cvsdvt.org) with any questions.
Williston Families as Partners
Four Winds Nature Institute
This Year's Theme: Patterns in Nature
All Sorts of Insects (Sept.)
Leaves (Oct.)
Conifer Clues (Nov.)
Snowflakes (Jan.)
Track Detectives (Feb.)
Feathering the Nest (March)
Ferns and Fiddleheads (April)
Frogs and Toads (May)
Contact Four Winds
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact: wsdfourwinds@cvsdvt.org.
Transportation - Food Service - Safety Team
Williston Schools Food Service
Williston Schools Safety Team
Click here for meeting highlights and updates throughout the school year
CVSD: School Board & DEI
Community Connections
Hello from the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Youth Department! Find out more about programs at http://www.damlvt.org or by calling 878-4918.
Children in 5th grade and up may use the library unattended, while those in grade 4 or under must be supervised by a person over 16 years of age. For information on the Unattended Children Policy, see above or visit www.damlvt.org. Parents and guardians are encouraged to stop by or call 878-4918 to chat with a youth librarian about expectations and the library's after-school experience.
Saturday Storytime
Saturday, January 4, 10:30-11 a.m. Cozy up at the library and start your Saturday off with storytime!
Craft Circle
Monday, January 6, 5-6 p.m. All ages. Bring a project and work on it in the company of other crafters!
Tuesdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Join Bella for stories, songs, and rhymes. Geared toward preschoolers, but all ages are welcome.
Robotics Team Demo
Tuesday, January 7, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Hear from a local youth robotics team about this year’s challenge and see a demo of what they’ve been working on!
After School Games
Wednesday, January 8, 2-3 p.m. Have fun after school with board games.
Preschool Music & Preschool Playtime
Thursdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Sing and dance with Linda Bassick! Followed by preschool playtime from 11-11:30 a.m.
Thursday, January 9, 3-4 p.m. Build something exciting with our LEGO collection!
Teens D&D
Friday, January 10, 4:30-6 p.m. All campaigns are currently full.
French Storytime
Saturday, January 11, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Drop in for stories read aloud by a native French speaker.
Parenting Book Club
The Parenting Book Club is resuming this month! Stop by the library to check out a copy of Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff, PhD. and join in any or all of the monthly discussions through March – whether you’ve read one page or the whole book! For more information, visit our website.
This program is made possible by the Winnie Belle Learned Fund Grant.
We hope that the upcoming year brings you fulfillment and prosperity. As we look to the new year, we encourage everyone to consider participating in one of our recreation programs catering to various interests, including fitness, education, and leisure activities. Also, the parks in Williston offer a range of enjoyable experiences and amenities throughout the year.
RecKids Basketball- Ages 5-6- Coed. This parent/child program is designed to teach the fundamentals of the game. Youngsters will be introduced to a new skill and fun activities to enhance their learning each week. This program meets on Saturdays in January and February. Instructors: Rec. Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29932
Pickup Table Tennis- Age 12+. The pickup program meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30p, October- May. You must register and pay online for the program before attending. Those between the ages of 12-16 must be accompanied by an adult 18+. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30311
Knitting- Grade 3-8. Does your child love to knit or do they want to learn? If so, this program will teach them how to improve their knitting skills. The program offers the basics for first-timers, as well as provides early and intermediate knitters with specific how-to and help with projects. All materials are provided. Instructor: Christine Heavner, Owner of Knitting Circle. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29959
Stargazing: Current Night Sky- Age 6+. View the current night sky inside a digitalized planetarium dome, where you'll feel like you are outside at night looking at a perfect sky! https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30342
Stacking Rings Workshop- Age 14+. This popular 2-hour workshop from Vermont Jewelry School guides you through creating silver, brass, and copper rings. An engaging class for teens, adults, and families! Participants solder, size, and individualize their rings before proudly wearing them at home. Instructor: Silvio Mazzarese. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30346
Dangerous Girls- Age 14+. A practical self-defense class designed for teens and young women, with a combination of kickboxing and grappling. It’s fun, it’s social, and before you know if you’ll be able to kick butt. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30092
Ninja Kids Intro- Age 4-8 & 7-11. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. Age 4-8- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30097
Age 7-11- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30206
Ninja Teens Intro- Age 9-15. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff
Communication at Williston Schools
Communication with parents and caregivers is a key component in maintaining family engagement and support. Currently, every teacher/team and school communicates regularly in some way to families. Emails, blogs, newsletters, websites, and Facebook are a few of these methods. If you reach out to a person who works in the district, you can expect a response to your communication within two (2) school days (keeping in mind that weekends and the days school is not in session are not included). In the event that a response will take more time, district employees may acknowledge receipt of your email, call, or otherwise contact you with information about when they will be able to provide resolution to your request. Please remember that if you have a concern, please go to the person most directly involved first. You are also encouraged to use the CVSD Connect With Us page.
One-Click Information
Allen Brook School
Start Time @ 7:50am;
Dismissal for PreK & K at 2:25pm - grades 1 & 2 @2:30pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:25 & 1:30
Williston Central School
Start Time @8:00am;
Dismissal grades 3 & 4 @2:35pm - grades 5-8 @2:45pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:35 & 1:45
Resources for Families
- First Call - 488-7777: phone support, crisis intervention, assessment and referrals
- In Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) (National Hopeline Network: USA)
- National Suicide Prevention Life line- 1-800-273-TALK (8255), call or chat online
- Crisis Text Line - text HOME to 741741 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
- Outright Vermont - support for LGBTQ+ community
- UVM Breathe In Breath Out - How to deal with stress due to COVID-19
- Vermont 211 -Vermont database of resources and services
- Vermont Support Line (833) 888-2557) - peer support warmline open 24/7 - 365 for call or text
- Teen Crisis Text Line - Crisis Text Line provides free emotional support and information to teens in any type of crisis, including feeling suicidal. You can text with a trained specialist 24 hours a day. Text “HOME” to 741741.
- Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide - Website where you can find information to help yourself or a friend who may be having thoughts of suicide.
- Trevor Lifeline - 1-866- 488-7386 - provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. It offers free, 24/7, confidential counseling. TrevorText—text START to 678-678; TrevorChat—instant messaging at TheTrevorProject.org/help. It also runs TrevorSpace, an affirming social networking site for LGBTQ youth at TrevorSpace.