Counselor Collaboration Group
Job Alike Networking Group for School Counselors
This group is comprised of counselors from different districts within the Intermediate Unit. There are four meetings scheduled throughout the year that will allow counselors from various settings to collaborate, as well as receive information from the state level that may pertain to them. We will continue to look at topics as determined by the group. There is no fee to attend if you are a counselor from an ARIN district.
Dates & Registration:
Click on a date to register for the meeting. Please register separately for each meeting you plan to attend.
Meetings will be structured around meeting the professional needs of counselors at all levels. Morning activities include whole group discussions and collaborations centering on problems of practice and supporting resources. Afternoons are choice-driven and collaborative to offer time for processing, planning, partnerships, and professional growth.
Topics will include:
- Growing the professional learning community of local counselors
- Career readiness event planning and collaborations
- Building resources for SEL, tiered supports, mental health, graduation pathways, and other areas as identified by the group
Contact Information
Stacie Isenberg
Stacie is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters