Hosanna Faith Formation News
Updated February 1, 2025
It's going to be cold outside this weekend, but it's warm and welcoming at Hosanna! Come join us for some comfort and cheer during these cold winter days!
Faith Formation Upcoming Dates
Parent Discussion Group during Faith Formation in February (scroll down for information!).
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, March 5.
No Faith Formation on March 23 (Spring Break).
Palm Sunday is April 13. The kids will bring the palms into worship.
No Faith Formation on April 20, Easter.
Last day of Faith Formation is May 4.
April 17: First Communion (3rd graders & older) during Maundy Thursday Service
- First Communion Classes will begin soon - scroll down for more details!
Hosanna Parent Group in February: Creating a Media Safe Home
Managing screens is one of the hardest parenting tasks we face in today's world. How do we protect our kids from both the content and the possible side-effects of too much screen time without isolating them socially?
This 4-part video series is short and to the point, yet packed with great information and ideas to help parents navigate the world of media in their homes and with their kids. The series offers tools to develop boundaries and expectations with media use and your family.
This study will be led by Stacy and Jacque Eide. The Eide's are Hosanna members who have successfully raised their own kids with their sanity and sense of humor intact.
Raising godly kids in a post-Christian world isn't easy, so let's navigate this together! Grandparents are welcome to join, too.
Meet in the chapel from 10:30-11:30 a.m. (during Faith Formation) on February 2, 9, 16, and 23.
There is no book and no fee to participate. Kids under 3 are invited to play in the nursery with our preschoolers. We appreciate your sign-up as an RSVP so we have an idea of how many to plan for.
You can join this group at anytime and attend as many or few sessions as you are able.
The Effect of Media in Your Family
Addictions to media are on the rise for both kids and adults. Whether it’s an addiction to scrolling social media, consuming TikTok videos, or gaming, most of us are spending way too much time stuck to a screen. It is estimated that kids ages 8-12 spend 4-6 hours on screens and teens spend as much as 9 hours on time.
While some of that time is connected to school work and learning, most is not. Kids online are exposed to a significant amount of violence, sexual content, and substance use. Misinformation and harmful stereotypes start to take root online - kids don’t know how to discern what is true and not true online. Online bullying is prevalent, and the number of predators searching out our kids online is truly frightening.
The internet and all the apps that go with it are basically the Wild West - it’s not a place our kids belong without protection. Media consumption contributes to the skyrocketing anxiousness experienced by our children and teens. They are sleeping less, reading fewer books, spending less time interacting with family and friends, and sitting around instead of playing outdoors.
Their media consumption is contributing to a lack of self-confidence due to the comparison of “ideal” body and personality types online. They have an unhealthy fear of missing out, which keeps them tethered to their devices. They have fewer hobbies and interests, outside of screens.
As Christian parents, we must be deeply concerned about all of these negative effects on our children. An idol is anything that keeps us from God. Media use can certainly become an idol: it takes up the time we might use for prayer, Bible study, or devotions; it consumes our thoughts so that we don’t have time to reflect on faith and discern God’s will for us; it plants doubt in God and His plan for each of us. Our culture tells us we are our own gods, that we should do what makes us happy and put ourselves first. In addition, kids are exposed to convincing lies about God, Christianity, and salvation. We need to be sure we are not only protecting them, but also building a strong faith foundation that our children can stand on everyday.
Psalm 139:14 says:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
God made us to be exactly who we are supposed to be - the suggestions of culture and media that we are not good enough is the equivalent of the serpent in the Garden of Eden asking . . . Do you really trust God? Why would you want to follow His rules?
I hope you will join our discussion about media use in the chapel during Faith Formation this month. This is not easy to navigate as parents, and we need to help each other! The church was created to be a fellowship of believers. When we gather together and share our faith and our struggles, we all become stronger!
The website linked below is a great resource to evaluate the media use in your home and consider where you might make some changes. Take a look at Psalm 139 - there's so much wisdom in the Psalms for our lives.
You are not alone - come join us on Sundays or reach out if you need a shoulder to lean on navigating all of this!
First Communion Classes
Kids who are in at least third grade and have not had First Communion study are invited to join us for the following upcoming classes!
All classes will be held during Faith Formation (Sundays from 10:30-11:30).
First Communion Preparation: February 23 and March 2
These classes are led by Faith Formation teachers and help kids understand the Old Testament connections to Communion.
First Communion Instruction with Pastor Janine:
March 9
March 16
March 30
April 6
April 13 (Parents attend this last class)
(No class on March 23).
First Communion will be celebrated on Maundy Thursday at 7 pm on April 17.
Please let Janine or Jenn know if your child would like to participate as we do order materials for this class.
Volunteer Opportunities
Please watch this newsletter and your Remind feed for opportunities to fill in as a substitute teacher!
- Faith Formation: Substitute teachers and occasional leader for opening - let me know if you are willing to on the list when we are in need:)
- Youth Group: We are also in need of volunteers for the Youth Group - particularly to add more opportunities for small group Bible studies for teens. We could really use more men to share their faith with our teen boys!
- Mentoring: KidsHope is a mentoring partnership between Hosanna and Lincoln Elementary. If you are interested in committing an hour a week to meet with one student during the school day, please let me know! We have a need for additional mentors.
In an effort to keep things clean and tidy, you can return Worship Activity bags to the posts and the Activity boards to the carts instead of piling them up. Each one gets checked and refilled every week!
What's working for you?
What do you love about Hosanna?
What do you wish for?
Share your ideas so we keep doing the things that are working, and keep growing with positive changes.
This link will remain open all year, so drop by anytime with your feedback.
Click the picture to share your ideas!
Winter Memory Work
Third-Sixth Graders - have you memorized the entire Apostles' Creed? Say it to a teacher and you can sign the poster in the Education Hallway! Younger kids can take on this challenge, too!
The Apostles' Creed is like a faith statement - it sums up what we believe as Christians!
Your kids can pick up cards to practice memory verses, the Apostles' Creed, or the Books of the Bible from Jenn. Tucking God's word in our hearts helps our faith have deeper roots!
Fall Memory Work
Helpful Information for Parents
Faith Formation: 10:30-11:30
Preschool and Kindergarten: Ella Olson, Rylle Olson, Claire Mohr, Jersey Peery
1st and 2nd Grade: Halle Olson
3rd and 4th Grade: Melissa Gross
5th and 6th Grade: Stuart Olson
Music and AV: Angie and Dave Eickmeyer
Education Director & Opening: Jenn Brist
Busy Bags
Busy Bags are for preschool and early elementary students. Teach your children to "read the pictures" in the books included in the bags. Children may turn in completed pages to earn Faith Formation coins. You can take incomplete pages home or leave them in the bag. There are Busy Bags at both side entrances to the sanctuary.
Activity Boards
Our Activity Boards are for elementary students who can read. The board contain a variety of activities to keep kids engaged during worship. A change this fall - kids may choose to grab an art box along with a clipboard. Kids can turn in their completed pages for Faith Formation coins. Incomplete pages can be taken home and turned in another time. Extra coins are always given for completed, thoughtful sermon notes! You can find Activity Boards at both side entrances to the sanctuary.
Faith Formation Coins
Coins are a fun way to encourage kids to build good faith habits. Kids can earn coins for completing worship activities. Memory work such as verse from scripture, Books of the Bible, Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, Apostles Creed, etc. are also great ways to earn coins. Teachers may give coins during class for thoughtful participation or exceptional character.
Coins can be spent at the Hosanna Store, typically open in the Education Hallway before and after the Faith Formation hour.
Donations for the store are always welcome:-)
RightNow Media Free Membership!
Have you checked out RightNow Media lately? Every one who attends Hosanna can access all the online resources at no cost to you. If you don't have an account, just text HLW to 49775.
Access content at rightnowmedia.org or download the app!
Do you read the ENews?
The best way to keep up with all the happenings at Hosanna is the weekly ENewsletter!
If you do not receive the ENews, please send your current email address to Anna at watertownhosannalutheran@gmail.com
You can also find the ENews posted on Facebook.