8th Grade Weekly Newsletter
January 9th, 2024
Good morning 8th grade families! Please take a close look at the newsletter as we have the end of marking period coming up which means fun activities but also important academic things like big tests, midterms, and finalizing of grades. We appreciate your attention to your student's education. As always, please communicate either with me, Mr. Buniewicz, or the teacher directly to make sure to get clarification and answers to whatever queries you may have.
Grade Level Announcements
Quarterly STAG Celebration
Our quarterly celebration is coming up on Friday, January 17th. Students should be collecting 7 STAG tags to turn in to Mrs. Wilkins. All STAG tags are due by Monday, January 13th. We want all students to participate, so make sure to find any tags laying around the house and turn them in!
New this quarter: If students do not earn their way via STAG Tags, there will be an alternate way students can earn part of the celebration time back on Friday.
Quarterly Celebration - Sledding
The Quarterly Celebration will be outdoors at the Civic Center on January 17th. Students who earn the right to attend are encouraged to bring a sled to school as well as dress appropriately for the weather.
Be advised the students can bring a sled before January 17th. If you do so, we have a place to stash them in Ms Smith's room. Bus drivers will probably not allow sleds on the busses to school, so alternate arrangements may need to be made.
End of Marking Period
After today, there are only 5.5 schools days left of the second quarter. TODAY would be a great day to have students check grades and potentially look for any assignments to revisit or quizzes/tests to retake (as allowed) before we go off for break.
Each teacher may have a different deadline to turn in information.
Important Upcoming Dates
January 17th - STAG Celebration - Half Day for Students - End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester
Week of February 10-13 - Parent Teacher Conferences - Exact Dates, Times, and Format TBA
February 14th and 17th - No School - Mid Winter Break
Classroom Reminders
ELA - Mr. Gaddy
Science - Ms. Smith
Crossword Review: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15wR66GxK70NUfZ6999JbHDP3QWLdcAB7XMHmSWoAs6U/edit?usp=sharing
Blooket: https://play.blooket.com/play?hwId=677c08f11f27bc3337daae58
US History - Mr. Buniewicz
Students have received a study guide for a cumulative "Midterm" test over all the material we learned in the first semester. Students will be taking this Tuesday, January 14th. There will be no retakes of this test and the percentage students get will be the grade that gets inputted into the gradebook. This has the potential to make a huge change in student's grades. See Study Guide for more info.
Beyond reviewing for the "Midterm", students are also starting to learn about the United States during Washington's presidency. A study guide will be going home soon with a date of assessment being the week of January 20.
Math - Mrs. Wilkins
Sustainable Science - Ms. Smith
Students are doing a great job with our Christmas cookies unit. Next week we will be creating a few different types of Christmas cookies and we might even get festive and complete a sugar cookie contest. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Art - Ms Eichler
Watch backpacks for artwork coming home so it doesn't get ruined and crushed, especially the last few days before the semester end.
Board Game Design - Mr. Sias
We are wrapping up Tabletop Game design by playing student written one-shot adventures with maps and miniatures they designed.
Just for Fun Challenge for Students: If you read this, find Mr. Buniewicz in person and tell him a favorite winter memory. If you do, you'll get a sparkly and/or sweet prize.
Thank you for reading the newsletter! Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours!