The STEM Weekly Stream
STEM Academy Family Newsletter
This Week
Year End Schedule
Monday, June 10: Regular School Day for Grades 8-11; Field Day for Seniors
Tuesday, June 11: Regular School Day for Grades 8-11; Graduation Practice for Seniors (9AM @ CHS)
Wednesday, June 12: Early Dismissal/Last Day of School for Grades 8-11; Class Day for Seniors (10AM @ CHS); Promotion Ceremony for 8th Grade (1:30PM @ STEM)
Thursday, June 13: Graduation Ceremony for Seniors (11AM @ Neumann University)
Friday, June 14: STEM Office closes at Noon
Report Cards
Grades are now closed for Students in Grades 8-11. Final Report Cards will be available on Powerschool this Friday, June 14. If you would like a hard copy of the Final Report Card, please contact Ms. Jones (yjones@chesteruplandsd.org) or Ms. Dixon (ldixon@chesteruplandsd.org) in the STEM Office 610-447-3650.
Summer School
Students are receiving notice if they will be required to attend Summer Credit Recovery. Students who failed core academic courses (Math, English, Science, Social Studies) are required to attend Summer Credit Recovery. Those who do not successfully complete Credit Recovery may not be invited to return to STEM for the 2024-25 School Year. Questions regarding Summer Credit Recovery should be directed to STEM Counselors, Ms. Barnes (shbarnes@chesteruplandsd.org) and/or Ms. Hudson (bhudson@chesteruplandsd.org).
As in past years, Students returning to STEM will keep their CUSD issued Chromebook over the Summer Break. Chromebooks should be stored in a safe location. Those Students who are attending Summer School will need to bring their Chromebook each day for that program.
Students whose devices are damaged or lost will need to pay the replacement fees ($50 for Chromebook; $20 for Charger) to receive a new device in August.
Class of '24
We are getting closer to celebrating our newest class of CUSD Graduates. Families of Seniors, your Student received the 2024 Graduation Information Sheet. This sheet contains critical details about Graduation and other year-end events. Be sure to ask your Student to see the sheet if you haven't already.
Please also see below for information about this week's events. Be sure to read the Graduation Information Sheet (Seniors received another copy today) for important details about Thursday's ceremony at Neumann University.
June 11: Graduation Practice. Graduation Practice begins at 9AM at Chester High. All Seniors report directly to CHS at 9AM. Practice should take two hours, but will last as long (or short) as needed. At the conclusion of practice, Seniors will receive their fifth Graduation Ticket.
June 12: Class Day. Class Day will be held at 10:00 AM at Chester High. Students should see the dress attire on the flyer below. Seniors must report to CHS by 9:30.
June 13: Graduation. As a reminder, all Graduates must report to STEM by 7:30 AM on Thursday morning. Graduates must ride the bus from STEM to Neumann in order to participate!
Now Accepting Applications
The Admissions Period for the 2024-25 School Year is now open. Use the link below to begin an application. All Students who reside within the boundaries of the Chester Upland School District and are entering Grades 9-12 next year are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Additional information regarding the application and Admissions Process are available at the link below.
Message From Nurse Dale
Hello Parents,
Allergy season is here, and I want to give a few suggestions and reminders for everyone who suffers from allergies. Due to high pollen count this time of year, allergy symptoms are high. Remember, some classrooms will have windows open when the classroom temperatures allow. I am not able to give allergy medicine so here are a few things that can help minimize your child's discomfort:
Allergy medication should be taken daily, once a day. Taking medication (Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, etc.) in the evenings will cause less drowsiness while in school and help with the discomfort of symptoms such as sneezing, itchy throat, itchy eyes, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, dry cough, etc.
If your child requires eye drops or nasal spray to be given in school, even over-the-counter medication, a written prescription from your physician is required, along with medication in its original unopened package.
If your child's allergies trigger Asthma symptoms and your child requires an as-needed inhaler, please make sure that I am aware, and that your child has their prescribed inhaler on them.
Benadryl is not given for allergies.
Benadryl is given for an allergy reaction (respiratory distress, hives, rash, etc.), not for allergy symptoms. If a student is given Benadryl, that student MUST be picked up within 25-30 minutes.
Also, please remind students to carry bottles of water. The building can get hot as the temperature outside rise. Staying hydrated is key.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank You,
Nurse Dale
Vaping carries short and long term health risks for adolescents and we are committed to reducing our Students exposure to these dangers. Over the past few weeks, we have had an increasing number of Students in possession of, and using vapes. Possessing a vape is a violation of the School Code of Conduct, and we will continue to issue consequences for Students who break the rules. Even greater consequences are in place for those who are found to be distributing these devices to other Students. Heightened security measures are in place at this time in order for us to reduce Student use of vapes.
We are also asking for assistance from Parents. Often when we catch a Student with a vape, Parents are surprised to learn their Student has been engaged in this activity. The reality is that young people across this area can easily obtain these items, and are using them far more frequently than Parents often realize. Speaking with your Child about this can prevent them from finding themselves in trouble, and more importantly reduce the likelihood they engage in this unhealthy activity.
Phone Numbers, Addresses, Emergency Contacts and Email Addresses
It is critical that our Office have the most up to date contact information for you and your Student, and we are only aware of changes if we are notified. If any of the below information has changed since your Student enrolled at STEM, please reach out to Ms. Jones (yjones@chesteruplandsd.org) and Ms. Dixon (ldixon@chesteruplandsd.org) as soon as possible.
Phone Number
Email Address
Emergency Contacts
Contact STEM
Email: bbell@chesteruplandsd.org
Website: https://www.chesteruplandsd.org/sas
Location: 1100 West 10th Street, Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 610-447-3650