EMES School Newsletter
September 8th, 2023

EMES Newsletter September 20, 2024
What's Happening at EMES
There's a lot of buzz going around our building this week about the fall hike next Friday. We're keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed that the weather will cooperate and we'll be able to venture out to 10 different locations to enjoy the beauty of fall in Vermont with our annual hike. Forms were due back today to ensure first choice for hikes. If your child hasn't returned their form yet, please make sure it's in on Monday! As a reminder to adults who want to chaperone: you must have your Level 1 up to date in order to participate, and your Level 2 up to date in order to be left alone with any students other than your own (drivers, this is for you!).
We cannot believe how lucky we've been with the weather since the start of the school year. Once the fog lifts each day, we've had incredible weather, which has allowed us to continue to eat lunch outside. We know this time is limited to fall and spring, and in the coming weeks we'll all return to having lunch inside the building because of the damp grass and cooler temps. For now, we will take this stretch of great weather; looking ahead to next week, it looks like it's going to cool down some. Please remember to send your child in with layers. Cool mornings turn into steamy afternoons with all the warm little bodies in the classroom!
Plans are underway for our upcoming Open House on Wednesday, October 2nd. You can find the details for this evening in the flyer below. We recognize that Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on this day and will end in time for people who wish to celebrate this holiday.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mark Your Calendars!
Friday, September 27: All School Hike (rain date Friday, October 4)
Wednesday, October 2: Open House for students and families
Wednesday, October 9: Lifetouch Picture Day
October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day - no school
A Message from Nurse Lydia
Hello from Nurse Lydia. We have seen a number of students with varied illnesses in the last several weeks. When I call you to pick up your sick child, please come within 30 minutes. If that is not possible, please make an arrangement with your other emergency contacts to pick up your child within that time. This will help your sick child to be with you and get home where they need to be when unwell. Thank you.
I am copying below the health policy of when your student may return to school after an illness. Please call with any questions. Lastly, if your child has COVID, please let school know since I still report COVID cases to the Department of Health. Return to school after covid is the same as any viral illness:
When to Return to School:
When making a clinical decisions surrounding health absences, school nurses will consider health history, trends in illnesses present at school, length of illness and whether or not the student is at the beginning and more contagious stage of illness, or whether they are on the tail-end with lingering symptoms, and recommendations from the CDC/VT DOH. These decisions are rarely cut and dry. Thank you for your communication and patience as we work to navigate illness at school following a pandemic.
Stay home when newly sick: Whether you have new symptoms of COVID-19, the flu, or another contagious illness, please stay home if you are sick and call your healthcare provider if needed. This helps keep germs from spreading, protects those who may be at risk of serious illness, and gives you a chance to get well.
We know that people with new symptoms are more likely to be contagious and so would like people coming down with something to stay home. If you have lingering symptoms that have vastly improved; i.e. cough, runny nose, please feel free to return to school.
Fever (greater than 100°): Your child’s temperature should be back to normal (less than 99°) for at least 24 hours before returning to school without the aid of medication.
Coughing (excessive): Your child’s cough should be “dry” sounding and easily controlled by a drink of water or cough drop before returning to school.
Vomiting or Diarrhea: Your child should be able to eat food and drink liquids without vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Red or Draining Eyes: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure your child does not have conjunctivitis. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
Excessive Nasal Drainage: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure your child does not have an infection. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
Unusual Rash: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure that the rash is not contagious. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
Infection: If your child has been tested or treated for any contagious infection, please have them stay at home until test results are available. If positive for infection, they should have had their medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school. This is to best ensure the infection has not spread and your child does not have a medication reaction/allergic response in school. If medication is to be given at school, please contact the Nurse prior to your child returning to school to make arrangements. Parents/Guardians must personally give the medicine to the Health Office with the medication permission form. Forms can be found on the website or requested from the school.
Open House is on Wednesday, October 2nd
EMES Book Club will be starting up again in October!
Our first book club will be for grades 5 & 6 and will be held on October 1st. Our second book club will be for grade 4 and will be on Oct 21st Both October books clubs will be on the graphic novel Saving Sunshine by Saadia Faruqi.
What is EMES Book Club?
EMES book club meets about 6 times a year for 4th grade and about 6 times a year for 5th & 6th grade. Each meeting is focused on a middle grade book and they usually come from the current nominees for VT’s Golden Dome Book Award. To come to a book club we ask that students have read or are mostly done reading the book for that meeting. Students do not need to attend every book club, they are welcome to come to any that interest them.
What do we do?
Students engage in activities connected to the book and share a special snack
When and Where is EMES Book Club?
Book Club meets after school in the EMES library. Some of the book clubs will be for just 4th grade, some will be for 5th & 6th grade, and others will be combined.
How do students sign up and how do parents know?
About a week before a book club, students have the opportunity to sign up to come. Arlyn sends a message out through Infinite Campus/email to the parents/guardians of students who signed up confirming that the student has permission to stay. Please check the library website for upcoming book club titles and dates.
Why do we have EMES Book Club?
Book Club is an opportunity for students to engage in reading through a social event. It further supports students in reading for personal interest and in participating in a community of readers. Ok – we do book club because it is really fun!
2024-2025 Basketball Registration
East Montpelier Recreation 2024-2025 Basketball Program Registration Open from October 1 - November 4
This program is open for children K-6. Please register on the Recreation Department website https://www.eastmontpelierrecreation.org/
Program Fees:
Grade ⅚ Boys & Girls: $40
Grade ¾ Boys & Girls: $40
K to 2 Coed: $20
Payment can be made through the website during the registration process, dropped off at the EMES office, or mailed to 665 Vincent Flats Road, East Montpelier, VT 05651.
Payment is due no later than the first practice.
* Please make checks payable to: Town of East Montpelier
Memo: Child’s Name, Grade, “basketball”
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions to program administrators Joanie Smith and Kate Nelson - emesbball@gmail.com
U-32 Cross Country Invitational
As has been a U-32 tradition, we will be hosting youth races during our U-32 Cross Country Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 28.
8:30 .45 Mile K-2nd Girls & Boys
8:45 .83 miles 3rd & 4th Girls & Boys
9:00 1 mile 5th & 6th Girls
9:15 1 mile 5th & 6th Boys
We will have awards for the top finishers in each of the youth races and we encourage each of the local elementary schools to put together teams for 5th and 6th grade races if they would like!
There will also be middle school, JV and varsity races starting at 9:30 all the way up until 12pm if you want to stay to watch more races.
Barre Figure Skating Club Registration
Blood Drive at U-32
We are hosting a Blood Drive in the U-32 gym on September 25th from 10am - 3:30 pm. All it takes is one hour to save a life! If you are interested in donating, please visit this link to schedule.
All donors will receive a FREE red Cross t-shirt (while supplies last) AND a $15 E-gift card to a merchant of your choice.
Here is a list of eligibility requirements and if you are a teen, click here for additional requirements. Also, if you are an athlete, you will not be able to participate in any competition that same day. If you have practice, you will need to get written permission from your coach.
If you have further questions, please call the Donor Care Line 866-236-3276.