Southeastern High School Orchestra
October 2024-2025
Southeastern Orchestra Mission
The mission of the Hamilton Southeastern High School Orchestra Program is to challenge, inspire, understand, and represent through the art and communication of music performance.
Southeastern Orchestra Royal Update
Southeastern Orchestra Families,
We hope you are all enjoying a break from the hot and humid weather as we are finally starting to take the turn towards the Fall season! We realize that it is not quite October yet, but there is a very pressing and time sensitive matter that we need to bring to your attention. Please take a moment to read the "URGENT CALL TO ACTION" below and should you choose to take action, you must do so no later than this Friday, September 27th.
Thank you for your support and all that you do!
Heather Nieto, Director of Orchestras
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Charles Kunz, Associate Director of Orchestras
Hamilton Southeastern High School
Minjung Kim, Student Teacher-IU
Hamilton Southeastern High School
We apologize for the length of this message and the short timeline, but we have a very important matter to bring to your attention.
AWARENESS: We wanted to be sure you are aware of the high school graduation diploma changes in the state of Indiana and how they affect performing arts as a whole. Recently, the Indiana State Board of Education was asked by our state legislature to overhaul our graduation requirements to reflect a desire to simplify our diplomas and have them reflect more on “work-based competencies”. What has been proposed is attached at the bottom. Here are a couple of highlights:
- 2 diplomas with optional “seals” to add on to the diploma
- These seals have slightly different requirements, but they all include a minimum of 100 hours of work-based learning or public service.
- All performing and fine arts have been removed from any requirement and listed solely as an elective.
THE ISSUE: Fewer Indiana students are enrolling in higher education, and even fewer are graduating. The college-going rate has dramatically declined in Indiana as in many other states since the pandemic. This has led to broad support among the Indiana State Legislature for more focus on work-based learning.
The result has been the introduction of updated high school diploma requirements by the Indiana Department of Education. If passed by the State Board, this will create a single General Baseline Diploma with "readiness seals."
THE IMPACT: The proposal eliminates the two-credit fine arts directed elective requirement. Instead, students would choose between subjects like arts, world languages and career skills to fulfill 12 total hours of "personalized electives." However, non-arts courses may be needed for an "Honors Seal" in the seal categories of Enrollment, Employment, or Enlistment, effectively reducing elective options.
This would make Indiana only the second state (after Nevada) to diminish arts as a graduation requirement since it was federally designated a core subject in 1994. Meanwhile other states already have or are adding stand alone arts graduation requirements, since fine arts develop the very interpersonal skills stymied by the pandemic.
CONTEXT: IT IS NOT the intent of the State Board of Education to harm arts education. However, the unintended consequences will lead to a reduction in arts education opportunities particularly in very urban and rural school districts.
WE NEED YOUR VOICES: Because of all the benefits of Performing Arts with teamwork, determination and grit, communication, etc., and the growing number of jobs in the entertainment industry and arts administration, in addition to Fine Arts being listed nationally as a subject that should be part of the core curriculum of every school, we would like to see this added back to these new diploma tracks. If you feel similarly, we encourage you to reach out to the Indiana Department of Education via THIS FEEDBACK FORM or send directly to the emails listed at the bottom of this message. They welcome feedback from community members, parents, students (former and current), and employers in the state. In your correspondence, you can discuss the benefits to your workplace of those with Performing Arts backgrounds, the jobs open to your students because of the opportunities in the arts at the high school level, or anything else you feel is pertinent. We encourage you to write about your own experiences and story.
Additionally, the state music association has given specific guidance as to what to advocate for:
- Include a requirement for a credit of specific fine or performing arts instruction, in line with national requirements for a comprehensive curriculum.
- Allow fine arts co-curricular requirements to count for work-based competency experiences.
TIMELINE: Again, we apologize for the short timeline!
Some talking points we (and the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA)) encourage you to include in your letter:
1. Arts Education is for ALL Students: Research over the years has shown the important role music and arts education plays in the development of all students regardless of the career pathway they may choose. It provides students with skills that are transferable to other aspects of their development. The proposed requirements, without alteration, may deny some students access to music and arts education.
2. Creativity is an Important Skill for Students: Music and arts education provides students the opportunity to explore their own creativity and discover their own passion for the arts. Creativity is a skill that can be developed and the arts are one of the primary ways to unlock the creative capacity in our students.
3. Music and the Arts are Career Pathways: The proposed new diploma fails to recognize or value music/arts as a career pathway. There are hundreds of career options in music and arts that are available to students. The creative industries in the United States are a $1 Trillion industry.
4. Music and Arts Education Impact Workforce Development: The number one issue that is coming up across the country and from business leaders in Indiana regarding career readiness is the need for “soft skills” for effective workforce development. These include Communication, Teamwork, Adaptability, Problem-Solving, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Time Management, Critical Thinking, Work Ethic, and Conflict Resolution. Music and arts education have been recognized for their role in developing these skills. That is why so many successful leaders outside of the music/arts fields credit their involvement in music/arts education as critical to their success in life. A great example of this is Jason Kelce (former Philadelphia Eagles player), who talked passionately about how the skills he learned in music prepared him to be successful in football. There are countless examples of this across industries in the United States.
5. Impact on Cognitive Development: Research consistently shows that music education plays a vital role in enhancing cognitive abilities, improving language skills, and fostering creativity in children.
6. Arts Has a Positive Impact on Chronic Absenteeism: Students involved in four years of arts instruction have up to a 50% lower chronic absenteeism rate than students that are not.
7. Rural Programs will Suffer: Students in smaller communities will be denied opportunities in music and the arts as enrollment in programs decline due to the new diploma requirements.
Attached are some examples of letters as well as comparisons of the old vs. new diploma requirements.
Remember: Be respectful and positive in your communication. Do not be confrontational or threatening. Focus on the needs of students. We suggest recognizing what the State Board is trying to do for students, while pointing out the need to be aware of and address the unintended consequences.
Please send them to the following addresses OR THIS FEEDBACK FORM:
Indiana Department of Education
State Board of Education
Thank you for your time, and all the best to you and your families this year!
While the focus right now is on the graduation requirement this is not the end. This is just the beginning. Once the diploma is finalized we will turn our attention to the following:
- Work-based Learning: Work to ensure that students' participation in a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity (marching band, etc.) will fulfill the requirement of 100 hours of work-based learning.
- Fine Arts Seal: Implement a Fine Arts Seal similar to what has been adopted in Florida and Arizona.
We will keep you updated as things progress!
Hamilton Southeastern Orchestra family, friends, and fans -
We are about three weeks into our Fundraiser and doing great! As of 12:30PM on Tuesday, September 24th we are sitting at $13,313.00 raised leaving us just shy of $7000.00 to go! There is still time as the fundraiser will come to a close next Thursday, October 3rd. Please continue to send out the link and share on your social media!
Remember...While we use Fan Pledge to help us reach out, we do take straight donations as well and checks can be made payable to "Southeastern High School Orchestra Boosters". Please take a moment to check with your place of work to see if they offer matching gifts for donations. If they require it, the Southeastern High School Boosters, Inc. is a registered 503c and paperwork can be shared upon request.
Use this link to donate and to share: https://www.fpfans.com/616c87#share
Our Fall Concert is fast approaching! We are excited to perform for our friends and family! Please join us on Thursday, October 10th in the Leonard Auditorium at 7:00PM!
On Monday, November 18th we will honor our Southeastern Orchestra diversity through the celebration of food! Please join us for our second annual Stringsgiving Celebration! All families are welcome to attend this event and will be asked to bring a dish that either represents their culture or that they frequently enjoy making for their family! More details to come in the November Update!
Please note that a special "Southeastern High School Orchestra Booster" Newsletter will be sent out during the week of September 30th. This newsletter will contain important information and instructions regarding voting for our SHS Orchestra Boosters Executive Board. Below is information that was sent out last month, if you didn't have a chance to read it or need a refresher!
September Newsletter
In an effort to create more opportunities for our orchestra students and families, the Southeastern Orchestra program has incorporated the Southeastern High School Orchestra Boosters. This process has taken time and expertise and we have worked diligently to ensure that everything is set up correctly. We are grateful for the outstanding Southeastern Orchestra parents in our program who have been willing to help! This section of our Royal Update will be consistently used to update you with news and updates from our Boosters. Please take a moment to read through the important information below.
The purpose of the Southeastern High School Orchestra Boosters is to support and enhance the educational experience of the orchestra students through volunteerism, fundraising, and community engagement. Our goal is to provide resources and opportunities that foster musical growth, promote excellence in performance, and cultivate a strong sense of community among students, parents, and staff.
The Southeastern High School Orchestra Boosters will engage in a variety of activities to achieve its mission. These include organizing fundraising events such as concerts, concession, sale of goods, and community dinners; coordinating volunteer efforts for orchestra events and activities; facilitating communication between the orchestra director, students, and parents; and organizing social events to build camaraderie among orchestra families. Additionally, the organization supports the purchase of musical instruments, uniforms, and other essential equipment, and works to raise awareness and appreciation for the orchestra within the broader community.
- We are in the process of finalizing our bylaws. Our bylaws will support our purpose and give guidance for how the SHSO Boosters, Inc. will function as an entity.
- Our Executive Board will consist of
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- In addition to our Executive Board, there will be the opportunity for our parents/guardians to lead and participate on a variety of committees.
- Parents/Guardians of any Southeastern Orchestra student are defined as members of our organization. As such, you will be asked to vote for our Executive Board.
- In the coming days or weeks as we finalize our bylaws, proposed board, and voting information, we will be sending out a separate email presenting you with a panel of candidates for these positions. You will also have an opportunity for nominations.
We truly appreciate your support with this organization. If you believe you have any of the following and are willing to help, please reach out to us!
Please take a moment to consider signing up with a private lesson teacher. Private lessons give all students an opportunity to grow at their pace. We teach students everything they need to know to play their instrument and become musicians. However, private lessons allow students to have one on one time with a teacher who is an expert in their instrument and will hone in on each students strengths and weaknesses giving them additional time and practice. Currently over 40 of the Southeastern Orchestra musicians take private lessons with an addition 40 students requesting a teacher!
Take a moment to view the 2024 Private Lesson Teacher google sheet for updated private lesson teacher recommendations!
As your student progresses over the next four years, you may start to find the instrument they currently have, less adequate for some of the more complicated techniques that will be required of them. If you are interested in upgrading your instrument or purchasing a new instrument, we strongly encourage you to allow us to assist you in this process. I have been teaching strings for a very long time and it is important to me that you find a quality instrument at a fair cost.
While I am happy to help you obtain an instrument from any reputable place, I also encourage you to reach out to Encore Orchestra Strings at Paige's Music. I have worked with them for many years and strongly support the way that they have worked with our families and students over the years. I am happy to meet you at the store and help you there as well. Please let us know if you are interested in upgrading or purchasing a new instrument and we will do everything we can to help you!
You can visit the Encore Orchestral Strings website by clicking on the Encore icon.
Due to new HSE District rules, we will be deleting all Remind accounts prior to January 01, 2025. We will be using Parent Square for communication with families instead. We will let you know when we are making the transition from Remind to Parent Square.
If you already know your student's class placement, please sign up for the class Remind! This service allows us to send you and students important information and reminders directly to your phone! We ask students and parents/guardians to please add their name as it is listed in Skyward so that we can easily identify who message are going to and coming from. Students should sign up as "student". Parents/guardians should sign up as "parent".
Mrs. Heather Nieto, Director of Orchestras
Email: hnieto@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.southeasternorchestras.org/
Phone: 317-594-4190-8705
Mr. Kunz, Associate Director of Orchestras
Miss Minjung Kim
Originally from Columbus, Indiana, Minjung Kim is currently a senior at Indiana University studying Music Education. Her primary instrument is violin, and she has participated in both orchestral and chamber ensembles and solo performances since she was 8 years old. At IU, Minjung has worked with a wide demographic of students and a variety of different string and band ensembles. Aside from music, she also enjoys swimming, reading, and watching action-comedy movies in her free time. Minjung is very excited to gain more knowledge and experience working with the orchestra students and staff at HSE High School this fall!