Chief Charlo HOWL Newsletter
September 2024 (1st Ed)
We are excited for this new school year and are happy you are with us!!
Welcome back to Chief Charlo - Read our newsletters to learn about important information from our front office, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), school library and school garden; learn about upcoming school events, Dine Out Nights, PTO meetings, and FREE parenting classes; learn helpful tips from the school counselor; and resources within our community, plus much more.
Arrival and Dismissal times
Start time - 8:10am
Tardy bell - 8:20am
Dismissal time - 2:55pm ALL students (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday)
2:10pm on Early Out Thursdays.
Drop off and Pick up Safety: We know this time of day can feel chaotic. Please remember to SLOW down, be patient, and use caution. Do not block the bus lane or outside driving lane. If you are parking near our school, please do not stop in driving lanes, park in front of driveways, or park on the wrong side of the street. This creates a safety hazard for students and other traffic. Leave handicap parking spots available for those that truly need them. Consider dropping off and picking up at other points rather than the lower parking lot.
What is the pick up plan? - Please make sure your student knows what their go-home plan is before they get on the bus in the morning or you drop them off at school. Should they ride the bus home or are they being picked up?
School breakfast and lunch - FREE breakfast continues to be served in the classroom to all students. Lunch is served in the cafeteria and is $3.00 per day. For more information about the Breakfast and Lunch Programs, as well as how to pay for school meals and apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, visit the MCPS Food and Nutrition Services webpage. If filling out Free and Reduced Lunch applications via paper form, send them back in your student's work folder.
Birthday Treats - We will no longer be allowing outside food/treats in for birthdays. We have students who have life threatening food allergies and we want to make sure all students stay safe here at school. We do have ways to recognize kiddos on their birthday with fun, free, and active celebrations including happy birthday recognition during morning announcements and other prize or game acknowledgements. A number of MCPS neighboring schools have this practice in place supporting our MCPS district wellness policy and fostering active healthy choices for children. We appreciate your understanding and support of healthy centered activity.
September At-A-Glance
September 12 - Early Out Thursday, ALL students out at 2:10pm
September 18 - 5th grade instrument rental night, 4:00-7:00pm at MCPS Arts Education Department, 909 South Ave W, Building B, #137
September 19 - Early Out Thursday, ALL students out at 2:10pm
September 26 - Early Out Thursday, ALL students out at 2:10pm
September 10 - 1st PTO Meeting of school year - 4:00-5:00pm, located in the library with FREE childcare provided
September 27 - 6th Annual schoolwide Fun Run
Attendance Matters
Absent Notifications for Your Student
The MCPS Student Information System, Infinite Campus, works in tandem with our existing Blackboard messaging system. All attendance calls are based on attendance data in the Infinite Campus system at 9:30am each day. If you call our office after 9:30am, please be aware that you will likely still receive the District's automated attendance call.
Perfect Attendance Achievement
We had 6 students with perfect attendance during the 2023-2024 school year. Each student was rewarded at the beginning of the summer with a school certificate and goodies from local businesses who were proud to hear about and recognize these students for their perfect attendance.
Congratulations go out to the following students:
Annabella M
Tierney M
Birdie W
Madelyn H
Rachel D
Rueben G
Keep up the great work!!
Safer Montana Tip Line
The Safer Montana tip line is a new way for MCPS students and others to report a school safety concern - anonymously, any time, day or night. Learn more about this online resource or report a tip at
Chief Charlo continues to be a Zero Waste School
Chief Charlo is a Zero Waste school, but what does that mean? That means our Wolves reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost every day, particularly at mealtimes. Our cafeteria's Zero Waste station has helped reduce our lunchtime waste by over 90 percent.
If you send your student to school with a lunchbox, you can support them by packing a Zero Waste lunch. Curious what that is? Here are some resources to help:
Or search google for “Zero Waste School Lunch” and see what you can find!
You can also support your student by asking them to tell you about all the ways they reduce waste at school and what ideas they have for reducing waste at home.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We hope you will join us!!
First PTO Meeting of the 2024-2025 school year is THIS Tuesday, September 10, 4:00-5:00pm, in the upstairs library.
FREE childcare is provided
We are looking forward to seeing old faces and hopefully some new ones!! At this meeting we will discuss the best time for future monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome and we NEED your input!! Membership is FREE due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way they can. This is your child(ren)'s school ... come engage and be a part of their community!!
Our 6th Annual Schoolwide Fun Run is Underway
This year's annual Fun Run will take place on September 27th. Watch for registration information and other details to come home with your student. Parents/Guardians will be able to watch again this year and cheer your student(s) on. We can't wait for this FUN annual event!!
Chief Charlo Merchandise
Show your support by purchasing custom clothing & merchandise for Chief Charlo Elementary School. The proceeds from each purchase go directly to supporting school, teachers and students. Grab yourself a custom Chief Charlo hat, shirt, sweatshirt or more HERE! Both adult and kids' sizes available.
Parent and Student Mailbox
2025 I Love My Librarian Award Nominations Now Open
Let's Show Mrs. Greil Our Love
Nominations Open for the 2025 I Love My Librarian Award ALA invites library users to submit nominations for the I Love My Librarian Award through September 30, 2024—ten amazing librarians will receive $5,000 and the honor of a lifetime. We know school librarians change lives every day, so please spread the word about this life-changing opportunity! Promotional tools including graphics, social media copy, and a sample press release are all available on the award website.
Families In Transition (FIT) Program
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program is here to assist Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between those families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is able to provide extra services to our students in need. This may include extra one-on-one educational support, or supplying students with school supplies, weekly EmPower Packs, or basic needs such as clothing, gym shoes, winter gear, toiletries, etc. FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
I look forward to assisting you!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
728-2400, X4983
Housing Support
Community Resources
Weekly EmPower Pack
To learn more about the Missoula Food Bank and Community Center press here.
5-2-1-0 MOVE Missoula!
The Lifelong Learning Center
Attend a FREE Families First Parenting Workshop with FREE childcare. Parenting can be hard. Let Families First help you learn skills that could make it easier. Join us for 'Positive Parenting Practices' at Chief Charlo on Tuesday, October 24th, 6:00-8:00pm. To register for this class or to learn about other upcoming Parenting classes, check here.
To learn more about Families First and what programs they have to offer, check here.
Family Fun
Missoula County Public School Information
Current Board Members:
Elyse Johnson, President:
Mindy Glenna, Co-Vice President:
Kaila Nuanez, Co-Vice President:
Annie Harris, Treasurer:
Meeting Schedule: 1st Meeting of the year is Tuesday, September 10, 4:00-5:00pm, located in the upstairs library. FREE childcare is provided. Future meeting times will be determined at this meeting.
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!!
Check us out at