The Beach Elementary Weekly Wave
April 27, 2023
Dates to Remember
May 1-May 5 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/5-3rd Grade Field Trip-Skate Zone
5/10 4th Qtr Interims
5/15 5th Gr Panoramic Photo
5/16 Gr K National Zoo Field Trip
5/22 Gr 3 Fridman/Goucher Chespax Field Trip
5/23 Gr 3 Humphreys/Short Chespax Field Trip
5/23 Gr 4 Boice/Hall Chespax Field Trip
5/23 Gr 5 West River Field Trip
5/24 Gr 4 McAllister/Nichols Chespax Field Trip
5/25 Spring Concert-MHC
Related Arts Schedule
Monday, May 1 - E Day
Tuesday, May 2 - A Day
Wednesday, May 3 - B Day
Thursday, May 4 - C Day
Friday, May 5 - D Day
Club Schedule
Tuesday, 5/2-Girls Chess, Grades 3, 4 and 5 MAKE UP SESSION. Children may come to this club for this session if they are not already signed up for the club. They MUST provide a note giving permission to stay, including the name of the person picking them up. Cost is $5.00 and club dismisses at 5:15. Pick up is at the back door.
Thursday Folder Contents
PTO Dance Flyer
MD United Soccer
Calvert County Community Events and Activities
For information about family events and youth activities taking place in our community, click the Community Events button, below. Please note: These events and activities are not sponsored by the Calvert County Board of Education or Calvert County Public Schools. We provide equal opportunities to outside agencies to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district.
Greetings Families,
As many of you know, we have experienced back-ups and delays with car rider drop off in the mornings here at Beach. We would like to remind you of the process and ask for your continued support in doing all that we can as a school community to ensure the safety and well-being of children and families. By following these guidelines, we can be assured that we will be making the best possible choices for everyone involved.
- Plan to arrive no earlier than 8:28. Why? When families arrive at 8:15 it creates a pile-up of traffic on the main road as staff members are not available to receive students until 8:30 each morning. Why? The first bell rings at 8:35.
- Be prepared to have your child or children exit the vehicle. Why? When you are not ready to unload it holds up the line. Parents behind you cannot exit and traffic builds up on the main road and in the parking lot. If you need more time pull up to the other far end of the parking lot. When it is time to exit, staff will help you get back into the loop to exit.
- Do not drop off students in the staff parking lot. Why? There are no staff members available to receive students outside of the designated area. It is a huge safety concern to let students walk unsupervised to the gym door especially if staff enter the building without knowing. It is also an inconvenience to staff who may be moving in or out of the lot if spaces are blocked.
- Do not arrive after the last bell at 8:45. Why? Staff are exiting the parking lot and entering the building at the sounding of the bell at 8:45 so they can begin working and providing service to students or staff inside of the building. They may not see your child exiting the vehicle and it is unsafe to leave them unsupervised. What can you do? Since students are considered late at 8:45. Drive to the front of the building and escort them to the main office.
For the afternoon:
- If your child is a surprise car rider let us know in advance. Why? Sign out sheets are updated daily, and teachers can prepare students and car rider staff for changes to ensure children make it to the gym instead of the bus for dismissal. Students have gone on the bus accidentally or have gone to the gym accidentally because they have forgotten what to do.
- Do not leave your car unattended if you are not in a parking space. Why? As cars continue to arrive, vehicles may need to move up. If you are not in your vehicle and cannot move, traffic will back up on the main road or in the parking lot.
Additional Car Rider Information
Dear BES Community,
Beginning on Monday, May 1, 2023, Calvert County Sheriff Office will change the traffic pattern for morning arrival at Beach Elementary School to keep traffic moving. Cars travelling north on Bayside Road will no longer be permitted to turn left into our car rider parking lot and will need to proceed to the light at Rod & Reel, turn around, and drive south to Beach Elementary.
All cars exiting the car rider parking lot will only be able to turn right. Once turned right, cars may turn around/make a U-Turn at Brownie Beach or Chesapeake Village.
Please exercise caution and give patience as we try to improve traffic flow while also maintaining safety.
Thank you,
Brock Fulton
BES Principal
May Mental Health Calendar
May is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Please use the interactive calendar below as a guide to help with some self-care activities throughout the month. Please note, May 11 is the day to wear green day to support Children’s Mental Health. If you have questions/concerns, please call Mrs. Hammett at 443-550-9529.
National Physical Education and Sport Week
National Physical Education and Sport Week is held from May 1 to May 7 every year. It’s a week-long celebration of giving importance to fitness, a healthy lifestyle, and a sound mind and body. This event highlights physical education and sports activities that kids and adults could engage in. Moreover, this also helps one to reinvigorate and reactivate their interest in physical activities despite their busy schedules. From exercising for a couple of minutes every day to joining team sports all week, you’ll have limitless options to keep your body in check, socialize, and have fun.
Support youth mental health through sports
To open the above website hover over the site and right click on the mouse and select open link.
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open-REPEAT
Registration for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year is now open and must be completed online. Please go to the CCPS website and choose the Parent tab. From there, follow the links to complete the online registration. You may upload required documents during the online registration process, or you may bring them in to the school. If you are going to bring documents in, please call ahead so we may assist you without you having to wait. Please note that once you complete and submit the registration online, you may not go back in to make changes. You would need to call or email the school with any changes or additional information.
If you want to enroll your child in the PreK program, you need to go online and under the Parent tab, complete the PreK application. This program has limited openings. If your child is accepted into the program, you will receive a letter explaining that the next step is to go back in and complete the registration online. Please do not register your child for PreK unless you receive a letter of acceptance from the Board of Ed.
If you have any questions, please call Ms. Francis, 443-550-9520.
Mini Field Day is Coming up Soon!-REPEAT
May 31st-Grades K, 1, 2
June 2-Grades 3, 4, 5
Additional information will follow as we get closer to the dates!
Bus Safety On the Way To, At, and From the Bus Stop-PLEASE READ-REPEAT
1. Parents are responsible for their child's safety and behavior from the time they leave home, until they board the bus, and after they disembark the bus.
2. An adult or family member must be present at the bus stop for students in Pre-K thru 2nd grade. Students will be returned to school when no one is present at drop-off.
3. The lack of sidewalks, streetlights, or shelters are not reasons for adjustments to bus routes/bus stops.
4. Parents must have children standing at the bus stop where they are visible to the bus driver 5 minutes before the typical pick‐up time (not inside a car, inside the doorway of a home, or on the front porch).
5. Do not move towards the bus until it comes to a complete stop.
6. If you must cross a road, make eye contact with the driver, and follow their direction.
7. Wait until all traffic has stopped in both directions before crossing the road. Look left, look right, then look left, again.
8. Do not use a cell phone or wear earphones when approaching or walking away from a bus.
9. If you drop something near a bus, do not go get it. Tell the bus driver. Wait until your driver tells you it is safe to get it.
10. Always go straight home. Do not interact with strangers.
11. If you “See something, Say something.”
5th Grade Recognition Slide Show-5th GRADERS ONLY-REPEAT
We're planning ahead for the end of the year! It's time to start looking through your old files and albums because Mrs. Grenier is collecting photos for our 5th grade recognition slideshow. We're especially looking for school related photos: kindergarten graduation, first days, field trips, friends at the bus stop, virtual learning, friend groups, photos with teachers, etc. Please send your 5th grade photos to Mrs. Grenier at this special email address: We may not be able to use all of the photos that we receive, but we'll do our best to make sure that all of our 5th graders are represented! Remember, this is just for this year's 5th graders! Please include your student's full name as the subject of your email. Remember that any pictures that are sent may be used in our slideshow which will be shared with all BES 5th grade families.
Scholastic Book Fair-REPEAT
Our spring Scholastic book fair will take place during the week of May 1st through the 5th. As we'll be starting our big packing project to move to our new building, we'd like to keep the book fair as simple as possible. This book fair will be CASH FREE. All families will need to set up a Scholastic E-Wallet for student purchases.
The E-Wallet works much like a gift card; you set the amount with your credit or debit card on our Scholastic site, give your student their Scholastic E-Wallet print out, and then we do the rest. You can also share your student's E-Wallet with family and friends who might like to add more funds for your student to shop. Any leftover E-Wallet funds stay on your student's account for future book fairs or online Scholastic shopping.
We've been using E-Wallets for a few years now and they really are helpful. No need to worry about your student forgetting or losing book fair cash when it's already taken care of online!
Regular credit card and check purchases will be available on our after-school family night. More information about the fair will come home over the next few weeks. We'll be needing lots of volunteers!
Visit our book fair site here to learn more or to set up your account.
Thank you!
BES PTO Announcements and Information
If you are interested in joining the PTO as a board member for the 2023-2024 school year, please use this google form to be put on the ballot. We will hold the vote at our final virtual meeting in early June.
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. The PTO is so excited about the wonderful week we have planned. Your generosity has ensured that we can thank every staff member equally. Although proceeds of this drive will benefit the entire staff, don't hesitate to thank your teacher directly with a kind note or special gift. Thank you, Beach Families, for showing our staff so much love.
Friday May 5th will be our Spring Family Dance. It will be held outside at the tennis court from 5:30pm to 7pm. All families are welcome to join us, there is no admission fee. Relay for Life will be there selling food and drinks, and Rita’s Italian Ice will be there selling tasty treats.
Painless but profitable ways to help BES
Weis Market
Please select the Weis Market file below for a NEW way to help us raise funds for BES! SO EASY! You basically just scan a bar code!
Box Tops for Education
No need to send in Box Tops any longer!!! You simply need to download the Box Tops for Education app and follow the directions!
Harris Teeter VIC
BES will earn 5% of your Harris Teeter brand purchases when you give our account number (6760) to the cashier at check out and ask them to link the number to your Harris Teeter VIC card. You only need to do this one time this school year. You may also link your VIC card online at You may link up to 5 schools, with funds being divided equally between your chosen schools. You will need to re-link your card at the beginning of next school year.
7900 Old Bayside Road
Chesapeake Beach, Maryland 20732
Phone 443-550-9520
Fax 410-286-4014