The Paw Print
May 13-17, 2024
What's Happening This Week
CAASPP Testing continues this week for Grades 3-6
Monday 5/13
2:15 - Epic Engineers
Tuesday 5/14
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
2:45 - SSC #4
Register in advance for this meeting:
Wednesday 5/15
Wear college/career gear
1:15 Dismissal
1:15 - Variety Show Dress Rehearsal (all)
Thursday 5/16
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
6:30 - Family Math Night at Brookhaven MPR. Drop in anytime between 6:30 & 7:30. RSVP to receive a FREE math book.
Friday 5/17
Wear Brookhaven Spirit Wear
2:15 - Ice Cream Sales
Coming Up...
5/21 - Student Council End of Year Party (tentative)
5/23 - Variety Show @ 6:00
6/6 - PAL End of Year Celebration
6/7 - Minimum day (12:45 dismissal)
6/13 - LAST DAY of SCHOOL/12:00 dismissal
School Site Council
Brookhaven Elementary School
School Site Council Agenda
Date: May 14, 2024
Review and Adopt Proposed Agenda (motion required)
Review and Approve Minutes (motion required)
Benchmark review
What activities were implemented?
What activities were not implemented?
Does the benchmark data indicate progress is being made toward meeting the established goal(s)?
Review and Approve proposed site LCFF/LCAP Budget for 2024-25.
Review and Approve proposed Centralized Categorical Budget for 2024-25.
Intent to Serve in 2024-25
Public Comment
School Site Council (SSC) Zoom Registration
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 14, 2024 02:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
SAVE THE DATE: Family Math Night
Brookhaven's Family Math Festival will expose students and their families to critical mathematics topics in a positive, hands-on, festival-like atmosphere. At our Family Math Festival students of all ages and their parents will work side-by-side doing challenging math problems using everything from beans to balances. Each activity will be challenging, fun, and a great example of what the Common Core Standards are all about!
The first 25 families who RSVP to attend will receive a FREE book! Click here to RSVP
ELAC Meeting Presentation (April 16, 2024)
Dear ELAC Parents,
We wanted to provide you with the information from the April 16, 2024 ELAC meeting. These are the slides that were presented. If you have any questions, please reach out to either Kim Amidon (KAmidon@pylusd.org) or Laura Fisher (LFisher@pylusd.org). Thank you!
DELAC Presentation (May 6, 2024)
Brookhaven Variety Show - May 23 @ 6:00 p.m.
Testing Information (Grades 3-6)
Testing Letter
Dear Third-Sixth Parent/Guardian:
There are many ways to measure your child’s learning. Your child’s teacher uses report card grades, classroom work, teacher observations, and end-of-year statewide test results to get a complete picture of your child’s learning. Each year, students participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Your child will take the following tests, depending on their grade level or instructional program:
Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts and math, required tests in grades 3–8 and 11
California Science Test (CAST), a required test in grades 5 and 8 and once in high school
Brookhaven’s 2024 CAASPP testing schedule is: May 6th - 24th for third through sixth grades
You are an important part of your child’s education. To make sure your child feels comfortable taking tests, you can:
Explain to your child that these tests are tools to help them learn, and they should not be anxious or scared.
Support your child by ensuring they get plenty of rest during the testing period.
Remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way.
You will receive your child’s results at or before the beginning of the next school year. The results will identify where your child is doing well or needs more help, so you can better support their learning at home and teachers can better support their learning in the classroom.
To learn more about these tests go to the Starting Smarter web page at ca.startingsmarter.org/, or review the Parent Guides to Understanding at cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/parentguidetounderstand.asp.
If you have questions, please contact your classroom teacher, Mrs. Fisher, or Mrs. Ricotta, CAASPP Coordinator.
Laura Fisher
Kids Heart Challenge
Dear Families,
Kids Heart Challenge is coming soon! Students will learn how to have happy and healthy hearts and brains, while raising lifesaving donations to help others with special hearts. Plus, your family can learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR in Finn’s Mission! Register TODAY at http://www2.heart.org/goto/Brookhaven or by downloading the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android.
Students who register early will be recognized at our assembly on May 7th!
Thank you for supporting our school, the American Heart Association, and this lifesaving program!
Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL)
PAL 2024-2025 Information & Application Process
Mrs. Walls and Mrs. Fisher will be starting the 2024-2025 application process for PAL this week. PAL is one of our school's leadership groups that stands for Peer Assistance Leadership. PAL is open to students who will be in 5th and 6th grade NEXT school year. Student leaders are put on different squads and responsible for creating a positive school community for their peers. Squads include such groups as Peer Mentors, Green Team, and Kindness Crew. PAL is a no-cut group, but requires students to maintain a 75% or higher in all academics, have no major behavior citations, and get two teacher referral signatures as part of the application process. More information will be given at the meetings listed below.
- Any current PAL 5th-grade member wishing to apply for PAL for the 2024-2025 school year will be given information at our monthly meeting on May 9th at 2:20 in Mrs. Walls' classroom.
- All current members MUST reapply and meet the expected requirements in order to be on PAL again.
- Any 5th grader who is NOT a current member, but is interested in being a PAL member for next year, should also attend the meeting on May 9th at 2:20 in Mrs. Walls' classroom, room 804.
- All 4th graders who are interested in PAL: Mrs. Walls will be using class time during the week to speak to the students about what is PAL, what are the requirements, and what the application process will look like.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Walls at swalls@pylusd.org
Extended-Day Transitional Kindergarten Coming to Our School Next Year
TK is an early kindergarten experience for children that allows young learners to grow in an environment tailored to meet their academic and social-emotional needs. It serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and ensures developmentally younger children are ready for kindergarten and beyond. Through the gift of additional time in the extended model, students will have the opportunity to interact with other students during purposeful play, physical education and movement, and many other extended lessons. For the 2024-2025 school year, students who will turn five between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, are eligible to enroll.
Beginning next year, students enrolled in our extended-day TK program will benefit from more time in the classroom as a part of an AM/PM model, attending school from 7:50 a.m.-12:10 p.m. or 9:00 a.m.-1:20 each day (Wednesday hours change slightly). An example of a daily schedule for our extended-day TK classes will be communicated to incoming families before the summer break.
Help us spread the word about our new extended-day TK program coming to Brookhaven next year. Students gain the advantage of an outstanding education at our school! New families are encouraged to enroll their student(s) today at www.pylusd.org/enroll.
Attendance Line ~ 714-986-7110 and press 3
If students are out ill, please call the office to clear absences.
6th Grade Information
Promotion and End of School Year Information
The end of the year is fast approaching. A flyer will be sent home with more details on each event.
June 10 - Yearbook Signing Party
June 10, 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Promotion Prep (parents only)
June 11 - 6th Grade Party at Sky Zone
June 12, 8:30 a.m. - Promotion
June 13 - Last Day of School 11:45 Clap out/dismissal
Brookhaven PTA
Upcoming PTA Events...
Ice Cream Sales: every Friday after school
June 4 - Restaurant Night: Craftsman Pizza
School News
The latest issue of School News is ready for reading! Click here to read more!
Universal Sports Institute (USI)
The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) is now accepting applications to the Universal Sports Institute (USI) for Fall 2024. USI is an all-new diploma-bound program for student-athletes in grades 3-12 available through the district's independent study homeschool program, Parkview School.
USI will Elevate Your Game and Empower Your Future through a free, customizable athletic and academic development experience for students. USI will focus on maximizing sports performance, leadership skills, and academic achievement through personalized exercise and fitness programs, mental performance training, nutrition planning, recovery programs, and so much more!
USI student-athletes have the opportunity to take their academic courses through the district's independent study school and they may choose to participate in up to two courses and athletics at one of the district's comprehensive middle schools or high schools.
Learn more and apply for Fall 2024 today at usi.pylusd.org!