Crest View Paw Prints
October 31st, 2024
Nov. 1 - Open Enrollment Begins
Nov. 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov. 5, 1:00-2:00 pm - Tour for Prospective Families
Nov. 11 - No School
Nov. 13, 3:30-4:30 pm - SAC Meeting
Nov. 13 - 5:30-6:30 pm - Tour for Prospective Families
Message from the Principal
More students means more teachers, more resources, and more programming for your child. As you know we have had some decreases in staff in past years. This is directly related to the declining number of students. One of the driving forces is the increased cost of living in North Boulder. However, another reason may be that parents are choosing private schools or neighboring districts without looking closely at Crest View. We are actively engaged in winning these students back to Crest View. You can help! If you know of a neighbor or friend with children ready for Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade, we are hosting 4 opportunities for school tours. Prospective parents can take a tour and learn more about our community. Please send them this link so they can register for one of our upcoming tours.
Crest View Parent Feedback Survey (September Results) NEW!
Please read the results of last month's comments linked above. We will continue to use the Parent Feedback Survey to monitor our delivery of the Crest View Vision and Mission. We had 6 comments in August and 4 in September.
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
Coat Collection
Our yearly coat collection runs through Dec. 3rd, 2024. Please bring coats that are in good condition to the main entrance. Art Cleaners will clean the coats before distributing them to community members in need.
Ordering Make-up Pictures
If your child missed Picture Day in August and had a make-up picture taken this week you can use this link to order - Crest View MAKE UP ONLY photo preorder. To order from the original picture day please visit www.hofferphoto.com. You will need the access code from your proof sheet. If you have any questions please call David at 303-604-2527.
Dressing for the Weather
Colorado is very unpredictable this time of year. We go outside for recess every day unless the weather prohibits it - under 20F degrees, raining or snowing heavily, etc. Please be sure you send your students to school dressed for the weather each day and that all items are clearly labeled with their name.
Lost & Found
The Lost & Found is getting full! Please stop by or remind your students to claim their items.
CU Wizards - Nov. 9. 2024, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
CU Geology Professor BRIAN HYNEK presents, “ROCKS! from OUTER SPACE”
Fiske Planetarium
"CU Boulder Geology Professor Brian Hynek has traveled the globe in search of rocks from outer space. These rocks tell fascinating stories...the geologic, hydrologic, and climatic histories of our neighboring planets. Meet at CU Planetarium for a memorable Saturday morning CU Wizards show presented by a real rock star who is seeking to answer one of the greatest questions: Are we alone?!"
For more info and for the 2024-2025 schedule, please visit www.colorado.edu/cuwizards.
School Aged Care
Enjoy our After School News-October!
Update from our Specials Teachers
Message from Jeanette @ CVE Library
Book Fair: Thank you for your support with our successful Book Fair! A special shout out to ALL the volunteers who helped throughout the week and for ROCV’s constant support. I am extremely grateful.
Upcoming Event: The Children's Book Festival will take place on Saturday, November 9 at the Boulder Public Library Main Branch. You can register for this fun event. I will be there all day and will be a moderator for Craig Kofi Farmer's presentation.
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
Please consider sending your photos from any Crest View happenings (please make sure they are from school grounds) so your student(s) can be featured in the Yearbook! Send photos to: yearbooks@rocv.org. We appreciate it!
ROCV Community Meeting | November 7th 8:30a | Ask Principal Hamilton!
Do you have any burning questions for our school's administration? Use this link to anonymously submit a question for Principal Hamilton. Selected questions will be answered during the Principal's presentation at ROCV's Community Meeting on November 7 at 8:30 am in the Crest View conference room.
*Please remind your student*
Submissions Due -- Monday, November 4th by 10 am:
Please turn your drawing in at the Main Office or to your teacher.
Submissions must contain the following text: Crest View Elementary AND 2024-2025 (make sure you check your spelling!).
PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND GRADE ON THE BACK (not the front), please use pencil so it doesn't show on the cover!
All entries should be on a standard 8-1/2” x 11” sheet of paper and make sure your drawing is PORTRAIT ORIENTATION.
The top 10 entries will be displayed in the Library and voted on by the entire school.
The winning entry will be featured on the front cover, the remaining top 10 will be on the back cover, and all other entries will be inside the yearbook.