Franklin 411
Issue #15 - December 8, 2024
A Word From Mrs. Loor
A huge thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped our students pick out the perfect gifts for their loved ones and wrapped them up with such care. I honestly feel like the Holiday Shop gets better every single year. I'm impressed with the efforts made by the volunteers to purchase quality items for the students to select from. I hope the spirit of giving continues beyond the holiday season.
I have been making the rounds into classrooms to read a book or just observe all the great learning that the students are engaged in. This past week, all of our students learned about the No Place for Hate school pledge where we promised to be respectful, inclusive, and to help others when they are in need. I think it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season, but being with the children reminds me of the pure joy they bring into our lives every day. As they say, the days are long, but the years are short and these precious moments will be gone before we know it.
Have a fabulous week!
With Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Loor
Public Safety Announcement
A couple of reminders for arrival and dismissal:
- Pull up all the way up to the first cone and signpost in the car line.
- Once stopped, your child should exit the vehicle no matter where they are on the car line.
- Do not u-turn out of the end of the car line on Blackburn.
- Do not cut out of the car line between the cones.
- As always, double parking and parking on the side of the houses on Warwick is not allowed.
- Refrain from using private driveways to do k-turns. You are holding up traffic, going onto private property and creating an unsafe situation for the students walking to and from school.
See below for where you can park around Franklin School.
From the Nurse's Office
Stay healthy and safe and healthy this holiday season!
- Consider your child’s age when purchasing a toy or game this holiday season. It’s worth a second to read the instructions to make sure the gift is just right.
- Keep a special eye on small pieces, including button batteries that may be included in electronic toys. While these kinds of games are great for older kids, they can pose a potential danger for younger, curious siblings.
- Prevent burns from hot holiday food or liquid spills, simply use the back burner of your stove and turn pot handles away from the edge.
- Keep lit holiday candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn, and don’t forget to blow them out when you leave the room or before you go to sleep.
- Make sure your tree has plenty of water by checking it regularly. Natural trees look beautiful and smell great, but if they’re not watered regularly, needles can dry out and pose a potential fire hazard.
- Move the ornaments that are breakable towards the top of the tree, check the lights for exposed wires and loose connections and don’t overload electrical outlets.
If you have any medical questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out to our school nurse, Ann Zanelli. Her email is azanelli@summit.k12.nj.us. You can also visit the Summit Public Schools Virtual Health Office for additional information.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found has an overwhelming amount of lost items. It is located in the main entrance vestibule. Please come stop by the school to see if any of the articles of clothing, water bottles, hats, etc. belong to your family.
All items that are remaining on Friday, December 20th will be donated.
5th Grade Winter Concert
Franklin fifth grade musicians involved in Orchestra, Select Chorus, and Band are practicing to prepare for the Winter Concert. If your child is part of one of these performing groups, please check the flyer below for more information!
Holiday Spirit Week
We will celebrate all of our wonderful winter holidays with a spirit week during the week of December 16th. Please see the flyer below.
Important Dates
December 17: 5th Grade Winter Concert, 7 p.m. - Gym
December 20: Report Cards will be available on Genesis
December 23-January 1: No School - Winter Break
Franklin Attendance From
Please bookmark and use this year's form. It is labeled 2024-2025 so you know you're in the correct one.
Fly High, Falcons!
Location: 136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ, USA
Principal's Email: eloor@summit.k12.nj.us
School Phone: (908) 277-2613
Other Websites: