Bertram Family Connection
August 25, 2024
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Looking Ahead
Aug. 26 - Woman's Independence Day
Aug. 27 - Parent Orientation Night
Aug. 27 - Title 1 Parent Information Presentation
Sept. 2 & 3 - No School for Students - Labor Day & Staff Development Day
Sept. 9 - Grandparents Day Celebration
Sept. 10 - Site-Based Meeting
Sept. 12 - Progress Reports Post to Family Access
Sept. 16 - Board Meeting
Sept. 16-20 - Celebrate Freedom Week
Sept. 16-20 - Start with Hello Week
Sept. 27 - Bulldog Boogie
Sept. 27 - Academy 4
We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at our Parent Orientation and Title 1 Information Night. Childcare for enrolled students will be provided in the Fine Arts room from 4:30-6:30.
The School-Parent Compact
As a campus receiving Title I funds, we are required to develop a school-parent compact. "The compact serves as a clear reminder of all stakeholders’ responsibility to take action at school and at home so that children can attain the state’s academic achievement standards. It is a written commitment indicating how all members of a school community – parents, teachers, principals, students, and concerned community members – agree to share responsibility for improved student achievement. The underlying assumption is that a student’s academic success will improve when the home and school work together." (https://www.region10.org/r10website/assets/File/Developing%20a%20School-Parent%20Compact_2014.pdf)
Our compact was developed in collaboration with stakeholders and currently reads:
Bertram Elementary Staff commits to:
- setting a positive tone for learning for each child.
- participating in decisions relating to the education of each child through a mutually respectful relationship with families.
- sharing a mutually respectful relationship with students, families, and the community.
- encouraging students to take risks, even when things are hard.
supporting my child’s learning by ensuring that he/she has proper rest and nutrition.
supporting my child’s learning by ensuring that he/she attends school on time and on a regular basis.
supporting my child’s learning by reading with him/her.
setting a positive tone for learning with my child.
participating in decisions relating to the education of my child through a mutually respectful relationship with school staff.
share a mutually respectful relationship with school staff.
supporting my child’s class/school (i.e. communicating with my child’s teachers, helping in class/school, attending school events when possible, etc.).
encouraging my child to take risks, even when things are hard.
As a Bertram student, I commit to:
following school-wide expectations of being respectful, responsible, cooperative, and safe.
doing my best.
asking for help when needed.
If you have ideas to contribute to this compact, we want to hear your thoughts! Please email your suggestions to choffman@burnetcisd.net.
Site-Based Decision Making Committee
If you are interested in serving on the Site-Based Decision Making Committee please email choffman@burnetcisd.net. The Site-Based Decision Making Committee is formed each year for the purpose of providing input directly to the principal in the following areas: curriculum, planning, campus improvement, school organization, budget, and staff development. Each CSBPC is composed of teachers, non-teaching professionals, parents, and members of the community.
The Site-Based Decision Making Committee will meet from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Bertram Elementary Library on:
- September 10, 2024
- November 5, 2024
- January 14, 2024
- March 25, 2024
If you are interested in serving on the Site-Based Decision Making Committee please email choffman@burnetcisd.net.
Counselor Corner
My name is Staci Louth, and I am the new counselor this year. I have loved seeing your students’ smiling faces! I plan to visit each class once per month to teach guidance lessons beginning in September. I also conduct small groups to help with specific needs such as making and keeping friends, learning to manage feelings, success skills for school, and other topics as needed. Teachers, school staff, and parents can refer children; however, I must receive parent/guardian permission for them to participate in a group. Students may also request to see me individually for various reasons. Please do not hesitate to communicate with me through email or a phone call. I am looking forward to getting to know your students! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Activity Times:
Pre-K - 10:25-11:15
Kinder - 1:30-2:20
1st Grade - 2:20-3:10
2nd Grade - 8:35-9:25
3rd Grade - 12:10-1:00
4th Grade - 9:30-10:20
5th Grade - 11:20-12:10
For those with multiple students you can attend each student's individual Activity time or you can select one time and we will get all of the students to you.
We request that students not be signed out at the end of the event and remain at school for an important day of learning. Thank you!
Safety Drills
Your child's safety is always our first priority at Bertram Elementary. Each year we practice our response to a variety of emergency situations including fire, inclement weather, and lockdown. Our first fire drill will be on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 weather permitting.
Weather and Lockdown drills will be conducted in September.
Student Arrival
Safety is a top priority.
- Staff begins monitoring at 7:15 am. Students arriving before 7:15 am do not have adult supervision. Please refrain from dropping students off prior to 7:15 am.
- When dropping students off in the morning please drive through the drive in front of the school and stop at the stop sign.
- Do not drop students off in the parking lot or across the street. If you do not want to wait in the line, park and walk your student across the crosswalk.
- Always cross at the crosswalk.
- Those dropping students off in the morning are asked to use both lanes when entering the school drive and merge at staff direction.
- Please pull all the way forward in the line to maximize the number of cars able to unload at a time. Students may exit the car onto the curb.
- School zones are cell phone free zones. This includes our parking lot. Thank you for helping keep our kids safe!
Transportation Changes
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net.
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
Bertram Elementary School
- 7:15am Student Drop Off/ Breakfast
- 7:25am Office Opens
- 7:40am School Begins
- 7:45am Students arriving after this time are marked tardy
- 9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
- 1:30pm Any transportation changes DUE, please email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
- 2:30pm All Early Checkouts must be complete - Remember to bring your picture ID to complete early check out
- 3:20pm Student Dismissal
- 3:45pm Office/School Closes
Email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: https://bes.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 315 Main Street, Bertram, TX, USA
Phone: 512-355-2111
Facebook: facebook.com/bertramelementary
Twitter: @BurnetCISD