Rochester Memorial Minute
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Oh What a Night! 🎶
The STEAM-a-palooza Night was a HUGE success! We are so proud of our student performers and presenters for sharing their talent with the entire school community. In addition, our 3rd graders did an amazing job performing for their family and friends. Thank you to all of the faculty, staff, student ambassadors, volunteers and PTO for organizing such a wonderful evening for our RMS community to enjoy.
Third Grade Recorder Concert
Small Group and Individual Performances
RMS Updates
2nd Grade Field Trip
- Walking Field Trip to Firefighter's Memorial
- Monday, May 20th
Kindergarten Screening
- Monday, May 20th from 9:30-1:00 PM
- Thursday, May 23rd from 9:30-1:00 PM
4th Grade Band Concert
- Thursday, May 23rd
- 2:00 for 4th grade band families=
Project Grow Field Trip
- Thursday, May 23rd and Friday May 24th
- Alpaca Farm in Sippican
Project Grow Art Show
- Wednesday, May 29th and Thursday, May 30th 12:00 Pm -1:00 PM
- Get ready for the Boost-a-thon annual fundraiser
- Friday, May 24th is the Kick Off Day
Memorial Day
- May 27th, No School
School Council
- Tuesday, May 28th, 3:30-4:30 PM
Spring Concert for 5th and 6th Graders
- Thursday, May 30th
- 6:30 PM for Families
1st Grade Field Trip
- Thursday, May 30th - Capron Park Zoo
PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, June 4th
Early Release Day
- June 5th at 12:30 PM
Last Day for RMS
- June 12, 2024-Early Release Day with 12:30 Dismissal
Historical Essay Contest Grades PreK-6
What toy, game or activity that you enjoy today do you think will still be popular in 50 yrs. (2074)?
1. Describe the toy, game, or activity
2. Tell why you like it
3. Explain why you think it will still be around in 2074
- There will be 3 divisions: Pre-K & K, Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6
- (For Pre-K & K) A picture of their favorite game, toy or activity with a parent-assisted sentence or two explaining the picture)
- All entrants will receive a prize and prizes for the 3 best from grades 1-3 and the 3 best from grades 4-6 will win #1. $20, #2. $15 and #3. $10.
On June 22 and23, 2024 , in addition to our Historic Fair, we will be debuting a new exhibit entitled Past pastimes: how we entertained ourselves for the last 337 years.
Many of the items on display are toys and games from the 1700’s up through the 50’s and 60’s. We would like to have a spot reserved for toys of today.
We are looking for Rochester children who would loan us a toy or game that kids play today to be part of the exhibit. They can be dropped off at the library with owner’s name, contact info and length of time for the loan. Thy can also be brought to the Museum at 355 County Rd. during the Fair from 10:00-3:00 PM.
Article Link: https://sippican.theweektoday.com/article/rochester-historical-society-hold-fair-debut-new-exhibit/68937
Boosterthon/Fun Run
The Boosterthon registration has begun. Please reference teacher emails that will be coming your way soon. This is the PTO's biggest fundraiser and we look forward to the fun we will have in June.
Anyone wishing to volunteer for the Boosterthon must go through our PTO. We have a process in place for how the Boosterthon day will work. Parents/guardians cannot just show up on the day of volunteering. Families will be able to watch the Fun Run but not the field day events. Classroom teachers will share out the Fun Run times for their classroom. The Fun Run will take place on the back soccer field this year.
The Final Countdown 🎶
ABC 26 Day School Count Down Begins May 7th
Kindergarten Registration and Screenings
If you know any families that need to register their soon to be kindergartener, please encourage them to reach out to our school and go to our school web page at https://rms.oldrochester.org/
On this page, under the families and student tab, there is a link for new registrations. We need all incoming families to register their child through this link, aka PowerSchool. In addition, we need a few hard copy documents for proof of residency.
Kindergarten Screenings are taking place on Monday, May 20th and Thursday, May 23rd from 9:00-1:00 PM. Each student will have a 30 minute slot.
If anyone has any questions. please reach out to Ms. Guard, Office Administrative Assistant at 508-763-2049. We look forward to meeting our new kindergarten families soon.
Only a Few Spring After-School Activities Left
*Please double check dates of each after school session as some Wednesdays there aren't any classes because of monthly staff meetings.
Here is the link from Mr. Woodward: https://rmsphysed.weebly.com/rms-after-school-activities.html
**GREAT OUTDOORS- April 30 – June 4- end 4:30 pm
**GREAT OUTDOORS- May 1 – May 29- end 4:30 pm
**GREAT OUTDOORS- May 2 – June 6- end 4:20 pm
Student Ambassador Schedule
Meetings will be biweekly on Tuesday mornings from 8:10-8:40. A ride to school on these Tuesdays will be needed. Drop-off will be at the back of the school at the rear entrance.
May 21- Final meeting!
Box Tops for Education Made Easy
Dear Rochester Memorial Elementary School Families,
We are restarting the Box Tops for Education program and reaching out because we need your help. The Box Tops for Education program has been around for 25 years and has given schools one billion dollars since 1996. As a community, we can help give our students what they need to succeed with just a touch of a button.
It's easy! Here's how it works:
· Buy Box Tops products. With thousands of participating products, there are lots of chances to earn!
· Scan your receipt (paper or electronic) with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and automatically earn for Rochester Memorial Elementary School with every Box Tops product you buy.
· Don’t have access to an app? Or don’t have the time? Send in the receipt with the item clearly circled and the box top stapled or paperclipped to the receipt within 14 days of purchase and we can take care of it for you.
Our goal is to earn $10,000 through Box Tops this year to help with field trips.
Remember, you can earn a bonus for our school by referring your friends, family & other parents at RMS to sign up for Box Tops. You'll both earn a bonus when they scan their first receipt with the Box Tops app.
When first adding the app (Please enter referral code- UJZ56EPY).
Every Box Tops product will count towards our goal. Let's make a difference together.
We can do this!
Welcome to our school community where everyone CARES!
Rochester Memorial School welcomes you to our PreK to 6 school. Our student enrollment is just under 500 students and our school is filled with dynamic faculty and staff who are excited to teach every day.
Rochester Memorial School ~ C.A.R.E.S
Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control
We seek to demonstrate these values in all that we do!
Rochester Memorial School
16 Pine Street
Rochester, MA 02770
508-763-2049 ext. 2000