Eagleside Elementary
February, 2025
From the Principal...
Welcome to February; we have a lot going on this month with book fair, kindness week, and student/parent/teacher conferences. Please see below for more information on these events and how you can participate.
- When we have a delayed start there is no breakfast service. Please ensure your child(ren) eat breakfast before coming to school on those days.
- Weather can change drastically throughout the day. Even if it is bitterly cold in the morning, if the temperatures climb to a 'feels-like' of 21 degrees or higher, students go outside for recess. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for outdoor recess in these temps. This includes coat, gloves, hat, etc.
- We will have no school the week of February 17-21. This is due to President's Day, teacher professional development day, and student-led conferences.
We are looking forward to a great month!
Thank you for all you do to support your child(ren)'s learning and Eagleside! As always, if you have any questions, please contact us.Warm regards,
Anne Warren, Principal
Coming Up at Eagleside
Thursday, Feb. 6--PTO meeting 2:45--Setting up book fair
Mon. Feb. 10-Fri. Feb. 14--Book Fair; Kindness Week--dress up days (see flyer below)
Mon. Feb. 17-Fri. Feb. 21--No school for students
Monday, Feb. 17--President's Day--District Closed
Wednesday, Feb. 19--Student-led conferences 7:00 am-7:00pm
Thursday, Feb. 20--Student-led conferences 7:00 am -11:00 am
Student-Led Conferences
Conferences are being held on Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 7:00am-7:00pm and on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 7:00am-11:00am. You should be receiving a sign-up from your child's teacher. These are student-led conferences where your child(ren) have the opportunity to showcase their learning and share a little about their growth with you. When scheduling, please make sure it is for a time that your child can accompany you to the conference. Many grade level conferences will be structured similarly to first quarter conferences, with it being multiple students sharing with their families at the same time. If your child receives services through a READ plan, the teacher will reach out to schedule a separate conference time with you to go over the plan and the reading goals. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.
PTO Corner
PTO Corner!
Valentine Grams- Class Set or Individual
Skip the box store and support our school
- Ordering a class set? Check ONE BOX from the four options listed on the flyer that was sent home and PTO will fill out the cards for you!
- Individual grams are $1 a piece. Extra individual grams are available to be picked up in the main office.
- All Orders and cash are due by February 6th
Zoo Who? Book Fair is right around the corner! Check the flyer below for dress-up days and information on how to create an ewallet. Book Fair will be open February 10-13 for students to shop during the school day. Shop as a family during parent teacher conferences February 19 7am-7pm and February 20 7am-11 am. Hope to see you at the fair!!! Interested in volunteering at the book fair? Check the link below to sign up
PTO is purchasing bagel sandwiches from Sliced Bagels to feed staff during conferences. We are asking for chip, drink and dessert donations to show our appreciation to our staff. View the sign-up below to see what items are needed. All items need to be dropped off by Friday, February 14.
Student Grading Scales--What is Mastery?
In an effort to help clarify our 1-4 grading scale, District 8 has created the following one-page explanation in terms of the levels of mastery. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out. We are happy to help! *This document is also attached below in a printable version.
General Eagleside Information
Arrival and Dismissal
Parents, if you drop your child off in the morning, please use the drop off line in front of the school. Pull up as far as possible and have your child(ren) exit the vehicle. Do not stop you car or get out in the drop off line as this causes delays and backups in the line. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in the parking lot and cross at the crosswalk.
When picking up students please note:
- Car pick up:
- Pull forward as far as you can
- When teacher has a visual, they will release child to come to the car
- Pick up--parking in the parking lot:
- Parents must exit vehicle
- Parents will wait on the median between lot and school sidewalk
- When teachers have a visual, they will release child to cross with the crossing guard to meet parent
- Parent pick up--walking from neighborhoods
- Parents who approach from Sentry will wait behind the sign at the corner of the brick wall and fence of the kinder playground
- Parents who approach from Trackage will wait behind the sign in front of the cafeteria
- This helps with safety and keeping congestion on the front sidewalk to a minimum
- Please ensure that your child's teacher knows where to look for you.
- Walkers with no parent pick up will be released at the yellow curb on the west side of the building
If you have a change in how your child will be going home, please notify the front office (719-382-1520) prior to 2:00pm.
Classroom Celebrations
Classroom Rewards/Pajama Days
We love our classroom rewards and celebrations. In order to balance recognizing and celebrating hard work with safety and maintaining the integrity of our learning environment, we are making some shifts in expectations. Items such as stuffies, toys, etc. are to remain at home. Designated pajama days are an extremely popular classroom reward and we have those frequently. Pajama days will occur only on Fridays (unless it is a special school event theme day), you will receive advance notice from your child's teacher that the class has earned that reward, and they are limited to school-appropriate pajamas only. Stuffies, pillows, blankets and slippers are not appropriate for the school environment and students need to leave these items at home. Thank you in advance for your support.
Breakfast and Lunch
We are excited to share that we are once again offering free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Breakfast is served from 7:05-7:25 am. We will not have supervision prior to 7:10 am except for in the cafeteria. First bell rings at 7:25am; students are tardy after the 7:30 tardy bell. We are moving to a new nutrition website this year; please scan the QR code to access the website. It includes daily choices, nutrition information and more!
In order to support our staff in creating a work/life balance and to honor time with their families, we are implementing a new practice at Eagleside this year. We will respond to messages and communicate with families between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00 pm, M-F. Any message left for staff will be answered by the end of the next school day. Please know that if you send a message to staff during the day, they may not respond immediately as their first priority is their time with your children engaging in teaching and learning. If a message is sent after hours, it will be responded to the next day. All professional communication will be through a phone call, in-person meeting, district email or Remind.
Our main office is open from 7:00am-3:30pm M-F and we can be reached at 719-382-1520. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Eagleside Information
Please click the link below to access a general information sheet about Eagleside.
Eagleside Elementary
Website: https://eagleside.ffc8.org/
Location: 9750 Sentry Drive, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1520
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EaglesideCowboys