Muenster Elementary
From the Desk of the Principal: Mrs. Debra Sicking
December 2024: Elementary UIL, Holiday Break, End of Semester
Holiday Break: December 21 - January 5
UIL Academic Teams
Elementary UIL in full swing! Chico Elementary will host for 2nd - 5th grades (Dec. 2nd & 6th) & Era will host 6th-8th grades (Dec. 10th & 13th). Parents look for information from UIL Coaches or check the MISD website for more information. Results will be posted on our website and social media as we receive the information. Best of luck to all the nearly 100 student participants in grades 2nd-6th! We are proud of your hard work and pride you bring to our school!
Muenster Elementary Food Drive
Thank you to all who contributed to the Muenster Elementary Student Council Food Drive to benefit the Sacred Heart Food Pantry! There were 591 food items donated in all. 5th grade won the hot chocolate party for their donation of 145 items.
Thank you for supporting our Muenster Elementary Student Council! Be on the lookout for more details on the playground improvements from your generous donations!
Students & Staff Member of the Month for November
Congratulations to the Muenster ISD Students & Staff Members of the Month for November 2024!
Elementary Staff: Mrs. Sydney Rhodes
Elementary Students: Hunter D & Norah F
Muenster Elementary Students Participate in the Christmas Parade
Congratulations to the Muenster Christmas Parade Committee Golden Ticket Winners, Elizabeth H & Clay S! These students will have the opportunity to ride on Santa's float during the Muenster Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 30th.
Muenster Elementary Celebrates STEM Day, Nov. 8, with Learning!
Do any of these items belong to you? - Check our Lost & Found!
Student Meal Rates
Join the Muenster ISD Cafeteria team as part of the child nutrition staff! Apply today at https://region11.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4874821