Holy Cross Catholic School
From the Desk of Dr. Melissa Wagner
March 29, 2024
Fr. Abner and Fr. Marcos helped prepare our students for Holy Week last week by providing Reconciliation services for students grades 3-8. Students always seem to walk a little lighter in the hallways after leaving confession. This makes my heart happy to witness each year. I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to prepare our students hearts and minds for the Easter Triduum. Their Lenten journey helps them reconcile and deepen their relationship with Jesus. This is one of the many reasons why a Catholic education is so valuable.
Additionally, lessons throughout the week helped reinforce the "why" behind the importance of Holy Week. We were able to join in our Faith Families on Holy Thursday to learn lenten vocabulary words while playing bingo with our friends. It was a great week together during this special time of year. We hope to celebrate with you in the remaining services which are listed below. Have a blessed Easter with your family and friends.
Thank you to Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Loeffert for a successful Literacy Night and Book Fair!
Parents 3-8: We are getting closer to getting all the Secret Mission letters in!
Dudes and Donuts
Holy Week Schedule
Enrollment Incentive
Enrollment Incentive
If parents with students entering grades K-4 bring a friend that enrolls for the 24-25 school year will receive free tuition for a month. Inquire in the school office for more information!