Fort High's Weekly Bulletin
May 2, 2024
Upcoming Events
May 3 - Professional Learning Day (Schools closed to students)
May 4 - Grad Bottle Drive/Drop off at Fort High- Fundraiser for the Legacy Project
May 5 - Red Dress Day
May 6 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
May 6-12 - Mental Health Week
May 13-29 - Grad Tickets go on sale
May 16-17 - School closure days (schools closed to staff and students)
May 20 - Victoria Day (no school)
May 21 - School Council Meeting featuring Constable Mowbray, our School Resource Officer
Weekly Update
Hello Fort High Families,
Just this past weekend our Band class competed in the Edmonton Regional Band competition, and they did not disappoint. They received a score of 98% with distinction and were ranked in the top three. The only schools to receive a higher grade was Harry Ainley and Queen Elizabeth School. Way to go Mrs. Villetard and all the band students, you made us proud.
On a different note, it is with mixed emotions that we will be bidding farewell to Mr. Vandermulen for the 2024/25 school year. Mr. Vandermeulen has accepted the Assistant Principal position at Lamont High School, and we extend our sincerest well wishes to him as he embarks on this new chapter of his career, he leaves big shoes to fill at Fort High moving forward.
As mentioned before, we are on the home stretch for this semester and it is paramount that all students stay caught up on all missing assignments and assessments. We encourage all families to check powerschool regularly to ensure your student is staying up to date.
Have a great weekend.
Fort High Admin team
Grad Information - Special Upcoming Events
May 4- Grad Bottle Drive/Drop off at Fort High- Fundraiser for the Legacy Project
May 10- Final Grad List comes out
May 13-29 Grad Tickets go on sale
June 1- GRAD @ Millennium Place
Bottle Drive
Bottle Drive - Please save your bottles/cans for May 4
The Fort High Graduating Class of 2024 is organizing a bottle drive in the bus loop of Fort High on May 4. Parents, neighbours, and all community members are invited to bring their bottles for donation to the student grad committee. Drop off your bottles anytime between 10:00am -2:00pm. Thanks for your support!!
Band Achievements
The Fort Saskatchewan High School Band had an amazing band tour this last week. It started off with the students achieving top honours marks at the Edmonton Music Festival securing them in the top three distinction category. Later the band travelled to J.E Lapoint Junior High in Beaumont and performed for their grade 7 group. The students were then treated to a session with Mr. Rick Stade (who was Mrs. Villetard’s band teacher way back when!). The students then stayed the night in Airdrie and woke up the next morning to work hard in a clinic put on by University of Calgary Music Professor Dr. Gareth Jones. Not only did the students get a lot of great mentorship from Dr. Jones, but he did compliment that our students were a joy to work with. Outstanding showing from our students! We’re so proud.
Red Dress Day
Red Dress Day - is a National Day of Awareness to remember and honour missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people. It is observed on May 5. Since this is a Sunday, we will be observing Red Dress Day on Monday, May 6. Please wear something red or orange this upcoming Monday to show your support.
School Council Meeting Information - May 21
Parents, please mark your calendars for the School Council Meeting on May 21st, featuring School Resource Officer, Constable Mowbray as our Guest Speaker. You won't want to miss the important information she will be sharing regarding youth in our community. This will be a great time to ask questions in person with our RCMP Constable.
The KEY Study Guides
The KEY Study Guides are available for you to purchase at a discounted price through Castlerock from May 1-10, 2024. You may place your orders online only, the link is provided below. Please note the cutoff for the orders is May 10 (no late orders will be accepted). Once the order deadline closes, Castlerock ships the orders to the school. Once they arrive at the school, students will be called to the office to pick up their order.
*Fort Saskatchewan High School does not profit from these sales. This is strictly to offer discounts on The KEY Study Guides should you choose to purchase. Please know this is completely optional and based on student interest.
To order The Key, Solaro, and SNAP Study Guides please visit:
Registration for 2024-2025 is Now Open!
Please click below for Fort High's Registration Guide. We are excited to welcome you to our school! Fort Saskatchewan High School Registration Guide 2024 25 Grade 10 Course…
Fort Saskatchewan High School Registration Guide 2024 25
Grade 10 Course Requests 24 25
Grade 11 And 12 Course Requests 24 25
Diploma Exam Prep
Registration is now open for the upcoming Diploma Exam Prep courses to help students prepare for their exams in June. The material presented is based on a 12-hour schedule over one weekend. Courses will run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day with a half-hour break for lunch and will take place at Salisbury Composite High in Sherwood Park. Students can only register for one review course each weekend.
June 1-2 or June 8-9
English Language Arts 30-1
Social Studies 30-1
June 15-16
Mathematics 30-1, 30-2
Biology 30
Chemistry 30
June 22
Science 30
June 22-23
Physics 30
The cost is $125 per course, or $75 for Science 30. Space is limited. Register early! Current EIPS families will register and pay for Diploma Exam Prep courses through their existing PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
REMINDER: Next Exam Catch Up Day - May 8
We are excited to offer exam catch up after school, three Wednesday's a month. The first Wednesday each month is reserved for Staff Meetings, where there will be no exams running. Please be sure your children have arranged transportation should they write past bus departure at 3:20 p.m. and please remind them to bring supplies to complete the exam (e.g. calculator, pencil etc.)
It is expected that students communicate with their teachers to make arrangements.
THANK YOU! Bus Driver Appreciation Day is May 6
Join us on May 6 as we recognize and thank our school bus operators for keeping the safety of our students their first priority. We encourage you, and your children, to take a moment to say thanks to our bus operators—who go above and beyond to provide safe and timely transportation to our students.
On behalf of Fort Saskatchewan High School THANK YOU to all of our school bus operators for a job well done.
EIPS Summer School Registration Opened - March 15
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, opportunities for growth and how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
May Spotlight: the EIPS Annual Education Results Report: Overview. Learn about EIPS’:
· mission and belief statements
· Alberta Education Assurance Measures results
· successes and challenges;
· four-year education plan;
· plus, more.
EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26
EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan: 2025-28
Counsellor Corner
Healthful Tip:
Every now and again, have a gadget-free day. Put down your phone, switch off your TV and spend the day in nature, or reading, or catching up with friends in person.
Support Numbers
Alberta’s Mental Health Help Line
Alberta’s Children and Mental Health Crisis/Mobile Response Team
Crisis Contact Numbers for Strathcona County
Fort Saskatchewan Community Mental Health Supports and Services
Hope for Wellness Help Line for Indigenous Peoples: 1-855-242-3310
SRO in the Know
Do you know the age of consent?
Age 11 or younger: Cannot consent with anyone of any age
Age 12: Can consent with age 12 & 13
Age 13: Can consent with age 12,13, & 14
Age 14: Can consent with age 13 to 18
Age 15: Can consent with age 14 to 19
Age 16: Can consent with age 14 to 20 yrs and older
FHS Clubs
GSA - Wednesdays at lunch in room 53 (Mr. Putnam’s room). Come check out our safe space and bring an ally if you want!
Magic the Gathering Club - Thursdays at lunch in the Art room.
Upcoming sessions starting April 30
Norquest College
First four Wednesday's in May from 5-7 P.M.
Scholarship Information
Please click the link below to view a spreadsheet of the multiple scholarship opportunities available to students.
Canada's Luckiest Student
Information and Application: https://studentlifenetwork.55rush.com/cls2024
FSPL Youth Writing Contest:
Enter between May 15 and May 31
FSPL Youth Writing Contest: Calling all youth authors ages 12 -18! Enter your original poem or short story (max 1500 words) into the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library’s youth writing contest. Please submit your entries by email, between May 15 and May 31, to youth@fspl.ca. Be sure to include your name, a short bio, phone number and email address on your entry. Limit of one entry per category (poem and short story) per person. A panel of local authors will judge entries anonymously with a prize available for the winning short story and winning poem. Winners will be announced at the June 16 Local Authors Fair. We can't wait to read your writing!
Emily Springer, Community Literacy Librarian
Fort Saskatchewan Public Library
10011 – 102 St Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 2C5
Direct line: 825-208-0074 | fspl.ca