Stonegate Greetings
Weekly Newsletter

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This Week at Stonegate 2/9/25
Monday, February 10
"100 days of school celebration" for Kindergarten
NEW SESSION STARTS - After School Avanti Soccer 3:30-4:30 p.m.
After School Spanish K-1 Introductory 3:30-4:30 p.m.
NEW SESSION STARTS - After School Spanish 2-5 Beginner 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 11
After School Sky’s the Limit Dance Gr K-2 from 3:30-5:15 p.m.
Wednesday, February 12
After School Creative Adventures STARTS! 3:30 - 5 p.m.
After School STEM Gr 2-5 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 13
PTA Restaurant Night at Vocelli’s
After School STEM Grades K-1 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
After School Sky’s the Limit Dance Gr 3-5 from 3:30-5:15 p.m.
AFter School Avanti Basketball from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Friday, February 14
LFI Community Outing 10:30-1:00 p.m.
Class Valentine Parties 2-3:00 p.m.
After school Chess from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Looking ahead:
Feb 17 - President’s Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Principal’s Message:
Dear Stonegate Families and Caregivers,
We are excited to host our annual Black History Month Celebration, which continues to be a beloved event for our school community. The celebration will be at Paint Branch High School on Feb. 27 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Due to feedback from past events and to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for everyone, we are implementing a limit of two tickets (wristbands) per family for this year's program.
Please note, guests must have a wristband to enter. The wristbands are the tickets. While we would love for all to attend, the limitations on seating and safety protocols mean that we must keep our audience size manageable.
For those unable to attend in person, we are pleased to announce that the program will also be live-streamed, so everyone can participate from home.
Thank you for your understanding and support. We look forward to celebrating this important occasion with you!
Stonegate is where the heart is,
Linda M. Jones,
February is Black History Month
Black History Month, observed every February, honors the rich history, achievements, and contributions of African Americans. Initiated as Negro History Week in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson, it expanded to a month-long celebration in 1976. Each year, a specific theme is chosen to highlight particular aspects of Black history and culture.
The theme for 2025, “African Americans and Labor,” emphasizes the significant roles that African Americans have played in various forms of work—both voluntary and involuntary, skilled and unskilled—throughout history. This theme encourages reflection on how labor intersects with the collective experiences of Black individuals, acknowledging their contributions across all sectors of society.
Recognizing Black History Month is essential as it acknowledges the struggles and triumphs of African Americans, educates future generations, and fosters a deeper understanding of how Black history is integral to the broader American narrative. It serves as a time to celebrate excellence, reflect on the past, and inspire a more inclusive future.
Car Arrival and Dismissal
Morning Arrival starts at 8:40 a.m.
Staff supervision at Stonegate starts at 8:40 a.m. Please do not drop students off before 8:40 a.m.
U-Turns and Left Turns
Obey the posted signs. Do not make U-turns in front of the school. Do not turn left into the Student Drop-Off lane (Staff Parking Lot).
Be patient
For the safety of all students involved, please be patient. Take the extra minutes to drive safely and slowly. If the car rider line is not fast enough for you, find another way to manage your child's arrival and dismissal. Make use of Global Childcare, consider using our bus routes, or plan to walk to and from home safely if possible.
Follow Staff Directions
Stonegate Staff are posted outside the building and near the parking lot during arrival and dismissal. Follow staff directions and obey the posted signs.
Drivers who consistently disregard these expectations may be asked not to use the drop-off and pick-up line. We appreciate your support in keeping our children safe at all times.
Kindergarten Registration
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student, please use ParentVUE to register for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration will open on Monday, February 3, 2025. New families will need to create an account.
Si tiene un estudiante entrante al jardín de infantes, utilice ParentVUE para registrarse para el año escolar 2025-2026. La inscripción se abrirá el lunes 3 de febrero de 2025. Las nuevas familias deberán crear una cuenta.
Visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment page for everything you need to know!
Gifted and Talented Identification MCPS
2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade Caregivers:
As part of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Gifted and Talented (GT) identification screening process, schools will gather information about students to help plan for the 2025-2026 school year. Information gathered includes academic performance data and input from parents and school staff.
Caregiver input is an essential data source for the GT identification process. Please complete the online Parent Input Form to tell us about your student’s strengths. The form is available from January 27 to February 28, 2025. Directions about how to access and complete the form are included below.
Follow these steps to complete a Parent Input Form for your student:
Open an internet browser on your device (Google Chrome is the preferred browser)
Navigate to:
Do you see a Google Apps profile icon (circle with picture or letter) in the upper right corner?
If YES: Click on it and sign out of any Non-MCPS Google Apps accounts, then proceed to Step 3
If NO: Proceed to Step 3
Click the blue Sign In button
Use your student’s MCPS google account credentials to sign in (
Upon login, enter this URL address: (URL is case sensitive)
Would you like to translate the form to a different language?
If YES: Right click anywhere on the form and select your preferred “Translate to…” menu option, then proceed to Step 6.
If NO: Proceed to Step 6
Select the response that most closely matches how often your child demonstrates each behavior.
Type your name on the Electronic Signature line
Click the Submit button
Our reading specialist, Michelle Bozel, is our GT Liaison. Please reach out to her with any questions.
Fun Run T shirt Sponsorship Program
Stonegate Families and Friends!
Stonegate is excited to launch our T Shirt Sponsorship program for 2025! Through this program, we will be able to provide T Shirts for EVERY student and staff in our school. These shirts will be worn during our Boosterthon Fun Run on May 13th and on Field Day on May 30th–and many days in between!
We are hoping to partner with local businesses to help sponsor these shirts. Your business logo or name will be displayed on the back of the shirt and will be worn by over 550 students and 100 staff in our school.
If you know of, or are part of a business that would be interested in becoming a Stonegate Shirt Sponsor, please send your name, phone number, and business logo in Png, jpeg, ai., eps format to email address by Friday March 28, 2025. Payments can be made using SCO online (unique link, not connected to students’ account) or checks payable to Stonegate ES and sent to Stonegate Elementary, 14811 Notley Road, Silver Spring MD 20905.
All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for supporting our school!
Partnership bundles options:
Bronze NAME AD ($250)
- Name on back of Community Partner Shirt
- Recognition on School website and social media
- 15% Custom Apparel discount from Booster Spirit Wear
- One Community Partner Shirt
Silver - REGULAR AD ($500)
- Medium ad on the back of Community Partner Shirt
- Sponsor logo placed on School website and social media
- 15% Custom Apparel discount from Booster Spirit Wear
- One Community Partner Shirt
Gold - PREMIUM AD ($750)
- Large ad on the back of Community Partner Shirt
- Sponsor logo placed on School website and social media
- 15% Custom Apparel discount from Booster Spirit Wear
- One Community Partner Shirt
Platinum - SLEEVE AD ($1000)
- Ad on the sleeve of Community Partner Shirt
- Sponsor logo placed on School website and social media
- 15% Custom Apparel discount from Booster Spirit Wear
- One Community Partner Shirt
Volunteers needed for Vision and Hearing Screening
On March 3-5, Staff will be onsite to conduct Hearing and Vision Screenings for all Kindergarten and Grade 1 students. Also any students new to MCPS and any teacher or parent referrals. We would like parent volunteers to assist with transporting students to and from class, supervision during wait times, and other duties related to this process. Shifts are 3 hours either am or pm each day.
Please sign up if you are able to help:
Immigration Supports
Here are some bullet points regarding the rights of immigrant students and their families:
Access to Public Education: Under the 1982 Supreme Court decision Plyler v. Doe, all children, regardless of immigration status, have the right to attend public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade.
Protection of Personal Information: Schools are not required to report students’ or families’ immigration status to federal authorities. Personal information, such as addresses or immigration status, is protected under privacy laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
No Barriers to Enrollment: Schools cannot deny enrollment based on a student’s citizenship, immigration status, or inability to provide certain documents, such as a Social Security number or birth certificate.
Right to Due Process: Immigrants, regardless of status, are entitled to due process under the Constitution, ensuring fair treatment in legal proceedings.
We are united in our commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our school communities. We stand firm in protecting the privacy of our students and their families, advocating tirelessly for their safety, rights, and prioritizing their well-being above all else.
Reminders for families of their constitutional rights:
You DO NOT HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR if an immigration agent is knocking on the door.
You DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS from an immigration agent if they try to talk to you. You have the right to remain silent.
You DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN ANYTHING without first speaking to a lawyer. You have the right to speak with a lawyer.
If you are outside of your home, ask the agent if you are free to leave and if they say yes, leave calmly.
Spanish Zoom Session: Conozca sus Derechos: Feb 12
Le invitamos a participar en la sesion informativa "Conozca sus derechos" Donde familias podran obtener informacion sobre sus derechos y como prepararse en caso de alguna eventualidad con agentes no locales.
Fecha: 12 de Febrero, 2025
Hora: 2:00pm
Link de Zoom:
ID de la reunion: 872 8105 7109
Contrasena: 948885
Fifth Grade Fundraising Update
If you would still like to help our fifth graders have an amazing end of year party and promotion go here to donate:
After School Programs at Stonegate
Creative Adventures Art starts Wednesday, Feb 12. Register here: website.
Flyers on Stonegate Website :
New Sessions of After School Spanish
K-1 Introductory (8-week program) – WINTER SESSION STARTED Monday, 1/13 and runs through 3/17 – this class is full
Spanish 2-5 Beginner (12-week program) FALL SESSION is still in session. There are two more class meetings – 1/27 and 2/3 (which is the last class and make up)
Spanish 2-5 Beginner (12-week program) WINTER SESSION registration is open – program is scheduled to start 2/10 – 6/2
Stonegate PTA
PTA Meetings & Events
On Thursday, February 13, order lunch or dinner at Vocelli's for the next PTA Restaurant Night. That’s right… The fundraiser is all day! So, call 301-879-8008 or place your order online, or on their app, mention the Stonegate PTA, and Vocelli’s will donate a portion of sales to the PTA.
Thanks for joining our February PTA Membership Meeting last week. The meeting notes will be shared later this week. Please mark your calendar for the next meeting on March 4 at 8 pm via Zoom.
The Read-A-Thon kicks-off on Monday, February 24, and it’s a fun activity to encourage students to increase the reading time, which can support their literacy goals and expand their interest in reading. Be on the lookout for details to register your student for the Read-A-Thon.
Snack Pantry
The PTA Snack Pantry provides a snack for students during their school day, if needed. To support this ongoing effort, you can order snacks online, make a donation, or drop snacks off at the main office.
Stonegate PTA Membership
Although the membership drive has closed, membership is open year-round. You can show your school pride and join the PTA online today! Your support makes a difference in our school community!
School Photos
This year has been full of photo opportunities! You may have pictures from a party, a field trip, or other fun event! Families and staff can use this Josten’s link to upload photos from field trips, class parties, class projects, assemblies, etc. for possible inclusion in the yearbook.
Yearbook Link to submit photos:
For Grade 5 families - Dropbox: Please submit a photo of your student when they were younger, such as kindergarten, to include in the flashback section of the yearbook.
Makeup/Retake Day images are now viewable online.
Please visit:
use your student ID when prompted for the online code.
For questions regarding school pictures
please email:
2024-25 School Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Here is the 24-25 School Calendar
Feb 17 - President’s Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Feb 20 - LFI Black History Wax Museum 2-3 pm
Feb 21 - Grade 4 Field Trip Arts on Stage “Lift Every Voice” 10:30 am -2 pm
Feb 21 - Gr 2 in house field trip Entomologist 2-3 pm
Feb 24- Mar 14 PTA Read A Thon
Feb 25 - PEP and Prek only No School for Teacher Professional Day
Feb 27 - Black History Celebration - at Paint Branch High School 6-8 pm
Feb 28- Early Release dismissal at 12:55, No School for PEP
Mar 3-5 - Hearing and Vision Screening
Mar 4 - PTA Membership Meeting virtual 8:00 pm
Mar 11 - Grades 4 and 5 Field Trip Sherwood HS Rock & Roll Revival 9:40-12:40
Mar 11 - Gr 5 Chick Fil A Restaurant Night
Mar 13- Reading Night
Mar 27 - Spring Student Portraits
Mar 28 - Gr 5 Career Day Wax Museum 2-3 pm
Apr 1 - Grade 2 Field Trip Air and Space Museum
Apr 2 - PTA Restaurant Night Chipotle in Aspen Hill
Apr 2 - Grade 4 Field Trip Skate Zone
Apr 7 -11 - Literary Festival
Apr 9 Rescreening for Hearing and Vision
Apr 14 - 21 - Spring Break, No School
Apr 22 - Gr 4 Field Trip Skate Zone 9:40- 2:10
Apr 24 - Take Your Child to Work Day
Apr 25 - Career Day
Apr 28 - Grade 5 Panoramic Photo 2-3 pm
May 1 - LFI Field Trip Clark's Elioak Farm 9:40 - 2:10 pm
May 1 - Grade 5 Social Studies Showcase - Inventions/Wax Museum 12:30-3
May 5-9 - Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
May 6 - PTA Membership Meeting virtual 8:00 pm
May 13 - Fun Run
May 15 - Spring Chorus and Instrumental Music Concert 5:30-6:30 pm
May 23 - PTA Carnival
May 26 - Holiday, No School
May 30 - Field Day
Jun 5 - SGA Talent Show
Jun 6 - No School
(New) Jun 10 - Grade 5 End of Year Party - Andy’s Inflatables 10 -1 pm
(New) Jun 13 - Grade 5 Clap Out 2:45
Jun 13 - Grade 5 Promotion at Paint Branch High School 6 -7:30 pm
Jun 16 - Last day of School, Early Release, dismissal 12:55 pm
Lunch in MCPS
Students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for meals! Apply right away. One application covers the entire HOUSEHOLD. Translations in other languages are available through the online application.
Apply now at
Volunteer and Field Trip Chaperone Training
All volunteers WILL need to check-in and check-out of the main office and scan their driver’s license/identification cards through the Visitor Management System (VMS). Once the volunteer clears the VMS, they must be badged (the VMS creates a sticker badge) and remain under supervision of an MCPS professional while with students.
Link to Volunteer Expectations Video:
Online School Payments
Once your account is created you can bookmark this link to log in:
Clothing To Cash Recycling Program
Clothing to Cash® is a program that collects New and Used Clothing, Shoes, Sheets, and Towels, (all Textiles) and pays the school 10 cents for every pound collected. The program is operated entirely OUTSIDE and will be located in the school parking lot, where students, parents, staff, and the community can drop off items throughout the year.
They have state-of-the-art photo quantity sensors installed in each bin that report 3 times daily to prevent overflow and allow the company to schedule service as needed (no other companies use this technology). They empty the collection bin, weigh the contents to determine our school earnings, and pay our school monthly.
The average school (500 - 1000 students) will earn $1000- $2000 yearly if each student would donate just one 13-gallon kitchen-size bag of textile mate! Add in parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and staff, and Stonegate’s earnings could really increase.
School Information Stonegate Elementary School
Main Office: 240- 740-7430
Stonegate Elementary School
14811 Notley Road
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Arrival 8:40-9:00 a.m.
Dismissal 3:25 p.m.
On X: @StonegatePrin
Assistant Principal:
Visit us on the web at: