Bengal Happenings
February 7, 2025
Bell Schedules - Announcements
Tuesday, February 11 - Assembly Schedule
Monday, February 17 - No School - President's Day
SAVE THE DATE! Thanks to those of you who were able to stop by for our first donut day! Moving forward, we will do this the fourth Thursday of the month to finish out the school year. Everyone is invited to stop by and help hand out breakfast items (donuts, scones, etc.) from 7:45-8:30 a.m. Our next one will fall on February 27.
Contact Us!
Attendance - hhsattendance@helenaschools.org; (406) 324-2211
Main Office - (406) 324-2200
Website - hhs.helenaschools.org
Checking in on English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and PE
As we move into February, things are full steam ahead and students are buckling down into the new semester. A reminder that the last day to change classes without a penalty is Monday, February 10. Students need to work with their counselor and teachers if they feel they need to make any changes.
The next few months will fly by! Registration will start in a few short weeks, midterms and ACT Testing will soon be here, and Graduation is only a short 120 days away! Good luck as we make our way through the second semester; we look forward to the gains our students will make!
This week we check in on what will be happening in PE, Science, Math, Social Studies, and English this month:
Physical Education (English, Spanish, Swahili)
Science (English, Spanish, Swahili)
Math (English, Spanish, Swahili)
HHS Student Completes Semester as US Senate Page
Helena High junior, Camile Certain, has spent the past semester serving as a page for the United States Senate Page Program in Washington, D.C. During her time there, she played an important role delivering correspondence and legislative material within the Capitol and Senate Office Buildings. In addition, she helped prepare the chamber for Senate sessions, provided assistance during roll call votes, supported Senators and staff during debates, and carried bills and amendments to the Secretary of the Senate. Due to her hard work and recognition of her leadership skills while there, Camile carried our electoral votes on January 6 and was selected to give the official Page speech during the closing ceremony on January 24. Congratulations Camile on your incredible experience this past semester and for showing what Montanans and Bengals are made of!
State DECA Officer
Congratulations to Mackenzie Groom, a HHS junior, who was recently elected to serve as a Montana State DECA Officer. This is a great honor and will be an incredible experience for Mackenzie and our school!
RBHI Screener Reminder
You should have received an email with information pertaining to our second RBHI screening for the year. The screening will take place February 11-14, with the make-up date of February 19. Students will complete the screener at the start of 2nd period based on their second period teacher. We appreciate the cooperation of students and parents with the screener. The screener has helped to identify some underlying mental health needs for many of our students, even saving a few lives along the way. If you have any questions about the screening, or wish to opt your student out of the screening, please contact Mr. Kessler at (406) 324-2202.
Screening Dates (based on 2nd period teacher name falling between the two names listed):
Tuesday, 2/11 Wigen - Scruggs
Wednesday, 2/12 Schulte - Ladd
Thursday, 2/13 Kohoutek - Daniel
Friday, 2/14 Cleveland - Artis
Culinary Students Provide Food at the Legislature
On Monday, February 3, our Culinary 1 and 2 students were asked to participate in an event at the Capitol. Our students, alongside our culinary teacher Ms. Cassie Koch, put together some amazing bison chili to be served to our elected officials. Our students received great praise for their product! Great job everyone!
Culinary Students Serving at the State Capitol with Governor Gianforte
Culinary Students Serving at the State Capitol
Culinary Students at the State Capitol
Winter Pep Assembly - February 11
We will host our annual Winter Pep Assembly on Tuesday, February 11. Our Student Council students have done an incredible job of thinking outside the box on how to make our assemblies engaging and able to recognize all aspects of our school.
As we prepare for this assembly, thank you for helping us build community through these types of events and not excusing your students for this time. While assemblies may not always be everyone's cup of tea, I do believe that they would find they enjoy their time by sticking around.
Congratulations to our Thespian Troupe
A few weeks ago, our Thespian Troupe participated in the state competition. Even though we are one of the smaller troupes that participate, our students far outshined their counterparts and brought home plenty of hardware. Congratulations to Theater Director Mr. Roger Scruggs and our Theater students for their success!
3rd Place in Tech Olympics - Luke Wilkins, Madison Higginbotham, Karl Zimmerman and Kate Poole
Outstanding Costumes Award - Karl Zimmerman
Outstanding Performer Award - Luke Wilkins and Nadja Bolotsky
Outstanding Troupe Award
Outstanding Comedy AWard for The Importance of Being Earnest (in 30 minutes)
Tech Olympics Members
Outstanding Costume Award Winner
Outstanding Troupe!
Upcoming Activities at HHS
2/7 - GBB @ Capital 2:30/4:00/5:30/7:00 p.m.
2/7-8 - WR @ Seeding Tournament
2/8 - BBB @ Capital 11:00/12:30/2:00/3:30
2/13 - GBB vs Hellgate 4:00/5:30/7:00 pm; BBB @ Hellgate; WR @ State
2/14 - SW @ State, WR @ State, Speech/Date @ National Qualifiers
2/15 - BBB vs Sentinel 11:00/12:30/2:00/3:30, GBB @ Sentinel, SW @ State, WR @ State, Speech/Debate @ National Qualifier
2/21 - GBB vs Flathead 4:30(Bryant)/4:00/5:30/7:00 pm, BBB @ Flathead
2/22 - GBB vs Glacier 9:30/11:00/12:30/2:00, BBB @ Glacier
Year at a Glance
11-14 – RBHI Spring Screening in 2nd period classes this week
13 – Winter Pep Assembly
17 – No School, President’s Day
19 – RBHI Screening Make-up Date
26 – 8th Grade Tour – 8:30-11:30 a.m.
28 – 3rd Quarter Mid-term
From Last Happenings
From last time...
Students of the Month
Our December Students of the Month are:
- Diego Barragan
- Gabrielle LaVoie
- Aaron Quackenbush
Our January Students of the Month are:
- Michael Erickson
- Delilah Mahkuk
- Melina Warden
Congratulations to these students on their hard work and for their work on following our Bengal Expectations!
Helena Education Foundation - Upcoming Series
As a continuing discussion item, the Helena Education Foundation is putting together a great series of discussions called Face2Face - Smart Conversations about Kids and Screens. This series is designed to engage the community in dialogue about phones, academics, mental health, safety, and childhood. More information, and the calendar of events, can be found on their website. If you are able to attend, the discussions and information presented will be beneficial to all.
Senior All Night Party Help Still Needed
Please see the note below from the Senior All Night Party Committee. If you have further questions, please reach out to Angela Terry at angelaterry2@gmail.com.
Senior families this message is for you! We are so excited to be sharing with you the all night party is scheduled and ready for volunteers! We are grateful to Laura Shirtliff for helping us get senior and junior parents and any others organized and involved. We are going to have a meeting for all high school senior parents (and willing junior parents) in the area on Wednesday, February 12th, at 6pm at the Capital High School cafeteria. Please show up or send someone so we can get you involved in whatever way you can help. This is all volunteer run. Also, please see the following information about how your business or you can sponsor. We will be acknowledging in writing sponsors of games at $1000 and higher. If you would like to combine with someone else with a $500 donation, we will put your name on that as well! Thank you so much for all who have volunteered and sponsored already. Ticket information will follow this spring! We are trying to keep the costs low, so all of our seniors across the Helena area can attend.