Centennial Connection Sept. 3, 2023
An update for families from Centennial Public School
A Note From the Principal
On Friday all families should have received an email indicating who your child's teacher will be to start the school year. If you did not receive an email or you forget who it is, just come to the school on Tuesday and staff will be available to assist you. Families who are walking to school should make their way to the tarmac area at the back of the school where staff will be waiting to welcome you. Teachers will have their names on sign posts at their entry/exit doors to make it easier for families to find them.
If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please come to the main office through the front doors to bring the medication and appropriate forms to Ms Janet, Office Administrator.
We are thrilled that our school population is growing and that more students will be joining the Centennial PS family. We have many new staff at Centennial also this year. Welcome to all new families - we are looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday!
We will be hosting a Welcome Barbecue, Open House & Book Fair on Thursday September 21st. More details will be shared in the coming weeks! Please mark your calendars!
We hope you enjoy the holiday Monday with some family time together. Enjoy the outdoors! See you on Tuesday AM!
-Deborah Thompson, Principal & the Centennial PS Team
Before Construction
During Construction
After Construction
First Day Procedures
On Tuesday morning all Centennial PS staff will be ready to welcome your child to school, wearing a bright orange vest so you can easily identify staff. If your child takes the bus to school, they will be met at Centennial by staff and be brought to the tarmac area to meet their classroom teacher. If you are walking your child to school and they are in Grades 1-6, please go around to the back of the school where each classroom teacher will have a sign with their name, at the approximate location of their entry/exit door. This will be the same location where you will pick up your child at the end of the day. Kindergarten families walking their child should drop off at the Kindergarten yard at the front of the school. There will likely be lots of students and families and staff on the yard. If the bell rings, we will stay outside until all students have been connected with their class and teacher. Not to worry! If you are late coming to school, please come to the front doors of the school. If you are driving to school, please find parking in the neighborhood as there is no guest parking in the school parking lot. Thank you for your understanding.
Parking Zones
Please also do not park directly in front of the school as that is a bus loading zone. There are parking spaces available along Norman Rogers drive to the east and west of the school, and along a number of side streets close to the school.
Thank you for helping to ensure that students can arrive safely to school. There are crossing guards on both Johnson Street and Norman Rogers Drive to help families cross these busy road ways. We appreciate their hard work!
We Are Expecting Lots of Students!
Should there be reorganization of staff and students, information will be shared with families. Classes and staff changes take place based on actual enrollment, which is sometimes different from the projected enrollment that staffing is based on in the spring. Student and family moves impact how many students are at Centennial. We will do our best to minimize disruption to student learning and will take direction from the LDSB should changes be required. Changes may be needed if classes are too small or too large, based on Ministry of Education class size requirements, which are mandated from the province.
Once school starts, class numbers will be reviewed by a central committee of the LDSB to determine what, if any, changes need to be made. Any reorganization will happen after the second week of school.
Thanks to all Centennial students and families, in advance, for your understanding and flexibility as we determine class sizes and placements.
We go outside for recess rain or shine and as such, students should come to school prepared to go outside even if it is lightly raining. In the event of heavy rain we will remain indoors, but we try to be outside for recess whenever possible.
All families should have received an email on Friday to let you know who your child's teacher will be to start the year. Please check your junk/spam folder if you didn't receive it. If you aren't sure who your child's teacher is, please come to the front of the school on Tuesday and you will be directed to the correct classroom. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Kindergarten Staggered Entry
JK students with last names A-H will attend Tuesday September 5
JK students with last names I-P will attend Wednesday September 6
JK students with last names Q-Z will attend Thursday September 7
All JK students will attend Friday September 9th. Also, all SK students will be full time starting Tuesday September 6th.
Should the staggered entry be a hardship for any family, please contact the school at 613.546.5517
Insure My Kids
School Board Policy states that participation on school sports teams (both elementary and secondary) is conditional on obtaining at least the basic student accident insurance coverage for the student or proof of external private coverage through your family plan. The cost of basic coverage is approximately $17.00 per year. This covers the student while attending school during the school day. The time spent by students participating in school-sponsored teams is considered part of the school day, even if the games and/or practices are held outside of the regular school hours. It is recommended that all parents consider this program. Visit www.insuremykids.com to get this inexpensive and highly recommended insurance.
School Trips & Volunteers
Tri-Board Student Transportation
if your child rides the bus, Tri-board should have sent confirmation of your child's route. If you were on a bus last year at the end of the year, you are set up for busing this year. You can also sign up for bus status alert emails at the Tri-board website to ensure you are notified of any late runs or cancelled routes.
If you are new to Centennial Public School and require transportation, you will need to fill out the bus form at https://triboard.ca
Please visit https://triboard.ca/covid19/ for the latest protocols and expectations for riders and families.
Recess & Nutrition Breaks
Students will have 2 recesses and 2 nutrition breaks. Recess is outside on a particular yard (we will flip/flop the space each day so students in Grades 1-6 have the opportunity to play on both parts of the yard each day). All staff will be wearing safety vests so they are easily recognizable. Nutrition breaks happen in classrooms.
We have several students with life-threatening allergies. A reminder that our school is nut aware: please ensure that your child's snacks and lunch do not contain any nut products. Classroom teachers will communicate any additional food allergies that families will need to be aware of. Thank you for your support in keeping all of our students safe!
Centennial Public School Council
It's that time of year! School Advisory Council (Parent Council) elections for Executive Positions are coming up very soon! The first School Council Meeting of the 2023-2024 school year is on Monday September 18th at 6:30pm in the gym. All parents/guardians are welcome!
Please use the link below to submit nominations. Nominations are anonymous and you can nominate yourself or someone else for a position. If you are nominating someone, please ensure they are up for the position and have agreed to your nomination. The person you nominate must be available to be present at the meeting. Your nomination does not count as a vote; you must be present to vote. Nominations are due by 11am on Monday September 18th.
Positions for election are:
Represents, works with and provides support to all school community and council committee chairs. This person works closely with the school principal and VP, school staff and parents to enrich the education of all students. Additionally, they preside over and conduct monthly council meetings, set agendas and schedule meetings (in consultation with the Principal). The chair promotes discussion amongst council members and the community, receives and reports on correspondence sent and received by council. Acts as coordinator between the school board and council. Receives documentation from board and keeps council advised of board decisions, activities etc. Supports programs, initiatives and activities led by other council members and contributes to the monthly council newsletter.
Vice Chair/Co-chair
Presides at meetings in the absence of the chair or upon the incumbent’s inability to serve. Responsible for overseeing all sponsored events and programs.
Works with the council and coordinators in developing an operating budget, keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and serves as the liaison with the Board of Education. Additional responsibilities include depositing/disbursing funds on behalf of the council, the preparation of monthly financial statements, and the preparation & filing of all necessary financial reports.
Attends scheduled council meetings, records, maintains and distributes minutes of meetings, keeps non-financial records of council.
Indigenous Representative
This is a newer position with the SAC and will evolve and grow organically.
Member at Large (Divisional reps)
Attends meetings and participates in many aspects of council activities, as prescribed by council. Voting member. Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior positions available should there be enough interest.
Fundraising Coordinator
Plans, manages fundraising activities of council. Works closely with treasurer.
Everyone who is part of our Centennial family is welcome to attend any of our meetings this year. Meeting dates will be shared out after our September 18th meeting.
Please use the nomination link here: https://forms.gle/4M8NNC3fjqf1k9UDA
Some of the beautiful bulletin boards already up in the halls at Centennial PS!
What Do I Need To Bring? What Should Stay At Home?
All school supplies that students need for their learning and work will be provided by Centennial Public School. Sometimes students prefer to have their own pencil case with pencils/markers, but it is not a requirement.
Students do need to come to school with:
- Indoor, non-marking athletic type of shoes
- Water bottle with child's name clearly marked (we have bottle filling stations, not fountains)
- Nut-free snacks and lunch
Please label all items!
- items of value (sentimental or monetary)
- any kind of weapon (for example, a Swiss Army knife)
- any kind of toy that could be a replica weapon (for example, a toy gun)
- electronics of any kind
- jewelry
- make-up
- anything scented
- anything with nuts (please ensure all lunches and snacks are nut-free)
- toys and stuffies
Thank you for keeping these items at home. Sometimes a quick check of a backpack can ensure that treasures do not come to school. Thank you for understanding that we are not responsible for lost, broken or stolen personal items.
Good Questions to Ask When Preparing for School
School Times - FYI
Daily Schedule:
8:50-9:05am – Supervision on yard
9:05-10:45am – 100 minute block
10:45-11:25am – Recess & Nutrition Break
11:25-1:05pm – 100 minute block
1:05-1:45pm – Recess & Nutrition Break
1:45-3:25pm – 100 minute block
The school office is open from 8am - 4pm
Phones are answered throughout the day; however, there are times when you may have to leave a message and your call will be returned.
Parent/Guardian Drop Off & Pick Up
Student pick up happens at the exterior doors of the school at 3:25pm.
The map below indicates where classes enter the school at the beginning of the day as well as where they are dismissed from.
A friendly reminder that dogs and pets are not allowed on the school grounds at any time.
School Year Calendar
he Ministry of Education has approved the Limestone District School Board’s 2023-2024 School Year Calendar.
The following key dates have been approved:
First Day of School: Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Winter Break: December 25, 2023, to January 5, 2024
March Break: March 11, to March 15, 2024
Last Day of School: Thursday, June 27, 2024
The 2023-2024 school year consists of 194 days;
Secondary - 177 instructional days, 7 PA Days and 10 exam days.
Elementary - 187 instructional days and 7 PA Days.
Professional Activity Days - no classes for students:
Monday, Sept. 25, 2023
Friday, Oct. 27, 2023
Friday, Nov. 10, 2023
Friday, Feb. 2, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Friday, May 31, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
Printable 2023-2024 School Year Calendar here.
Medical Forms
Parents/guardians of students with known medical plans of care will receive a package with a medical plan of care to update during the first week of school. These need to be updated and returned as soon as possible.
If you are new to the school, or do not receive the package, to help us gather important medical information about your child, we ask that you select the correct Plan of Care form below, complete it and return it to the school as soon as possible. If you require us to administer daily medication, you will also need to complete the necessary paperwork for us to be able to do this. Completed forms can be faxed to 613.546.9228 or scanned and emailed to cente@limestone.on.ca
Daily medication will need to be dropped off by a parent/caregiver at the school and will be stored at the office. Students can not carry medications in their backpack, at any time. You may drop of labelled medication this week, or on the first day of school.
**Be sure to also include the supplementary forms if medication may need to be administered by school staff.
Health and safety of our kids is our first priority. Thank you for helping us stay informed on your child's medical conditions and Plan of Care.
Click below for necessary supplementary forms needed including:
Staff at Centennial PS for 2022-2023
Jenn Lalonde - Kindergarten A Teacher
Leanne Sharpe - Kindergarten A ECE
Emily Quehl - Kindergarten A EA
Carly Fitzgerald - Kindergarten A EA
Courtney Evans - Kindergarten B Teacher
Michelle Aylesworth - Kindergarten B ECE
Lindsey Hope - Kindergarten B EA
Shelley Farndon - Kindergarten C Teacher
Ghina El Haj - Kindergarten C ECE
Jodie Thompson - Kindergarten C EA
Tara Murphy - Grade 1 Teacher
Christine Joanette - Grade 1/2 Teacher
Jackie Ellerbeck - EA
Judy Beardall - Grade 2 Teacher
Sanchez Allain-Miller - EA
Emily Hetherington - Grade 2/3 Teacher & Direct Student Support Teacher
Adeline VanGalen - Grade 3 Teacher
Nancy Rosser - Grade 3/4 Teacher
Chris Rayner - EA
Catherine Byers - Grade 4 Teacher
Jessica Hashey - EA
Keith Cahill - Grade 4/5 Teacher
Sandra Burton - EA
Dan Blair - Grade 5/6 Teacher
Christine Talisse - EA
Michelle Girard - Grade 6 Teacher
Trish Zuber - EA
Anna Schukei - ESL, Student Support & Empower Teacher
Laura Blackburn - ESL
Sarah Cooney - FSL Teacher (on leave)
Dorothy Evans - FSL Teacher (temporary)
Erika Vines - FSL Teacher (on leave)
Laura Miller - FSL Teacher (temporary)
Kristin Mennie - Planning Time Teacher
Sarah Hogan - Planning Time Teacher (temporary)
Zunaira Munir - School to Community Teacher
Katrin Wodraszka - Lunch & Recess Supervisor
Evelyn LeSarge - Lunch & Recess Supervisor
Don Garrison - Head Caretaker
David Willadsen - Evening Caretaker
Janet MacWhirter - Office Administrator
Emily Landon - Student Support Counsellor
Deborah Thompson - Principal
Indigenous Self-Identification
Please see the link below for more information and to self identify, if you wish.
Oliver's Labels
Do you need a way to label your things that stay labelled? Do you need a way to show what's yours? Need a way to label your child's things so they don't get lost or mixed up? Support Centennial Public School Council by purchasing through the link. The school receives 20% of your purchase! All funds raised go to support School Council initiatives including student activities. Thank you!
Safe Arrival - How Do I Report An Absence?
How to report your absence:
1. Toll-free telephone
- Call 1-855-257-9349 toll-free to report an absence using the automated phone system.
2. School Messenger App
- Use your mobile device to download and install the free SchoolMessenger blue app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, the SchoolMessenger website portal, or from within the LDSB mobile app.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then select Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
- Visit the SchoolMessenger website portal.
- The first time you use the app, you must select Sign Up to create your account. Please ensure you use the same email address your student’s school has on file. If you do not use that same email address, you will not be able to create an account, or may not be able to see the "Attendance" option. You may have already created an account when we introduced the Communicate broadcast system.
- Select Attendance, then Report an Absence and follow the prompts.
Stay Up To Date!
Stay Up To Date! Please check the following regularly...
Centennial PS Twitter https://twitter.com/centennial_ldsb?lang=en
Centennial PS Website https://centennial.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Website https://www.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Twitter https://twitter.com/LimestoneDSB
LDSB Facebook https://tinyurl.com/wbhjtku
LDSB Instagram https://instagram.com/limestonedsb?igshid=1epyma6c0g5qd
Centennial Public School
"Show Up! Stand Up! Never Give Up!"
Email: cente@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://centennial.limestone.on.ca
Location: 120 Norman Rogers Dr, Kingston, ON K7M 2R2
Phone: 613.546.5517
Twitter: @Centennial_LDSB