MSS Specials
October 1, 2024
We're off to a beautiful start!
Dear Pre-k Families,
We invite you to join us in Pre-K PE and/or music during the week of October 21st-25th! You will get to experience PE and/or music just like your student! Please feel free to come to which session suits your schedule with your particular student. Below is the schedule for the week. We look forward to welcoming you!
Ms. Lutts + Ms. Domin
Art with Mr. Whiting | whitingd@rsu5.org
Morse Street Artists have been setting goals for the studio. Each class has had conversations around what our studio should look, sound, and feel like. These studio “Habits of Work” will be on display and guide artists to do their best work and reach their goals. Early art lessons have been an opportunity to warm-up our drawing muscles and stretch our imaginations.
Kindergarten used paint sticks on their first day to make circle art inspired by Kandinsky’s circles. Next they practiced using letters to turn lines and shapes into pictures. This week we read Mouse Shapes and made oil pastels shape drawings.
1st and 2nd grade began the year by “taking a dot for a walk”, a quote from artist Paul Klee. They made a continuous line or lines and used their imagination to form a picture of something or make a design. Next we read Ish, a story about a frustrated artist who learns to be flexible. Artists chose challenging pictures to make “Ish drawings”. This week artists used oil pastels to make butterflies, using pictures, their powers of observation, and remembering that it's ok if it is butterfly-ish.
Mark your calendar! First grade families are invited to art the week of November 11-15! Schedule forthcoming.
Library with Mrs. Hooke | hookem@rsu5.org
Our Morse Street Library has been full of excited readers! We have built library routines including our story and lesson time, book checkouts, and independent reading. Each class has participated in read alouds relating to book care and library behavior, and has built lists of expectations for how we care for library books and what we want our library classes to look, sound, and feel like. Our MSS Moose have been very excited about their library books - be sure to ask yours what they checked out and chat with them about what they hope to read next!
Kindergarteners have been practicing bringing one book home and back to library. We’ve learned about library manners and each class we get time for reading new books. During our read alouds, students engage in repeating lines, silent signals to show their thinking, and sharing thinking with a partner. We’ve created some high interest book bins for students to browse when they move from story time to the library tables, including Wordless Picture Books, Dragon and Unicorn Stories, and author bins for Jory John and Oliver Jeffers (among many more!). Students have also already been introduced to different areas of the library, though we will continue to grow our knowledge of how our library is set up each week.
1st graders have adopted new library routines, including viewing early reader chapter books at their tables right after our lesson. This gives students an opportunity to open a book they might not usually reach for before exploring the rest of what our library has to offer. At that time, we have also been practicing our safe bodies and library manners. Many kids spend extra time browsing books by their favorite authors or about a favorite topic. During our read alouds, we’re currently practicing silent signals for showing we’re thinking about the story, and using turn and talks to grow ideas about the book we’re reading. 1st graders are practicing reading in quiet, safe, on their own reading spots around our library or sharing their reading with each other at the tables. We hope to move 1st graders up to checking out two books each week very soon!
2nd graders have developed lists for how to be responsible with library books, and have also put a great deal of thinking into how we want our library to look, sound, and feel when we’re most successful. 2nd graders have been practicing “Quick Look” strategies that help keep our shelves organized and neat, and using shelf markers to think about where they might find books on certain topics. They have been especially exploring our graphic novel and chapter book sections. 2nd graders can check out two books, and many have been returning them responsibly on time! 2nd graders have also been introduced to sections of the library, and some have even built book sets for other students to browse.
Up next will be learning about parts of a book, sections of the library, and author and illustrator jobs. We are looking forward to a wonderful year in the MSS library! Please reach out with any feedback or questions about how library class is going for your child!
Music with Ms. Domin | dominr@rsu5.org
Morse Streets Musicians have had a great start to the year. We are enjoying making music. Classes have established Music class routines. These routines are practiced and help students develop work habits. Our routines include: entering the room and finding our seats, maintaining personal space and body control, demonstrating active listening with a voice level 0, initiating questions with a raised hand, and participating in all parts of our music time. The beginning activity has been a chance to play several of our small percussion instruments. Our first song of the year has been The Morse Street School Song. Ask your musician if they can sing this song to you.
Physical Education with Ms. Lutts | luttsk@rsu5.org
Hello Morse Street School Families!
My name is Katie Lutts and I am the new Physical Education teacher this year at Morse Street! I am so excited to be here and honored to work with your student in Physical Education.
Since the school year started, all Morse Street Moose have been learning and practicing expectations for using equipment, finding our spot for Group Plan check ins, playing fair, and how to do our warm up!
PreK-2nd grade students have been practicing locomotor skills in class such as running, walking, hopping, skipping, galloping, and more! We have spun hula hoops, played lots of tag games and learned how to move safely in the gym!
As we progress through the year each grade will be working on level specific skills to increase their ability for each kind of activity.
The next activities we will do in P.E. include balancing, teamwork, and We are looking forward to learning more about the Morse Street School Habits of Work and what those look like in Physical Education.
As a reminder, please try to send your student to school with sneakers on P.E. days! Thank you!
STEM with Mrs. Cannon | cannonw@rsu5.org
In STEM class, students have been experimenting with building materials like Legos and Keva Planks.
Kindergarten and First Grade students listened to the story There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books, by Lucille Collandro. They then built an item we use at school with Legos and fed our Old Lady!
Second Grade students heard the book Ish by Peter Reynolds and built Lego-ish things. For example, a skateboard-ish, or a seesaw-ish, to tell something about themselves or something they like.
Students have gone on a STEM classroom scavenger hunt to discover all the fascinating materials we have to use! We have also been learning and practicing expectations for entering the STEM room, whole body listening, how to use the materials and for clean up time.