The Bluejay
October 2024 edition
Parent/Teacher Conferences- It's time to sign up!
Parents, your student's teachers have posted P/T conference sign ups in their newsletters and ROOMS. They will be held on Oct. 22nd and 24th from 4-8pm. It is our goal to have 100% parent participation in P/T Conferences. We hope you'll take this opportunity to collaborate with your child's teacher and learn about the progress your student in making.
Fall Carnival
Ticket Presales- Avoid waiting in long lines
*Please note: All games AND concessions only accept tickets. Cash and checks will only be accepted at the ticket booths.
CLASS CHALLENGE: The students in the class who sends in the highest % of presale forms will earn 2 FREE throws at the Dunk Tank. Yes, you read that right. There is going to be a Dunk Tank there and all of your favorite EleMiddle Principals are going to make an appearance in it.
Budget sheet to help you preplan your night of fun
Ticket prices to help you budget
Raffle prizes you won't want to miss out on
Attendance: BE HERE! BE A BLUEJAY!
This year's attendance goal:
K-2 students monthly attendance rate will be 95% or above.
September! Keep it up! We love seeing you at school!!!
Kindergarten: 96.01%
First Grade: 95.13%
Second Grade: 94.85%
This month's G.O.A.T award goes to Ms. Hunt's 2nd Grade class. They had an OUTSTANDING month with 98.46% attendance! We will celebrate them with a Pizza or Donut party from Mrs. Teague!
Leaders Of The Month
Important Dates:
Oct. 11- Farm Day
Oct. 11- HOCO- Football game 7:00 PM
Oct. 18- Fall Carnival 5:00-7:30
Oct. 22/24- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct 22-25- Book Fair in the K-8 Library
Oct. 31- PK-2 Halloween Parties and Costume Parade- 2:30 PM. More information will be sent through ROOMS in the coming weeks.
Is your child missing a jacket, hoodie, lunch box, or water bottle? You might have some luck finding it on the Lost & Found rack. Parents may stop by anytime to take a peek at the rack anytime. Please check in at the PK-2 office first.
Notes from Mrs. Randall- School Counselor
Homecoming Spirit Week is next week!
Book Fair- Oct. 18-25th
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Week- Coming Soon
Elementary Library Readers of the Month
Every month, with the help of their amazing teachers, we will choose readers of the month here in the library! We will choose one student from each grade K-5. This student will receive a Reader Of The Month Certificate, get to pick a prize from our treasure box and they will get their picture taken and put on our bulletin board outside the library. This is a fun way to keep the kids interested in reading and they have been very excited about it! We are excited to share them with you!
Lunch Form Incentives- Deadline Extended
Lunch Form Prize Giveaways (Walmart Gift Cards)
Clever Family,
We wanted to let you know that we have extended our Lunch Form Incentive by one week. Families now have through October 10 to submit their lunch for or waiver in order for their child(ren) to be entered into the drawing for some cool prizes. Want to know more about this? Click the link below for the newsletter with more information and links to the lunch forms.
Habit of the Month
October's Habit of the Month is Habit 1: Be Proactive. Each morning during morning meeting with Mrs. Teague we will be talking about the various ways we can be proactive at school, home, and daily living. Being proactive means taking responsibility for your actions and choices. Instead of reacting to situations or waiting for things to happen, proactive individuals focus on what they can control and make decisions that align with their goals and values. This habit encourages children to think ahead, anticipate challenges, and take initiative, helping them develop a positive mindset and become problem-solvers. By fostering proactivity, we empower our kids to shape their own futures and respond thoughtfully to life's ups and downs.