WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
As we have mentioned in previous newsletters, we love it that so many of our students ride their bikes to school. What we don't love is when we see them riding recklessly and/or it's reported to us that they are being unsafe. Please remind your child to be careful as they navigate the streets of Wilmette, including the bike path between Highcrest and WJHS. We also ask students not to ride their bikes in the parking lots at either school as staff are arriving to work, community members are leaving the courts, and at HMS the drop-off line is part of their parking lot and is unsafe for students to ride their bikes through with traffic. Thank you for helping keep your children safe!
Thank you to our 7th grade parents for putting up with the heat last night at Curriculum Night! It was wonderful meeting so many of you! Eighth grade families, given some learnings that we are taking away from the 7th grade Curriculum Night, we have modified the schedule for 8th Grade Curriculum Night slightly. Please check out the schedule below and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Patriot Day
Our teachers found developmentally appropriate ways to acknowledge the anniversary of 9/11 and honor our American heroes. They are using this knowledge to apply to our own lives of being a citizens who contribute to their world in a variety of ways. As you can see from the images below, one team focused on considering ways that they can help others.
We hope that you have a nice weekend.
Kate, Jeff and Rob
Did you know...WJHS has a Homework Club!
Homework Club runs from 3:20-4:20 in the Learning Commons. This is meant to be a place for students to get some work done before they head home. Homework Club is also supervised by teachers who are available to answer questions as best we can. If your child finds completing work at home a challenge, Homework Club may be a great resource. Homework Club meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays unless there is a staff meeting, and Thursdays.
A Reminder About Toy Weapons
We would like to remind you that toys resembling weapons, including Nerf guns, are not allowed on school grounds. These items can be disruptive to the school environment and may cause safety concerns. Please ensure that your child leaves any such toys at home. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and focused learning atmosphere for all students. Thank you for your support in reinforcing this with your children.” This can be found on page 34 of the parent handbook.
Curriculum Night!
Thank you to all who attended the 7th grade Curriculum Night last night! It was wonderful meeting so many family members of the students who are new to WJHS this year! It was a humid night and the school was warm so thank you for bearing with us! We are excited that design work is underway for the final phase of classroom air conditioning within out district to be completed in the summer of 2025, which will include the remaining first floor classrooms at WJHS.
This year we have worked with the WJHS PTO to build in time for you to grab a refreshment, chat with other WJHS families, and meet additional members of our staff who are here at WJHS to support our students and families. We hope you enjoyed the time during your child's lunch period to talk with fellow parents and check out the PTO table with options for SpiritWear, information about iGNITE, and opportunities to volunteer. Thanks for putting up with the heat - as the people in the room went up so did the temperature!
Also in the cafeteria are our administrators, social workers and psychologists with community resources, our tech specialists to provide PowerSchool support, and the education liaison from the Wilmette Public Library. We are looking forward to meeting you! 8th Grade Families: please click on the link below for the schedule for your Curriculum Night - it has been modified slightly based on our 7th grade Curriculum Night experience.
8th Grade Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 19
- Latin Club Registration will begin Monday, 9/16 at 9am. Attendite students of Latin! Latin Club will be going strong this fall with a fabulous round of activities. Meet Thursdays afterschool in Magistra Shoemaker’s classroom to partake in games, movies and crafts. Race four horse chariots with bed sheets down the halls of WJHS! $120 for 8 sessions 9/26, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21 and 12/5. Sign up at https://wjhspto.membershiptoolkit.com
- Fall Debate Club Registration is FULL. Please click HERE for more information. Questions? Email instructor Aaron Vinson at acesdebateclub@gmail.com.
Thank you to the 7th grade parents who stopped by our PTO table during Curriculum Night yesterday! We look forward to meeting the 8th grade parents next Thursday night 9/19. See more great spiritwear options and personalize your own WJHS SpiritWear by visiting the HumanKind website HERE. HumanKind is owned by a fellow Wilmette mom!
Our lunchroom staff could really use some extra hands serving food to students. There are two spots per day designated for parents to help hand out food as kids go through the lunch line. Can you be available for an hour and half during the day? Sign up HERE as many times as you’d like!
The WJHS PTO has been asked to pass along some relevant community information:
PASS39 is a parent organization committed to supporting parents of children with learning, behavioral, emotional and developmental challenges. Join PASS39 for a coffee hour Friday, October 11th from 9:30-11:30am. If you RSVP to PASS39@wilmette39.org you will receive the location! Preschool kids and younger are welcome too. This is a great way to connect and empathize with fellow parents. Questions? Email PASS39@wilmette39.org.
(All girls high school across from WJHS)
- Fall Shadow Days are happening during September-November.
- A Dance Clinic is offered to girls in 6th-8th grades Friday, September 20th from 6-7pm. All levels of experience are welcome to join us for an evening of rhythm and creativity.
- Join the Regina Dominican’s Flag Football team for a clinic on Saturday, September 28th from 9-11am. Learn fundamentals and field concepts as well as positions and mechanics.
For more information on ALL of the above events please visit www.rdpanthers.org
WJHS Lost & Found
We have a Lost & Found at WJHS that is located in the school cafeteria. Like your laundry pile at home, it grows and grows and grows with every day we are in school! If you feel like the jackets, lunch bags, water bottles, etc. are running away, please visit the WJHS Lost & Found - it might be here! We throw away lunch bags at the end of every month (they are very smelly by that point) and donate all of our Lost & Found items at Winter Break. You can visit Monday through Friday, 2 - 3:30, or call to make arrangements. Thank you!
SEL News
During our Curriculum Nights across the district, we have enjoyed sharing with you the focus of our SEL curricula in our classrooms, as well as the objectives targeted at each grade level. Information about social-emotional learning in D39 can be found HERE. Be sure to check it out for information about what your child is learning, how to support social-emotional learning at home, and gain information about resources available to families.
Additionally, at Curriculum Night, we shared the District 39 commitment to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that fosters a mindset of empathy, respect, and belonging for all district students and staff. To help foster this inclusive mindset, we are focusing on monthly themes throughout the year. As classrooms explore these themes, students will be able to learn about their identities, understand the unique qualities and perspectives of their classmates and community, and gain insight into celebrations and traditions from around the world.
SEPTEMBER: Our Names are Important
OCTOBER: Our Identities are important
NOVEMBER: Our Families are Important
DECEMBER: Our Traditions are Important
JANUARY: Our Actions are Important
FEBRUARY: Our Features are Important
MARCH: Our Foods are Important
APRIL: Our Abilities are Important
MAY: Our Histories are Important
With September focusing on the importance of our names, we encourage you at home to have a discussion with your child about their name, how their name came to be, and if there is any significance to their name story. It could prompt a fun dinner conversation for the whole family!
HIGH FIVE CHOIR 2024-25 Fall
The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir strives to provide a safe, affirming learning environment in which students of all abilities come together to create and experience music, build friendships, and raise awareness against stereotypes of differently abled people. This club was designed after the High-5 Choir that is offered at New Trier High School. The Wilmette High Five Junior Choir aims to share the love of music with peers regardless of abilities, share our voices through music, and have a lot of fun! If you want to better understand what High Five Junior Choir is, please watch this video.
Club days and times: Thursdays, 3:45 – 4:45, Sep 19, 2024 – Jan 16, 2025
Club meeting location: HMS Music Room 134
Winter concert dates and times: Jan 23, 2025, 4:15 – 4:45 pm, HMS Auditorium
Instructor: HMS Music Director, Mrs. Martin
Club fee: $125
Registration Link: https://www.highcrestpto.org/afterschoolclubs
District Update
Board of Education – Committee of the Whole Meeting Recap
This past Monday, the Board of Education gathered for its monthly Committee of the Whole meeting. These committee meetings inform the Board’s monthly business meeting and offer the group an opportunity to review, discuss, and provide valuable insight on District initiatives. While the Board gives its final approval to these initiatives during its regular business meeting, these important committee meetings are characterized by dialogue and an exchange of ideas. Just like the monthly business meetings, these committee meetings are open to in-person attendance and also streamed live on our YouTube channel, with a recording also made available for viewing.
At last Monday’s meeting, the Board was presented with a final draft of our Strategic Plan Action Steps for 2024-25 and also reviewed the summer 2025 construction budget. The agenda and accompanying materials for this meeting are available online.
Parent Education Events – Let’s Play Series
District 39 is proud to be partnering with the Alliance for Early Childhood, Wilmette Public Library, and BackYard Nature Center for a series of Parent Education events designed to highlight the benefits of free play for our students. These events are meant to be a family adventure into creative, child-led free play that sparks imagination and fuels growth. This experience is designed for you and your child(ren) to explore a variety of fun-filled activities designed to flex your “play muscles” and strengthen your bond. The schedule for these events is listed below. Registration is required and can be done online through the respective school links.
McKenzie Wednesday, Oct. 2 3:30-4:30 pm
Romona Monday, Oct. 7 3:30-4:30 pm
Harper Friday, Oct. 18 2:30-3:30 pm
Central Monday, Oct. 21 3:30-4:30 pm
Highcrest Monday, Oct. 28 3:50-4:50 pm
Parent Education Event – Researched-Based Mathematics
D39 is offering a Parent Education event, titled “Researched-Based Mathematics Teaching and Learning,” on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 11 am. This event will be held virtually via Zoom. Dr. Jen Munson, an assistant professor of learning sciences at Northwestern University, with a Ph.D. in Teacher Education and Mathematics Education from Stanford University, will help our families gain insight into the ways children understand and engage with math. Learn what research suggests students need in order to develop strong mathematical skills. Registration is open for this event.
Looking For Fulfilling Work? Join Our District 39 Team!
District 39 seeks caring and qualified individuals to join our D39 team! We are accepting applications for paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, a substitute nurse, and maintenance/custodial associates. If you are interested in working as part of a dynamic team in a vibrant and welcoming setting, or know of someone who may be, please visit our D39 employment webpage.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family