St. Stan Star
March 6th, 2025
A note from Mrs. Forbis
If you were at Mass last Friday you witnessed something truly amazing. The students sang His Banner Over Me is Love with actions. At first, their actions were small, unsure about doing actions in church, but as the song went on their actions grew. It was a beautiful sight to hear and see and brought tears to my eyes. It definitely made my morning, and I know the congregation appreciated it also.
Congratulations: Congratulations to our 2nd graders on making their First Reconciliation this past weekend. Congratulations to our 7th graders on receiving the sacrament of Confirmation this week.
Staff Treat: Thank you to Jamie Markway and family for the coffee and pies this week. Everything was delicious.
Read Across America: We had some special guests from Helias read to some of our students. Thank you for taking time out of your school day to make our kids feel special.
3rd Quarter: The third quarter has been pushed back to Friday, March 14th due to multiple snow days. Report cards will be sent out electronically on Wednesday, March 19th.
Enrollment: In order to help prepare for our upcoming school year, please send in your enrollment as soon as possible. Please contact the office if you did not receive registration information.
PreK and Kindergarten Screening: Screenings for new PreK 4 and Kindergarten students registered for the 2025-2026 school year will be on Tuesday, March 11th. A link was sent out to sign up for a time. Please contact the office if you did not receive the link. We only screen new incoming PreK 4 and Kindergarten students.
Have a great weekend, and make sure to spend some time with God at Mass!
Many blessings,
Mrs. Forbis
Counselor Newsletter for March
Midwest March for Life
Pizza Haus Fundraiser March 31 - April 11
St. Stanislaus Home & School Association is hosting a Pizza Haus fundraiser March 31 - April 11
- Families are not obligated to buy! Funds will go to Home and School supported causes and events (student treats, school bus fees, field day, etc). Community members are also welcome to order!
- Forms will go home with students March 31 or be located in the back of church.
- Payment is due at the time the order is placed. Order forms and payment can be turned in to the school office marked "Home & School".
- The frozen pizzas can be picked up April 29th 3:30 pm -6:00 pm in the school cafeteria.
- Contact ststanhs@ststan.net with questions.
20% to 30% off at Lands' End
Steps for printing tax receipts.
- St. Stanislaus school code is SSS-MO
- Log on to your FACTS act
- click Family Portal on the left
- On the right you will see Financial Home
- On the home page, click View Details
- Click View Payment summary on the details screen
- Ensure the correct Calendar Year or date range is selected
- Click Print
Supplies needed for Art
- Newspapers
- One sided paper
Blood Drive - St. Stanislaus Church
Where: In the school Gymnasium
When: Sunday, March 16th, 2025
Time: 8:00am to 12:30pm
Save the date. Walk for Life - Sunday, September 14
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather, families will be notified in a text alert and email through FACTS. In most cases, a decision will be made by 6:30 a.m.
Early Dismissal: If we have an early dismissal due to inclement weather there will NOT be after school care. Other arrangements will need to be made if your child normally attends after care.
Late Start: In the event of a late start, students can be dropped off at 9:20 a.m. and school will begin at 9:40 a.m. There will be NO early morning care.