Maungatapere School
Newsletter 22 March 2024
From the Principal
Parent volunteers are the backbone
Y3/4 trip
Parent Volunteers are the backbone of Maungatapere School extra curriculum programmes or (EOTC) Education Outside the Classroom. On Tuesday the 19 th the Y3/4 classes travelled in cars to Taiharuru for an Experiencing Marine Reserve day. It wasn’t a marine reserve, but was the most
appropriate location given the weather conditions. 68 students attended, 37 parents (the backbone)
were parent volunteers who had specific roles supporting the children.
Sadly, I didn’t get to go. Therefore, I asked some students to visit my office and tell me all about it.
We went snorkelling. I enjoyed it, because it was a fun experience for me. I had only done it once
before. I also saw heaps of seaweed, since I brought my own snorkel and wetsuit. My wetsuit was
only up to my knees and elbows. So the seaweed spiked my legs and hurt, but I got over it.
Kaden Duff R1
I saw a snapper flipping a kina and eating it. We made a big sandcastle with all of my friends and it
had tunnels. At the end of the day it was broken.
Jackson Fidler R3
It was hard for the baby snappers, because they can’t eat the kina because their mouths are too
small to flip the kina to eat them. The kina eats the seaweed, so the fish will not have a home.
Corbin Fergusson R2
I saw an octopus on the sand when I was snorkelling. I saw a goat fish. I know it was a goatfish
because it has whiskers on it. Pippa told us. We made a sandcastle and it was a really fun day.
Ava Sole R2
We did these activities, we had a hoop and put it on the sand. We had to name all of the things that
were inside the hoop. Some of the things we found were, seaweed, driftwood, shells, wood and the
popping seaweed. Each classroom created a room number out of sand and decorated it. Avery Morgan R1
We made sandcastles and when we were digging the sand up, there was lots sand hoppers. They
jumped really high and they looked like sand because they were camouflaged. We decorated the
sandcastles. Amelia Kelly R3
As part of our EOTC review both deputy principals attended the day. Whaea Rachael was in the role of a teacher, with Mrs Goodison standing back as overall life guard. The extensive review is not just
about new documents and ticking boxes, it is about doing the careful thinking and planning to
eliminate/reduce risk at these events. Both deputy principals will be feeding back to staff their
observations from the day to improve practice and help all staff plan safe events moving forward.
Again, a huge thankyou to the parent volunteers worked with the children to give them a positive
learning experience.
Maunga Mahem 2.0 – this weekend – Saturday 23rd March
Parent volunteers are the backbone
Today, I am finishing off the newsletter a day later than normal. All week the busy Maunga Mayhem
team have been ramping up the hours, at school, at each other’s houses and behind the scenes.
There will be time to thank everyone later. There is a lot of excitement about the new venue. The
planning team will be going over their planning, going through multiple checklists and coordinating
this epic event. I wish them well and look forward to the day and seeing everyone enjoying
themselves. Spare a thought on the day, for this group of organisers, and how much they have done
to both raise money for your children and support the school. At the end of the day there will be
some incredibly tired organisers, who have really burnt the candle at both ends.
Charlotte Child Rm3 For making her learning happen and working diligently to finish her work.
Jacob Spratt Rm6 For being a great role model in Room 6 through leading by example.
Georgia Child Rm4 Consistent effort in mathematics - amazing mahi!
Holley Robertson Rm14 For having a super attitude to her learning and not being afraid of giving new challenges a go.
Annie Cullen Rm8 Perseverance at camp and willingness to give things a go.
Hannah Booth Rm9 Awesome effort in class and writing an amazing swimming sports recount.
Althea Dolan R12 For superhero effort to make her learning happen in Room 12.
Jacob MacDonald Rm12 For being a super role model in Room 12, doing the right thing at the right time.
Stevie-Rae Maxwell Rm6 For being a focused and diligent learner.
Our Inter-School Swimmers
Deciding when to give your child access to their first smartphone can be tricky. Most have probably already been using a digital device such as an iPad or tablet, but giving children their first smartphone can often feel like a big move for parents. So, when is the right time to take the plunge?
Here is a really well written article by a world renowned expert, delving into how to best tackle a cell phone in your family.
School Term Dates
23rd Mar MAUNGA MAHEM – significant Maungatapere School fundraiser sporting event
29th Mar GOOD FRIDAY – no school
1st Apr EASTER MONDAY – no school
2nd Apr EASTER TUESDAY – no school
4th Apr Y5/6 Surf Trip to Tutukaka
12th Apr Last day of Term 1
29th April Staff Only Day
Work by Ella Luke
Year 7/8 Technology Programme at Tauraroa Area School Room 6,7,8 all on a Friday.
23rd February
8th March
22nd March
5th April
Carpark Reminder
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool