Greenwood Elementary
What's Happening Around our Nest!
September 23-27, 2024
Mark your Calendars
Saturday, September 21st
9:00 am Band Instrument Rental Meeting @WHS
Monday, September 23rd
NO Everyone Reads
Tuesday, September 24th
5th Grade after school Orchestra
after school Art Club
7:00 Board of Education Meeting @WHS Library
Wednesday, September 25th
3:30-7:00 Band Bootcamp @CMS
Thursday, September 26th
School Store
Friday, September 27th
Monday, September 30th
Important Information
Water Bottles
As part of our effort to promote healthy habits and maintain cleanliness in the classroom, we kindly remind you that only water should be brought in water bottles. Please avoid sending juices, sodas, or other beverages in their bottles.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in ensuring our students stay hydrated and our classrooms stay clean!
Technology Help
Please contact the Technology Department through ZenDesk for all Technology requests, repairs, etc....
CB bags
Lost CBs
Missing Keys
OS not working correctly
Food Service
Please Visit the D200 Food Service Website for important information and to manage your child's lunch account.
Mealtime Accounts
Free &reduced Meal Applications
Handle With Care
Our staff thrives on supporting our students emotionally and academically. Students may have a hard time learning if they are dealing with difficult situations at school or at home. If your child or family is experiencing difficulties at home, and you think your child needs a to be "Handled with Care" a little more than normal, we want to know. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult situation, night, morning, or weekend please let us know. Please leave one of us a message on our online form. This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help during the school day.
Fall Picture Day
Picture Day for Greenwood Elementary School is scheduled for Friday, Oct 4.
This event's Order Code is 87159KF.
Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day.
SOAR Expectations
We strive to make our school a safe place where ALL students can learn. Ask your students what SOAR means and ways they can:
SHOW Integrity
OWN their Learning
ACCEPT Responsibility
RESPECT Self and Others
Morning Drop Off
- You may drop students off starting at 7:10am.
- There is no parking allowed in the drop off line. If you need to enter Greenwood please park in the parking lot at the front of the school.
- When dropping your child off at school, please pull forward as far as you can so we can accommodate as many cars as possible.
- It is important that you stay in your car and say goodbye quickly.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive after 7:20, an adult will need sign their child into the office. Please park your car and accompany your child into the building.
Changes in your child's school day
Please call the office if your child's transportation at the end of the day is different. We need this information by 1:30. Otherwise, we may not be able to accommodate your request.
Upcoming Dates to add to your Calendar
September 23rd: NO Everyone Reads
October 4th: Picture Day
October 9th-10th: Parent Teacher Conferences (NO Everyone Reads)
October 11th: No School
October 14th: No School
October 24th: 1/2 Day (NO Everyone Reads)
October 28th: NO Everyone Reads
November 5th: No School
November 7th: End of 1st Trimester
November 11th: No School
November 18th: NO Everyone Reads
November 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 9th: NO Everyone Reads
December 21st First Day of Winter Break
Extra Curricular
Art Club
Here are the dates for the Fall session on Art Club:
9/10, 9/24, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, & 12/3.