Winter Break is Here!
Meadowbrook Family Newsletter Sat. 12/21/24 – Sunday, 1/5/25
Thank you again for all of your generous Toys for Tots donations!
Whether it's cloudy, snowy, or sunny...
🌨️ “I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'” - Lewis Carroll
Second Grade School Spirit!
What an amazing Winter Kindergarten Show for Families
🧣 Learning About the Season - Looking for something interesting over the break?
What Makes Winter, Winter?
- Here's a post from National Geographic that explains what a season is, and describes seasons in different parts of the world. It's a resource for 6th - 12th grade students if you have older kids at home.
- From Education World, a great list of winter-themed resources, across all subjects and ages (and it's not too overwhelming!)
- Here's a really cool list of science experiments for winter. No cold and snow where you are? No worries. A freezer will suffice :)
January Calendar and Events
January 6th - BACK TO SCHOOL
January 8th - All-School Assembly - BMX BIKER and PBIS EVENT during the school day; PTG Mtg. 6:30pm in the Library
January 20th - No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21st - SEAC Mtg., 6:30pm Cole Library
January 27th - Second Quarter Ends
Thank you for providing our Staff an incredible Cookie Swap before the break
Great news!
If all goes well, and the weather cooperates, our preschool students should be able to use a brand new playground after our Winter Break!
🥶 Exploring Hibernation 🧦
Some Science Related Things You Could Do at Home
Sharing this one with our Faculty & Staff, too
Remember - Attendance Matters - Especially as Mid-Year Approaches
Combating Absenteeism - East Greenwich Public Schools, SIT, and RI Dept. of Education initiative
It's #Cool2BeInSchoolRI! Recently, the RI Dept. of Education launched our #AttendanceMattersRI campaign to mitigate chronic absenteeism in Rhode Island.
The State, in conjunction with the school districts, are emphasizing the importance of attending school every day and introduced a new and improved data dashboard for tracking absenteeism rates throughout the state. Click on the link to see where the schools across the state rank in this area. Meadowbrook and all EG Schools have faired very well this year. We have been trying our best to consistently address attendance issues with families on an individual basis. Our Nurse, Social Worker, School Psychologist, and Principal are here to help families in need.
Research shows that chronic absenteeism, defined in Rhode Island as missing 10% or more of the school year (typically 18 days a year or two a month), is associated with a number of negative consequences for students, including lower achievement, disengagement from school, course failure, and an increased risk of dropping out. Our new data tools and incentives will shed a light on attendance trends and help schools, districts, and the larger community develop targeted interventions to make sure our students are in school.
To truly move the needle and improve student outcomes, everyone - from community organizations to pediatricians to local businesses - needs to join in this statewide campaign and ensure our families understand the importance of regular attendance. To read more about our #AttendanceMattersRI campaign, click here.
This note was modified from the original message sent last winter by our Commissioner of Education, Mrs. Infante Green.
Aramark Food Services Information and Menus
EGPS Menus can be found HERE
Free and Reduced Meal Hard Copy Application
Free and Reduced Lunch Online Application - MySchoolApps
Student Meal Account Payments - MySchoolBucks
FY 25 Meal Program - Application Guidelines
FY 25 Meal Program - Household Letter
For a paper copy of the free and reduced meal application, please contact Cheryl Augaitis, caugaitis@egsd.net
Requests/Feedback - EGPS' Aramark Manager:
Monique Herard, herard-monique@aramark.com, 398-1610
School Department and Town Information:
EGPS and Community Information
Superintendent's Notes
Superintendent Ricca's Monthly Family Memo - December 2024
East Greenwich Public Schools - Calendar Information
Monday, December 23, 2024 - Friday, January 3, 2025 - Holiday Recess, Schools are closed.
Monday, January 6, 2024 - Schools reopen
East Greenwich Community Events & Information
Tacos for a Cause hosted by Codessa Restaurant
Assistance for EGPS Families Displaced by the Brookside Terrace fire
Monday, December 23, 2024
11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Dine in or Take out
721 Quaker Lane, West Warwick, RI
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
This is not an East Greenwich Public Schools sponsored event
Summer Reading Prg - Not an EG Sponsored Activity - Approved to send out
Important Message from the RI Dept. of Education:
RIDE would like to remind you of the MLL Regulations Public Comment period, the public is invited to provide public comment on the regulations on the following dates: As part of the regulatory process, a 46-day public comment period will be open from December 6, 2024, through January 20, 2025. Individuals may submit public comment regarding the proposed regulatory language in the following manner: An infographic and an overview document of the changes and rationales are available on the MLL RIDE webpage. (Multiple languages available.)