Parent Newsletter
August 7
Dear Irma Rangel Families,
I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed holiday break! It's important for our students to rest and rejuvenate during this time. I hope families can spend quality time together, and for those who cannot, I wish you comfort during your time apart.
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who helped serve hot chocolate on Polar Express Day! A special shoutout to our PTSA for their dedication in making our events truly special. We are so appreciative of all your support.
Thank you to the families who donated treats for Polar Express Day; the abundance of goodies brought so much joy to our students as they enjoyed their sweet treats with hot chocolate. This day wouldn't have been so seamless without our wonderful Rangel Families!
Wishing you all a joyful holiday season! We will see all back on January 7th.
Warm regards,
Ms. Rojas
Irma Rangel Mission and Vision Statements
Calendar of Events
Time Change- 2nd Updated ACP Schedule- Release is now 2:25 p.m. per DISD
To allow sufficient time for the administration of ACPs and to ensure that transportation meets the needs of all schools, early release dismissal times have been adjusted as outlined below.
8th Grade Family Night- Save the Date - January 9th
We would love your help! Volunteer for Morning or Afternoon Bus Duty
Field Trip Chaperones Needed
Rangel Campus Tours are Now Open
Rangel campus tours are now open! If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about our school, we highly encourage you to sign up. Tours are offered Mondays and Tuesdays in rotation. We would love to see you here! 🐾
Application Window open 11-1! Make sure to tell your friends who are interested!
Save the Date for Fam Jam Dates- Districtwide Community Events
LULAC Parents- Collect Empty Ink Cartidges
Meet your College Success Advisor and EIF Mentor
Senior Privileges - Class of 2025
Clinic Information
Medication Forms
If your student requires any medication at school please have their provider fill out the medication form attached and returned to school with their medication.
Si su estudiante requiere algun medicamento en la escuela, pidale a proveedor que complete el formulario de medicamento adjunto y lo devuelva a la escuela con su medicamento.
Immunization requirements are determined by the state legislature and set by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Immunizations are critical to preventing disease outbreaks and ensure the health of students. This list summarizes the immunizations required for enrollment.
Please see PDF if your child is up to date on their vaccines and please turn in a copy to the clinic.
Por favor de verificar si su estudiante tiene todos sus vacunas que se requiere para la escuela y por favor de entregar una copia a la clinica.
- If a student or staff member tests positive for Covid-19, they are excluded from school until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication.
- If a student or staff member is exposed to someone diagnosed with Covid-19, they are NOT required to stay home.
Sign Up for the PTSA Newsletter
24-25 Uniform Dress Code and Expectations
Remind Codes for 24-25 School Year
Attendance For Credit- All you need to know if your child is absent.
Irma Rangel Bell Schedule 24-25
Rangel Rotating A/B Schedule - Spring Semester
Car Riders- Drop off and Pick Up for Students- For Student Safety Please REVIEW
24-25 Bus Routes- Transportation
Administrative Team -24-25
Yvonne Rojas- Principal
Tara Djamat - Dubios (Brown) - Assistant Principal
Pipeir Greene - Magnet Program Coordinator
Perla Calderon - High School Counselor
Jordan George - Middle School Counselor
Diana White - Testing Coordinator
Erika Gonzales - College Success Advisor
Cynthia Mendez - Office Manager
Carmen Robinson - Registrar (Attendance)