Morton Ranch Elementary

I am thrilled to announce that Andrea Browder, our exceptional 1st grade teacher, has been named MRE Teacher of the Year! Her hard work, dedication, and passion for teaching are truly deserving of this recognition.
Additionally, we are excited to share that Camila Quinones, our talented Kindergarten teacher, will represent MRE as Rookie Teacher of the Year. Camila’s enthusiasm and commitment to her students make her an outstanding addition to our team.
The Ranch is incredibly fortunate to have such dedicated and inspiring educators who go above and beyond to make a positive impact on our students every day.
Congratulations to both Andrea and Camila!
Our fundraiser continues! There's still time to support our school!
Morton Ranch Elementary is a school where student learning thrives and children feel good about the place they call their school. We believe this is because of the incredible students who attend Morton Ranch Elementary, the awesome staff who believe relationships with students are key to optimal learning, and more importantly, the incredible support of our families.
We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and fun things we do here without your monetary support. Any amount donated is truly appreciated.
With your generosity and support, we hope to use the funds raised for the following:
- Student Enrichment Programs
- Grade Level Grants
- Teacher Appreciation
- Family Events...and more!
Our Adventure Dash Fun Run is off to a Great Start!
🌟Get your child registered today: https://www.gopledge.com/donater_page/?url=MRES25
💌 Share your child’s link via email, text, or social media for donations! Contributions go toward earning Dash Day Band Incentives and Classroom Parties.
-Weekend Challenge = FOAM PARTY
-1/21 Tuesday Night = SLIME BAND
-1/22 Wednesday Night = MUD PIE BAND
-1/23Thursday Night = FOOD FIGHT BAND
**$300 Total Donations = ALL Bands**
🏆 CLASSROOM PARTIES: Every class has the chance to celebrate together!
-$500 = Extra Recess for the class!!
-$1,000 = Brain Break
-$1,500 = Disco Dance Party
-$2,000 = Human Rainbow Your Teacher
💡 Reminder: Every child will join the Fun Run, whether they collect donations or not.
📣 Stay updated! Follow the PTA’s Facebook page and check Dojo often for announcements.
Mavericks will race on Friday, January 24th!
We are watching the forecast very closely and the contingency plan is to have our Adventure Dash Fun Run indoors in the gym. This will ensure that our Mavs stay safe and warm!
Keep an eye on the weather, our school updates and remember to dress in comfortable shoes. It might be a good idea to dress in layers in case our event is moved inside!
Spirit Night on January 30th!
Attention Parents and Families of Emergent Bilingual & Immigrant Students
As part of the Title III initiatives, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is offering a community
engagement event for parents and families of emergent bilingual (EB) and immigrant students in grades PK-12.
The event details are as follows:
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Click here to register for the event via ZOOM!
Join us for a wonderful musical play!
Morton Ranch Elementary 4th Graders Proudly Present:
Off Their Rockers- A fun-filled one act musical play!
Thursday, January 23rd
Performance for students/staff at 10:40 a.m.
Evening performance for families and visitors at 5:30
Human Growth & Development - House Bill 1525
In accordance with Texas Education Code 28.004 and House Bill 1525, 4th and 5th grade students will receive instruction on the required health Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) specific to human growth and development.
Under Texas statute, parents must provide written consent for their 4th and 5th grade student(s) to participate in lessons that address the topics of human growth and development.
On Monday, February 3, 2025, parents/guardians of 4th and 5th grade students will receive detailed
information via email regarding viewing the associated lessons and the process for recording their
decision for their student to participate in the lessons.
Outlined below are the timeframes for the parent consent process and the scheduled instructional
Parent Opt-In Window: February 3rd – March 7th
Instruction Window: April 7th – May 22nd
Student Survey by K12 Insight
In compliance with Senate Bill 2050, passed during the 87th Legislative Session, all Texas school districts are required to collect information annually through student surveys on bullying and cyberbullying. The results of these surveys help develop action plans to address student concerns.
All Katy ISD students in grades 4-12 are invited to participate in an online survey administered by K12 Insight. As a trusted provider of online surveys for school districts nationwide, K12 Insight ensures the confidentiality of participants’ responses.
Students will be asked to enter their student ID numbers to maintain data integrity. These IDs are used solely to verify participation by campus and grade level. K12 Insight does not share data that links participants to their individual responses with Katy ISD or any external parties.
Students will complete the survey in their classroom during the survey administration window, February 18- March 7. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you wish to opt your child out of the survey, please log in to MyKaty and select the KISD Option Portal icon.
The deadline to opt out is February 9, 2025.
Order Your 24-25 Yearbook before it's too late!
There's nothing like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year.
Although orders are due in a few weeks, the books will be delivered to campus at the end of the semester.
Lessons & Checkouts for this week:
Lessons this week:
2nd & 4th, Pre-K, Life Skills, ECSE
Checkout ONLY:
Kinder & 1st
Books Alive! visits MRE on January 23rd
For over twelve years, the Books Alive! team has endeavored to fulfill its mission to unify and heal through the arts by creating engaging programming that appeals to educators and students alike.
Our very name illustrates our primary program -bringing BOOKS ALIVE! by presenting beloved children’s books adapted into original, fully staged musicals, brought to life by our professional touring company, promoting literacy and introducing audiences to the magic of theatre!
The following grade levels will attend the performance in the library:
Kinder – 9:40-10:25
Pre-K – 10:40-11:25
1st – 11:40 – 12:25
Book Fair Preview-January 30th & 31st
- Families may also shop during International Night 5:30-7:00.
- Please note: The book fair will NOT be open on Friday, February 7th.
Families may shop online during a longer timeframe -beginning January 29 and ending February 11th. Scholastic can deliver books ordered online directly to the student’s home.
Families may choose to set up a cash-free, worry-free E-Wallet Account. Kids will be able to shop the fair using a printable bar code or staff can look up the name at the register.
E-Wallets can be set up beginning January 29th.
To learn more about how E-Wallets work, please click here.
MRE proudly invites students and their immediate family members to International Night!
Thursday, February 6th
This is our 4th year hosting an international night and we promise, you will not want to miss this event!
Students receive a "passport" and go around visiting tables to learn about other countries, cultures, and customs! We have a few exciting performances taking place that evening.
We will share more details in upcoming weeks regarding ways you can volunteer for this event! Stay tuned!
Important Dates...
January 20th
- Holiday for Students & Staff-Campus Closed
January 21st
- "Tooth Fairy" Visits PK/K/1st in LGI
January 22nd
- 3rd-5th Grade Students Take Reading Language Arts Interim
- KISD District Course Selection Fair (Parents of Current 5th Graders)
January 23rd
4th Grade Musical Performance at MRE (GYM)
- Performance for students/staff at 10:40 a.m.
- Evening performance for families and visitors at 5:30
Library Event:
- Books Alive! Performance for Students/Staff in PK/K/1st
January 24
January 29
- 100th Day of School
January 30
- PTA Spirit Night at Jason's Deli at 380 S. Mason Road. from 5:00-9:00
February 3
- Book Fair Opens in the MRE Library
February 6
- International Night at MRE from 5:30-7:00
- Book Fair Open During International Night (final opportunity to shop)
February 7
- Dental Hygiene Presentation during specials (Grades 2-5)
February 10
- School Bus Driver Appreciation Week
February 11
- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Houston Museum of Natural Science
February 14th
- Friendship Parties (students/staff)
February 17th
- Campus Professional Learning Day (No Students)
February 21
- Volunteer Work Day- 'Howdy Helpers"
February 28
- 3rd Grade Field Trip to Blessington Farms
March 4
- PTA Donuts with Grown Ups
- 3rd, 4th, 5th Math Interims
March 5
- Career Day at MRE
- Diagnostician Appreciation Day
March 6
- 2nd Grade Musical
March 7
- 5th Grade Field Trip to Shaw Center
- Volunteer Work Day- "Howdy Helpers"
- Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
March 10-14
- Spring Break in Katy ISD
- No School for Students/Staff
March 27
- Spring Picture Day-Individuals
April 4
- School Librarian Day
ALWAYS bring your physical driver’s license or passport with you when you come to school. We are video monitored by the Katy ISD Police Department to make sure we are checking identification for each person that enters the school to ensure the safety of your child and our staff. Therefore, we are unable to let you into the school without proper identification.
Our cafeteria doors open for breakfast at 7:30 AM. and our front entrance doors open at 7:50 AM. We’ve found that having “All Mavs in by 8:10 AM” has been a great help in making sure they are in class ready to learn prior to 8:10 AM. Please have your child ready to exit the car when you are in position to unload. Your child is encouraged to exit on his/her own, if capable. If your child is not in the building by the time the tardy bell rings (8:10 AM), he/she will be sent to the front office for a tardy slip.
If you plan to check out your child early, please do so prior to 2:30 p.m. but after 9:35 am. (This would be considered an early checkout for attendance purposes.) Our schools are funded based on many factors, one important factor being attendance. It is always in the child’s best interest to be in school a full day, but we know that is not always possible. If you need to check your child out for a doctor’s appointment, dentist, etc. towards the end of the school day, it must be done before 2:30 p.m.
Changes of Transportation can be (1) e-mailed to the front office with a copy of the parent or guardian’s driver’s license to MRECOT@katyisd.org (2) hand-written in the front office. Change of transportation requests must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on regular days and 11:30 a.m. on early dismissal days.
Please report absences online when your child is absent on our Morton Ranch Elementary website under the Absence Reporting link. You may also call our front office on (281) 234-0300. Teachers are busy teaching our Mavericks and therefore not able to relay your phone or email message to the attendance clerk.
We understand emailing the teacher is the easiest form of communication. However, it is not acceptable for changes in transportation, reported absences, or early checkouts. You can always email the teacher a “heads up”, but please know that the teacher doesn’t always have time to check email/Dojo/voice messages before or during class.
Plan ahead for rainy/cold weather by sending jackets and umbrellas. (Please write your child’s name on all jackets and sweaters). Children who are bikers/walkers may want to keep a rain poncho in their backpacks. If your child is a biker/walker and there is a chance of bad weather, please make it easy on yourself by submitting the online change of transportation with your child, making him/her a bus or car rider.
**REMINDER** Morton Ranch Elementary does not have an alternate weather dismissal plan. It is the parent's responsibility to watch the weather forecast, decide if a change of transportation is necessary, and submit a change in a timely manner by or before 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please call the front office 281-234-0300.
Students should be seated and in their classrooms no later than 8:10
Our school day begins promptly at 8:10 am.
A parent/guardian of a school-age child has the responsibility to require that his/her child attend school regularly. When sickness or another reason necessitates an absence, a note signed by the parent/guardian or phone call explaining the reason for the absence is required prior to or when the student returns to school. If a student fails to submit a note from the parent or the school does not receive a phone call from the parent, the absence will automatically be considered unexcused.
Absences for vacations, business trips, babysitting, working, and other such reasons shall be considered unexcused. Read here for more information regarding attendance in KISD.
A friendly reminder to all parents: dismissal is at 3:20 p.m. every day, and it is important that students are picked up promptly.
Timely pick-up ensures that students are not left waiting and helps maintain a smooth end to the school day. The front office is reserved for emergency situations only, so please make arrangements to pick up your child on time. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and efficient dismissal process.
Important websites are linked below!
Morton Ranch Elementary
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRE/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2502 North Mason Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-0330
Twitter (X): @MREMavs