Scarborough Middle School
Family Newsletter for 08.23.2024
Hello Scarborough Middle School Families,
Welcome back to school! We are excited to kick off the new school year next week and cannot wait to meet our new students and reconnect with our returning ones.
At Scarborough Middle School, we are dedicated to creating a positive and productive environment that ensures the physical and emotional safety of everyone in our school community. In the first week, we will focus on team-building activities during CREW time and familiarizing everyone with important procedures and protocols.
We look forward to working closely with you throughout the year. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Together, we can ensure that your child has a positive and enriching school experience.
Please take a moment to review the announcements and attachments listed below to ensure you are well informed about the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
Kathy Tirrell, Principal
Chris Murphy, Assistant Principal
PowerSchool eCollect Forms
Scarborough Public Schools will once again be using eCollect for all of the beginning of year forms! For example, the student profile sheet, laptop agreement and fee, medical and health information and many more are ready for parents and guardians to complete online. It is so important to fill out all of these forms so we have the most up to date information in our systems.
If you have not yet done so and need to set up PowerSchool, here is a link to the website - click the red button at the bottom titled "Online Forms Guide" for directions.
School Laptop Fee & Chromebook Information
School Laptop Fee & Chromebook Information
It is strongly encouraged that parents/guardians pay the school laptop fee of $15.00 at the beginning of the school year. An explanation of what the fee covers can be found in the Chromebook Care, Use, & Responsibility Guide. This fee cannot be paid later in the year and/or when damage occurs. You may decline the fee, but in doing so you accept full responsibility for the entire cost of repair or replacement, regardless of whether the damage is accidental. Should you lose or cause non-warranty damage to your device or any peripherals, you will be billed on the following schedule: All chargers $47.92; All cases $25.00; MS Chromebook $457.00. Again, paying the $15.00 laptop fee is strongly encouraged.
Chromebook Care, Use, & Responsibility Guide: Must be signed in the Parent PowerSchool Portal by all families prior to students receiving a laptop.
2024-2025 Scarborough Public Schools Laptop Information Session
Students who have submitted their paperwork will receive laptops on Thursday, August 29 and Tuesday, September 3. Please note that all laptop paperwork needs to be completed by 11:00 pm the day before laptop deployment for your student to get their laptop on time.
Student Drop-Offs:
Morning Drop Off: Please note if you are dropping your student off at school, building doors will open at 7:40am. If there is an occasion where you need to drop your student off prior to 7:40am, they may wait directly outside the doors or in the Main Entrance vestibule.
Bus Drop Off: Our buses will drop off students using the bus loop lane closest to the Main Entrance doors. They will line up upon arrival in those lanes and dismiss students from the bus at 7:40am.
Car Pool Drop Off: If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please enter the middle school campus and move to the left traffic lane upon arrival. You will turn into the visitor parking and outer loop. There will be staff there directing traffic to assist you and to support your child in safely crossing the crosswalk to the Main Building where doors will open at 7:40am.
To ensure the safety of all, please adhere to the following:
Do not pass other cars in the lane.
There will be no parent traffic allowed behind the 6th grade portables, between the middle school and the 6th grade portable, nor in the lot between Wentworth School and the Middle School.
Due to safety concerns, 6th grade students are not allowed to be dropped off in front of the 6th grade portable. Please only drop off 6th grade students in the designated area above.
Google Map for Traffic Pattern:
To ensure the safety of our students, staff and families, please use extra caution and patience when dropping off students. You can view a copy of the arrival and dismissal map here.
Thank you for helping to ensure that all students are dropped off safely at our school.
When students enter the building, students will go directly to breakfast or their CREW. Any student arriving after 8:00 am will need to stop at the Main Office to check in.
We understand that the start of the year involves new routines being set and we will work to support students.
Afternoon Dismissal:
In the afternoon, students who are riding buses will be dismissed first, beginning at 2:20pm. We ask that parents and guardians who are picking up students do not arrive until 2:30pm so that we can safely manage traffic patterns. Once buses have departed, both traffic loops will be open for parent pick up. Students being picked up will wait at the entrance of the main building for their parents to enter the traffic loops.
Dismissal Plan:
2:20pm - Bus Students
2:30pm - Walkers & students being picked up
2:40pm - SMS Athletes and SMS Activities Participants
Your patience with the middle school dropoff and pickup is greatly appreciated!
Student Dismissal During School Day
Late Student Drop Off During School Day
Drop off of Items During the School Day
Our expectation is that students come to school prepared for the day. We are asking families to refrain from bringing items to students during the school day unless it is an essential item. If an essential item needs to be dropped off, families should come to the main office lobby. Office staff will ask the name of the student and about the item being dropped off. Please clearly label items dropped off.
2024-25 Bus Stop Sequence
Here is the 2024-25 Bus Stop Sequence
Please make sure click on the 6-12 bus stop sequence tab at the bottom so you are looking at the Middle School routes.
Schedule Information
In addition, please see below for the Crew assignments to help determine your child's teams.
SMS Learning Communities
What is CREW?
Student Movement Time
Beginning this year, students will be provided time during every full school day to have a movement break. During this supervised, outdoor movement break, students will be provided equipment to play games, appropriately socialize, and get moving! Movement has been shown to relieve stress, improve concentration, and increase student’s ability to retain information during academic classes. We are very excited to provide this opportunity to our SMS students!
Scarborough Nursing Communication
Medications to be stored in the clinic for the 2024-25 school year may be dropped off by an adult starting on August 26th 8am-2:30pm.
Linked here you will find the permission to administer medication at school form to be completed for the upcoming school year. Please remember that both you and your child’s physician must sign a new form/provide medication orders at the beginning of each school year.
Reminder; students may not carry, transport or use medications outside of the clinic with the exception of inhalers, EpiPens, and on rare occasions, certain other emergency medications. Written parental permission, approval of the school nurse, and a physician order indicating that the student may carry and self-administer such medications are required.
Medical orders may be faxed directly to the clinic at 730-4834.
Amanda Eason and Laurel Rothermel
Scarborough Middle School Clinic
Cell Phones/Smartwatches/Earbuds (Personal Electronics)
Dress Code
The Board recognizes that responsibility for the dress and appearance of students rests with individual students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The Board will not interfere with this right unless the personal choices of students create a disruptive influence, per the criteria outlined below, on the school program or affect the health or safety of others.
Students are encouraged to use sound judgment and reflect respect for themselves and others in dress and grooming. In keeping with the goals of the school unit to provide a safe, healthy and non-discriminatory environment for educating students for maximum academic and social development, the following restrictions on dress shall be enforced
The following are prohibited as it relates to clothing, footwear, and accessories:
Items that promote the use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs;
Items that are intended to identify the wearer as a member of a particular gang;
Items with displays that are sexual, vulgar, lewd, violent, indecent or include insulting words (e.g., racial/ethnic slurs). The school administration has the authority to prohibit other logos, pictures or messages which they determine to be in violation of the Board’s nondiscrimination or harassment policies, or disruptive to the school’s learning environment.
Items that are destructive of school property (e.g., cleats, pants with metal inserts that scratch furniture).
School administrators or teachers may require special clothing for health and safety reasons for students participating in physical education, certain extracurricular activities, work with or around machines or other activities. However, no particular brand may be required.(Adopted and revised by the Scarborough Board of Education 07/21/22– Policy JICA)
What to Expect When Visiting Our Schools
Scarborough Public Schools uses the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools to strengthen our program of campus safety for students and staff. Part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our buildings at all times, and the Raptor system allows us to do that. The Raptor system assists in screening visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools and provides a safer environment for our students and staff.
What to Expect:
Upon being allowed through the exterior door of a district building, visitors will be asked to present a photo ID such as a driver’s license.
Your ID will either be scanned or manually entered into the system by office personnel at the transaction window.
Once cleared, you will receive a pre-printed badge with your photo on it.
You will then be directed to the appropriate location that you are going to.
This badge must be worn at all times when in the building.
When in the building, you are only approved to go to the specific location requested. You should not go to any other area of the building without returning to the main office for approval.
When leaving the building, return to the main office and sign out with office personnel.
What does the Raptor System do?
The Raptor system checks to ensure that registered sex offenders are not entering our school campuses without our knowledge. It checks the visitor’s name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded, and the information is not shared with any outside agency.
The Raptor system will check for court issued custodial orders, restraining orders and other custom alerts as established by the School District.
Once entry is approved, a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit will be printed and given to the visitor to wear.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and the Raptor visitor management system allows us to quickly identify those that may present a danger to our students. Thank you in advance for your understanding and your support in enhancing the school safety protocols in our district.
A Message from the Scarborough School Nutrition Program
As a reminder, all breakfast and lunch meals for all students in Scarborough Schools are free for the 2024-2025 school year. All existing students whose parents have an account will be able to order breakfast and lunch using the same procedure as last year, from the Nutrislice app on a device or at the Nutrition Program Menus page.
All new students to the district will have to make a Nutrislice account through the Nutrislice app or website before they can order breakfast and lunch. Parents will need the child's ID # before they can start the registration process.
To order lunch and breakfast:Go to the School Menus Page and click on the purple school menus image. (Nutrislice). At the middle school pre ordering breakfast and lunch is not required but highly recommended.
To add money to an account: Go to School Payment Portal Information website.
Please email Brenda Franklin at if you have any questions or need assistance obtaining your students ID#.
SMS Picture Days
The SMS school picture days are Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10.
You can preorder through
The SMS picture ID # is EVTTF7272
SMS Open House
Grade 6 and 8 will be held on Wednesday, September 11 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Grade 7 will be held Thursday, September 12 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
More information will be shared closer to the event date.
School Supply List 2024-25
IMPORTANT DATES for the Start of the 2024-25 School Year
2024-25 Scarborough School Calendar
First Day of School - Grade 6
Wednesday, August 28
First Day of School - Grade 7 & 8, Day 2 for Grade 6
- Thursday, August 29
No School
- Friday, August 30
No School
- Monday, September 2
Fall Pictures at SMS
Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10
During school day - more details will be shared closer to the dates
Early Release - Wednesday, September 11
Dismissal at 12:55pm
Fall Open Houses at SMS
Wednesday, September 11 -6th and 8th grade
Thursday, September 12- 7th grade
In the evening - more details will be shared closer to the event
7th Grade Vision Checks
- Thursday, September 26
No School
Friday, October 11- STAFF ONLY DAY
Monday, October 14- Indigenous People Day
Early Release - Wednesday, October 16
Dismissal at 12:55pm
SMS Flu Clinic
Thursday, October 24 in am
6th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 2 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
7th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 16 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
8th Grade Celebration and Dance
- Friday, June 6
Scarborough Middle School
Location: 21 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-4800
Twitter: @scarbmeschools