MTSD Momentum Newsletter
September 25, 2024

September Family Survey: Now Open! 📢
All parents and guardians are invited to participate in the September Family Survey. This survey provides an opportunity to gather family feedback regarding the experience with the Mequon-Thiensville School District thus far in the school year. This information will help us continue to improve our approach to supporting students and their families as we prepare and plan to open our schools each year. Please click here to take the September Family Survey by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 2. Only one response per family is needed. Thank you for your engagement in this important feedback opportunity!
2024 MTSD Operational Referendum Update
During its Regular Business meeting on Monday, August 19, the MTSD Board of Education approved a non-recurring operational referendum that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The ballot question will ask Mequon and Thiensville residents to approve a resolution authorizing the district budget to exceed the revenue limit by a total of $26.4 million over four years for non-recurring purposes.
An approved referendum would enable MTSD to:
Balance the budget without tapping into reserves
Develop a competitive compensation system (including higher starting wages for support staff) to aid in the recruitment and retention of high-quality educators and staff
Manage healthcare costs
Move forward with delayed maintenance projects
Protect our Aaa bond rating
Since the Board’s vote in August, we have done much work to engage, inform, and educate the community about our needs and the complexities of school finance. Recent efforts around communication and engagement include:
Launch of Operational Referendum website
Weekly social media posts
Communication & Engagement updates at all public Board meetings
Providing referendum handouts at Board Office Hours and school curriculum nights
Placed an MTSD ad and call to vote in the Ozaukee News Graphic “Celebrate Mequon/Thiensville” editions
Board presentations at PTO meetings and across community groups ongoing
Expanded FAQ section on the Operational Referendum website in response to community questions
Held the first of two Open House & Info Sessions at Homestead on September 16
Sent the first of three mailers to each Mequon-Thiensville resident, every door direct
Filmed footage for two referendum videos to be released in October
Upcoming efforts include:
Preparing two postcard mailers to be distributed in October
Communicating about the second Open House & Info Session to be held at Oriole Lane on Tuesday, October 15
Continuation of updates via direct email and district newsletters
Upcoming publication of two Guest Columns from Board leadership in the Ozaukee News Graphic
For more information on the district’s needs, the proposed operational referendum, exact ballot language, and the property tax impact, please visit www.mtsd.k12.wi.us/referendum. Thank you for your continued attention to these important updates!
Important Voter Deadlines
Your engagement as an informed voter is important. Please note the following election-related dates:
- NOW - Mailing of Absentee Ballots
- Monday, October 14 - Special Deputy Voting at Select Nursing Homes
- Wednesday, October 16 - Deadline to Complete Voter Registration by Mail
- Tuesday, October 22 - In-Person Absentee Voting Begins*
- Friday, November 1 - Deadline to Complete Voter Registration In-Person At Your Local Municipal Clerk's Office
- Tuesday, November 5 - Election Day
*See the Mequon or Thiensville municipal clerk’s office for hours:
Click below to register for the next Open House & Referendum Info Session!
School Attendance Reporting & Communication Information 👇
NEW: Report Student Attendance Through Infinite Campus
New for the 2024-25 school year, parents and guardians are encouraged to submit absence requests for their student/s through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This new process is meant to take the place of submitting student absences via phone or email and, once fully implemented, will provide a more quick and efficient way to manage your student/s’ attendance.
Please click here for directions on submitting an absence request via Infinite Campus on a desktop/laptop computer or on a mobile device.
Please click here to review Frequently Asked Questions about submitting an absence request via Infinite Campus.
MTSD Communication Tip Sheet
We understand that the variety of communication channels used at the district and school levels can seem like a lot to keep track of, though each serves a specific purpose in serving our school community. Please take a moment to review the MTSD Communication Tip Sheet as a one-stop overview of all communication practices and vehicles used by our district.
Board Briefs
Support Our Schools Through MTEF!
The mission of the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation is to develop community-wide private financial support for the Mequon-Thiensville School District and, through grants, to help continue excellence in education. The Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization that benefits all six schools in our district. MTSD is grateful for the support and generosity of the Foundation, and we encourage all community members to support the MTEF through giving directly, partnering through the donation of items or services, participating in MTEF events, and connecting others in your circles to the work of MTEF. To support MTEF during the upcoming spooky season, consider participating in the Trick-or-Trot!
When: Sunday, October 13 @ 1:00 p.m.
Where: Homestead High School
What: 5K Run/Walk - Costumes encouraged!
M-T Recreation Department News
Register for Fall Programs
This guide highlights all FALL activities, classes, and sport camps for preschool, youth, adults and families. You will also find information on Kids' Campus and 4K Wrap Care. Don't miss out on all the great classes we offer. REGISTER NOW!! Classes fill up very quickly!!
Tracking toward 1,000!
Registrations for Fall Adult Activities continue to pour in. We are approaching 1,000 registrations for the season. The individual that ends up being #1,000 will win a small prize from the Rec Department.
📣 MTSD is Hiring! 📣
We encourage all community members to regularly check our certified and support staff listings on WECAN. Current highlighted positions include:
- Head Girls Lacrosse Coach - Homestead High School
- Assistant Girls Lacrosse Coach - Homestead High School
- Long-Term Grade 5 Teacher - Wilson Elementary School
- AVID Tutors - Lake Shore & Steffen Middle Schools and Homestead High School
- Recess Mentors - All elementary schools
Become a Substitute Teacher at MTSD! Click below to Apply! 🍎📚
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, MTSD Instagram account, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram:
Find us on LinkedIn:
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
Board of Education - Referendum Q&A/Office Hours
Thursday, September 26 @ 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Egelhoff Community Room (MTSD District Office) - 5000 W. Mequon Rd.
Thursday, September 26 @ 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Bayshore Mall
MTEF Giveback - Piggly Wiggly
October 1 - 31, all month long
NO SCHOOL - Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3
Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, October 7 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Board Room
Board of Education - Referendum Q&A/Office Hours
Wednesday, October 9 @ 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Board Room
MTEF Trick-or-Trot
Sunday, October 13 @ 1:00 p.m.
Homestead High School
Community Open House & Referendum Info Session
Tuesday, October 15 @ 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Oriole Lane Elementary School
Register and submit questions here
Board of Education - Office Hours
Tuesday, October 22 @ 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Egelhoff Community Room (MTSD District Office) - 5000 W. Mequon Rd.
Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, October 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Board Room